I'm going to America. Episode 1. THIS IS A SERIES!!!

Submitted into Contest #89 in response to: Write a story where one person is trying to say goodbye but keeps getting interrupted.... view prompt


Drama Friendship Romance

I was moving to America. Just when I was starting to know Amber. Like it was the perfect time to move. I had to tell her about it but I just couldn’t. I mean how could I tell her?! Her sister died because of terrorists. Amber needed somebody to lean on and I was the somebody. I just couldn’t leave her. She was going through something I will never know. I was like her listener and somebody she could trust. I didn’t want that bond to break like a twig. I guess it could be my fault… Kind of? I didn’t tell my parents yet of Amber. I just told them about a girl that lost her sister. They didn’t know we were together. My parents could’ve stayed in Paris if I told them, but I was… well… sometimes a coward. I was embarrassed to tell them, so I didn’t really tell them. I’m pretty sure it’s too late to stop to go to America. I mean I always wanted to travel to America. NOT live there. I would have to learn a whole new language, make new friends, and get used to my new house. I know how to speak English but not like Americans. I have to tell Amber that I’m leaving, but I just can’t because I just a coward! After I eat dinner, I wash and go to sleep worried about tomorrow. I wake up at 6:30 because I have to wash, eat breakfast, and drive to my school which is like 15 minutes away. Since I’m a senior at high school, I can drive. I’m in Amber same class and I sit right next to her so we see each other every day. The reason Vie caught my eye first sight was her eye color. Her amber eyes were so beautiful I couldn’t look away. Thankfully, my teacher broke the spell by calling my name. If Mrs. Potts didn’t call on me, I would’ve been latched on to her eyes for the rest of the day. My close buddy, Edward, (not my best friend but very close friend) was hanging out at my house when he told me that he had a MAJOR crush on Amber. I was like in my head. Ohhhh… You don’t dare steal my crush my guy. But what I actually said was a lot different. I told him that she was pretty but not my style. Which was obviously a lie because probably every guy (and possibly some girls) had a MAJOR crush for her. At first, it was just a crush. Then, as I kept talking to her, she was pretty nice, and she came from a nice living family. That’s when I was pretty sure I was in for her. I didn’t tell Edward any of that information because one, he was NOT going to steal Amber. Two that information was meant for me and me only! Since Edward only saw her like three times, he didn’t really know, know her. I personally knew her so that was an advantage for me. I thought she liked me as a classmate and a partner for projects because there was this big project. It was like, fifty points! My teacher drew out our numbers and luckily, I was with my crush. I almost screamed in the classroom which would’ve been very embarrassing and that would’ve earned me a ticket out of the classroom. But I was too late… I tried to hold it but it came out as a squeak. Like a mouse. Fortunately, nobody knew it was me. People heard the squeak. It’s just that nobody suspected me because I was always, “the ACER,” because I have never gotten a B or anything below that. So nobody even thought it would’ve been me. I just looked around me like I was wondering who squeaked. That day couldn’t have been better than that. But it did… That day, Amber looked me in my plain black eye with her beautiful amber eyes. I almost fainted just looking her in the eye. My knee would’ve failed me if I wasn’t sitting! She ripped out a sticky note and wrote, “Do U want to give your phone # so we could work on our project?” WOW! I mean I would never forget that note in my life! Of course I wrote on the note my phone number. Then she wrote back, “Tnks! :)” I still have that sticky note in my desk in my room not in the classroom desk. The next day, I still couldn’t believe that day. I checked my phone and there her phone number was. That day, Edward came over but I mostly was on my phone, checking my phone for texts. Edward sometime creeped up on me to see what kind of thing I was addicted to on my phone. I fortunately looked over my shoulder and spotted Edward. I covered my phone right away. “Yo! Tah heck you creepin over me for!” I kind of screamed/asked him. “What’a hiddin then? Huhhhhhhhhh???” He annoyed me. “Just go play Fortnite or something. I’m working on my project. Pleazzz.” I said obviously annoyed. I added a hint of madness inside too. “Ok then let me see. Huh? Come on! Show me!” He said getting on my last nerves. “Yo, I swear. If you say one more thing, I’m actually going to kick you out of this house faster that a year-old moldy pizza. Yo, I swear.” I said dead serious. Then he finally shut up. After that, our took a crack. We still said hi to each other if we saw each other but we didn’t hang out or anything. One morning on a Saturday, I texted Amber to see if she wanted to hang out at Starbucks or something for our project. She later answered with a smiley emoji. I wore my best casual shirt. It wasn’t like we were going out or anything… We were going to talk about our project. At first, it was really awkward… Like a LOT awkward. We just sat there looking at each other. I couldn’t look her in the eyes because I was going to faint if I did. That would be embarrassing. Then, once our drinks came, we started to talk about the project. That’s when Edward had to crash the place. He just came at the perfect time. At first, he just looked at me like, “Ummm… Are you guys like… going out or somethin’?” I just said we were talking about our project. Then he looked at me like I was dead meat. I was like, “What!?” He just starred at me like our friendship just took a leap to the black hole, but I didn’t care. Amber was sitting in front of me, and it was, no had been the best time I was having in my life before Edward just came barging in to Starbucks. Still. Amber then told me about a bombing. The tragedy that changed her whole life. Two months earlier (at that time) there was a massive terror at Paris. Several bombings occurred. Amber’s sister was out at a rock concert at a park when a man came and denoted the bombs. The bombing was so big that it wiped out all the people that were in a fifty-foot range were dead. Amber’s sister, Bree, was around ten so she was almost the first one to get the hit. I felt like I got hit in the face with a hammer. I told her I was so sorry for her. I said I knew what that felt like because I already lost someone very close to me. It was my brother that got killed. In a car accident. That was the first time I told anybody else the story. 

April 16, 2021 04:55

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Amel Parvez
10:13 May 24, 2021



Somegenius Kid
04:40 May 25, 2021



Amel Parvez
05:37 May 25, 2021

You're welcome. <3


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Graham Kinross
10:07 Nov 24, 2021

Nice. I’ll read the next one soon.


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