African American Creative Nonfiction Suspense

Chapter 1: Origin Story

Every superhero ever known in human history has an origin story. Just like Wonder Woman with her magical, women's only cult. And superman with his exploding planet and spaceship. Yeah, as you can tell I'm not the comic-type. But I will tell you I am a reader. Some people don't understand the magic of books.

When you read you get to know the character. How he or she started. What it takes to overcome problems. Maybe even learn life lessons from them. In other words, sometimes characters of books have origin stories. I don't know if it's a psychological thing but you can really get connected with a character by reading.

So who am I?


My name is JaTerra "Cookie" Lavonne Rebelle Davis and this is my origin story.

Chapter 2: Johnny

It started with my biological dad. He's the main person who contributed to who I am today even though he hasn't been here with me at all. All my life I've only wanted him to be apart of my family. Watch me grow up. See what I've become. But that's not an option anymore.

I believe I was in the first grade; which would have made me 5 or 6. Johnny, my grandpa, and half-sister came to visit me when I was living in Baton Rouge, LA. My step-dad, who gets talked about later on in the story, told me that they didn't bring me any gifts.

Of course, me being a child, I threw a fit. According to my mom, she told me I told all of them to get out of the house. They did, but only my grandpa and sister came back.

Most of my pent-up emotions come from the confusion as to why he never came back. When I was in middle school, I texted him multiple times and he never texted back. I even tried to ask him when he was responding and he avoided the question.

I guess though, it's alright. I have a family that cares about me. And I know who I need in my life.

It stills hurts to look in the mirror and be reminded every day that you look like your soft-hearted dad. I catch myself every time I try to say "He's not your real dad. Josh (my step-dad) is."

It sucks. It really does.

Chapter 3: "Show Ya' How to be the Man, How to Be the Boss."

I'd like to think of myself as a kind-hearted person who likes to help any way I can. I am trust-worthy when you need to talk or you just need a hug. I'm always going to be a support to people even if I don't know you. I guess I have to thank my birthday for that.

I was born on September 28, 2005. That makes me a Libra. Libras are naturally kind to everyone and they love people. They especially love talking to people. But there's one thing that's inaccurate: nature.

I hate the outside. I remember my family and I went camping when I was around 8 or 9 and I hated every second of it. The bugs, the darkness, the ground; I just couldn't stay out there for too long. There was absolutely NO WAY I was going to sleep on the ground with the bugs and the dirt and the creepy creatures. So I slept in the car.

It wasn't too comfortable but it was better than sleepy on the dirty ground.

My grandpa told me one time: "There are three kinds of leaders in life: leaders through power and position, leaders who get "elected" for it, and leaders who people respect and trust and come to for help."

Growing up, nearly all of my teachers have labeled me as the third leader because they could trust me and I was very responsible. Of course, I slipped up sometimes, but that's how life works.

I encourage anyone reading this to self-evaluate yourselves to see what type of leader you are. But don't lie to yourself either because that is the first step to not fully understanding yourself. Figuring out who you are plays a huge role in what you want to be known for when you pass away. Think about that for a moment.

Chapter 4: Many Firsts

As a child, I always made the best grades. I was always the best student in school. Translation: teacher's pet. Then I got to third grade and started to get bullied.

I had many firsts my third grade year too: first fight, first suspension, first boyfriend, first kiss, etc. But we don't need to get into those details just yet.

I got pushed and hit every day. I didn't understand much of why it was happening to me. I constantly asked myself "What did I do wrong?"

I knew whatever was happening was wrong but I wasn't going to just let them hit me. So I instigated a few fights and got in trouble myself. Before my first suspension, I had never even known what a write-up was.

After those days, I knew that I couldn't let people take advantage of me like that again. After a while, it stopped. I had moved away from Baton Rouge and I came upstate to Shreveport.

In the fifth grade, I went to a magnet school. I passed the test! I finally made it! I was so excited to be among other kids like me for the first time. But there was one thing I forgot; I'm African-American. On my first day there, I saw it was a predominately white school. To top it off, a predominately white school whereas you looked around, you only saw two black people in one area. It was that limited.

That was also the year I had learned what racism was. I experienced a lot of it and I hated it. I got bullied there. Ever since then I've always made sure that wherever I go, I would stick up for black people. Everything I write has to have some form of my culture or history in it.

Without it, nothing would really get solved. Nobody would really listen. That's why I make it a point to get my writing out everywhere for everyone in the world to know.

Chapter 5: My Life Goal

I always wanted to cook. I loved the art and I loved how you could experiment with so many different flavors and combinations. I took it so far that I want to pursue a career in it. My dream is to be an executive pastry chef and own my own cupcakery.

But first, I have to get my name out somehow. I've been running a help program where I help students with their work if they need it with Remind. I also have Zoom options if it is needed. I also do volunteer work in my community. That way more people know who I am and what I can do to help.

I'm almost there. I really am. Next year, or whenever this pandemic clears up, I'm going to start selling my own baked sweets. Hopefully, this opportunity helps me get my name out even more and helps me get a headstart in the business world.

Chapter 6: Final Bow

I didn't intend on writing my life story. As a matter of fact, I already started writing my origin story and you just read the first few chapters.

I want to thank my mom for staying sane and always being there for me. She always gives me the best hugs and makes me feel loved when she walks through the door. I love you, Mom.❤️❤️❤️❤️

I want to thank my dad, Johnny. Even though he hasn't been the main factor in my life, he's still near and dear to my heart. No matter what I will always be here.

I want to thank my granny. I would never forget the words she told me: "There is nothing in this world that will ever make me stop loving you. I love you more than any of those friends. I love you even more than your Momma does sometimes. And I'll keep loving even after the day I die." I love you too, Granny.❤️

I want to thank my best friend, Averiel Louis. You've always been my rock and you forever will be. You keep doing you, love. I wish you the best of luck after high school. Go pursue that dream. Don't let anyone tell you you won't make it. Because not only do I not think, I know you will. Love you!❤️❤️❤️

I want to thank my boy bestie, Cam!!! Cam, hey. How you doing? I'm really going to miss you after high school. You continue to do you. If you want that basketball dream, go get it! Let me tell you what my grandmother told me: "You gone make it!" I'm going to miss you, Cam. Love you!!❤️❤️

And I want to thank myself. I'm really surprised I even came out here and shared my life story. I'm so proud of myself and what I've become. While I'm telling everyone to go get their dreams, I should be telling myself that. I WILL get my degree in Executive Pastry Chef. I WILL start that cupcakery called "Cookie's Cupcakery". I WILL have a great life after high school and even during high school. I WILL make it!❤️

October 30, 2020 18:14

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Dhwani Jain
15:27 Jul 06, 2021

Ah! You are doing the right thing and you must know that everyone around you are and will always support you. I really liked the title and the description that you gave with each person, each event and practically everything. I adore this story/real-life! Please do check out my stories too!


Cookie Carla🍪
14:14 Jul 28, 2021

Thank you so much for your comment and coming by to read my stories!!! I appreciate it sooooo much <3!! I'll be sure to check out your stories as soon as I can!! (PS: You might have to remind me cuz my schedule is gonna pick up real soon :) )


Dhwani Jain
15:49 Jul 28, 2021

You're welcome! :) Definitely, I'll keep on bothering you! ;)


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Whitney Jones
19:45 Feb 01, 2021

That's how you do that!!!! Awesome Job, Carla! I think that's important, to express/share your culture and help those who need it(and your people). Chapter 3 is a really good chapter. One of my favorites. Carla, you are a very inspirational person. 👍👏✨


Cookie Carla🍪
19:51 Feb 01, 2021

Thank you again!!


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16:08 Jan 12, 2021

I loved the line about leaders. And the connection to your astrological sign. It was so hard for me to put up my own story on this site, but reading yours just makes it feel like it was the right choice. "That was also the year I had learned what racism was," feels like the hook out of a true novel. Reading this new perspective may make me feel guilty about myself, but these are the words more people need to hear.


Cookie Carla🍪
17:23 Jan 12, 2021

Thank you so much!! I think it really is hard writing about yourself because you never really know what other people are capable of and what they could do to that information. Thank you so much for the feedback!! What story did you write about yourself?


12:43 Jan 13, 2021

I wrote it for Contest #74: Top ten list. It's definitely not as tragic as this story (More pathetic, really). 'top ten mistakes you'll never make' is the name. It's in 'Teen and Young Adult', 'Contemporary', and 'high school'.


Cookie Carla🍪
13:48 Jan 13, 2021

I'll go check it out when I get a chance! Thank youu!!


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Writer Maniac
10:59 Jan 07, 2021

"Figuring out who you are plays a huge role in what you want to be known for when you pass away. " I loved this line. It really hit me hard. This was wonderful to read. I know that it must have been hard for you to lay out your life for everyone to see, but I'm glad you did it. It was so truthful, yet heartbreaking, and I'm so glad you've ended up where you are now. Thank you for asking me to read this, it was totally worth it!


Cookie Carla🍪
16:13 Jan 07, 2021

Thank you soo much!! That's means everything because I don't normally write about myself and to hear that made me so happy!!


Writer Maniac
16:31 Jan 07, 2021

My pleasure :)


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