The Trickster

Submitted into Contest #87 in response to: Write about a mischievous pixie or trickster god.... view prompt



I placed my hand gently upon the crystal feeling the darkness that swirled inside its depths, but as time went by that darkness seemed to disappear as a light shone from my hand until the darkness was completely gone. I stepped back and watched the crystal shine brightly cured of the darkness that had infected it. The whole room seemed to light as well revealing the dark walls and relight the burnout torches.

“Awesome, we purified another crystal”, Luna said as she flew around in joy.”That just leaves two more. She zipped onto my head awaiting our departure from these ruins, but I wasn't ready to leave. Something felt uneasy.

“Congratulations young one”, I took out my blade and looked around for the unfamiliar voice, but there was no one.” Who’s there”, I yelled. In the corner dark clouds formed together then quickly spread out revealing a jester it seemed. He bowed his hat almost falling off his head,” Greetings, I am a being you beings call a jester”. He looked up with a smile,” Whats a jester doing down here?”, luna asked. The jester pulled a card out of his sleeve,” to entertain you of course”. With a quick motion of his hand, the playing card became five.

This jester guy gave me bad vibes, I would rather avoid people who give bad vibes and last I checked only special people can exist in this realm.``I have no time to be playing games' '. He waved his fingers,” there is no such thing as having no time to play games, but I can see you in a hurry so how bout I help you reach the next life crystal”. 

I lowered my sword,” luna what do you think”. I looked up Luna and seemed amazed by the card tricks he’s been doing this whole time. I sighed,” fine”. He seemed overjoyed,” this is gonna be fun, let's start the game”. He threw a card onto the exit, the dark clouds covered the exit along with the wall. The jester grabbed the card, sucking the clouds inside it revealing the wall, but it wasn't the same. Instead of an open door frame, there were three different colored doors, a red door, a blue door, and a yellow door. 

The jester flew in front of the doors,” the game was simple, open the right door and you win”. It seemed like a simple game but I still felt uneasy,” what if we pick the wrong door”. The room went silent and his smile was devilish,” picking the wrong door results in a punishment”. He went back to normal,” the punishment shall be a surprise though if I was you though I would choose carefully”. I looked back at the doors, hearing his words made this whole game scarier. Luna spoke up,” but how do we know which door is the right one”. He looked at me,” you know which door is the right one”. I looked back at the doors confused by what he said.

Red, blue, and yellow, different colors but the door had the same design.” I say we just open a door”, Luna said, flying up to the doors. With no other ideas I walked up to the doors, my body headed towards the red door but suddenly stopped. Staring at the red door something in me cried.” are you ok?”, luna’s voice snaps me back. I walked to the blue door putting my hand on the doorknob, the jester spoke up,” are you sure that's the door you want to open”. I froze for second thinking if I really want to open this door, I started imagining different punishments that could happen if I'm wrong, all resulting in him laughing and me dying. I took a deep breath recollecting my thoughts and slowly opened the door. What I saw on the other side was a wall,” sorry kid, you chose the wrong door, that means it's punishment time”.

I quickly turned around taking out my blade ready for whatever comes just to be met with a pie to the face. I stood there surprised as the pie slid off my face, the jester and Luna laughing like there is no tomorrow. Angrily I wiped the pie off my face, to make things worse it was my least favorite pie, apple.

I put away my blade,” very funny, so what happens now”. The jester started catching his breath.``no worries you're allowed to open the other two doors' '. I started towards the other two doors,” but be careful if you open the wrong door someone could die”. He once again had that eerie smile, what if this time it was true. I went towards the red door again putting my hand on the cold knob, but the minute I did a vision or maybe a memory flashed. All I could hear is tears along with the color red on the floor next to someone, someone I knew. I backed up tears coming down my eyes,” are you sure you're ok?”, Luna asked once more. I headed towards the yellow one,” why are you avoiding the red door”, the jester said. I didn't answer because I didn't quite know, I opened the yellow door almost forgetting about the chance of being wrong, and once again I was met with a wall.

“You choose the wrong door again, that means you must be punished”. His voice was darker, this time he might actually kill me, I had to hurry,” let's go Luna”, I rushed to the red door. I ignored the crying, the pain, the vision, and focused on the door. Grabbing the knob and swinging it open I was not met with a wall but instead a hallway leading out but suddenly a large red-eyed monster covered in dark clouds appeared in the hallway. I took out my blade as the monster charged at me and Luna, fear seeped into my body as its darkness closed in, but I've gotten too far to die to some annoying clown. 

Holding the blade towards the clouds I ran towards it and when I was close enough shoved the blade through it. The beast stopped as the clouds began to disappear revealing the jester within his hands in the air scared, it seemed the blade just missed him, I held my blade to his face, he started waving his hands,” Woah Woah calm down it was just a little prank, I just wanted to give you a little scare that's all”. I lowered my blade calming down,” was this all a prank?”, luna curiously asked. He nodded,” I was just bored so I came here to mess with you”.

I sighed again,” I will believe you on one condition, tell us who you really are ''. There is no way a jester could be here and use such dark magic. The room went silent once more and he started laughing but these laughs were not happy laughter, his face gave off a devilish smile like before.``I will tell you, I am indeed more than just a jester, I am a trickster known as Loki''. Suddenly something from behind began sucking me in,” our game isn't over yet a young one”. He laughed some more as I was pulled into the darkness.

March 29, 2021 22:58

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