Funny Contemporary Romance

I tripped over a mountain of sketches and coffee cups—clearly, my design process was 'organized chaos’—or at least that's what I told myself.

"Focus, Nikki," I muttered, pushing my unruly curls out of my face. The deadline for this logo design was creeping up faster than my caffeine could kick in.

My phone buzzed. Another client requesting changes. I groaned, realizing I'd need to put on real clothes for a video call later. 

Reluctantly, I shuffled to my closet, coffee mug in hand. I rifled through the hangers, each item a reflection of my eclectic taste. "Too formal... too casual... too 'I'm trying way too hard,'" I mumbled, tossing aside options.

Finally, I settled on a vintage Aliyah tee and my favorite denim jacket covered in quirky pins. Professional enough for a call, but still unmistakably me.

As I struggled to pull on my mismatched polka dot socks, the shrill ring of the doorbell startled me. I jumped, narrowly avoiding another coffee catastrophe.

"Coming!" I called out, hopping on one foot as I made my way to the door. I swung it open, expecting to see my nosy neighbor Mrs. Finch complaining about my "loud music" again.

Instead, I found myself face-to-face with... nothing. My brow furrowed as I glanced around, then down. There, sitting innocently on my welcome mat of the week - “Home is Where the Pants Aren't,” was a package.

"Huh," I said, bending to pick it up. It was heavier than I expected, the brown paper wrapping crisp and official-looking. My eyes landed on the shipping label, and I frowned.

"Aarón Ramirez?" I read aloud. "Who the heck is Aarón Ramirez?"

I turned the package over in my hands, searching for a return address. Nothing. Just a logo for some tech company I'd never heard of.

I poked my head out into the hallway, half-expecting to see someone skulking around, waiting to claim their misplaced delivery. The corridor was empty, save for Mrs. Finch's cat giving me the stink-eye from her doorway.

"This isn't mine," I told the cat, who blinked slowly in response. "I didn't order anything. At least, I don't think I did."

I wracked my brain, trying to remember if I'd made any late-night purchases fueled by insomnia and online sales. It wouldn't be the first time I'd surprised myself with a random delivery.

But no, this definitely wasn't mine. I should just leave it in the lobby, right? Or maybe take it to the post office?

I bit my lip, staring at the mysterious package. My fingers itched to open it, curiosity bubbling up inside me like a shaken soda can.

"No, Nikki," I scolded myself. "It's not yours. Don't be creepy."

But as I set the package down on my cluttered coffee table, I couldn't help but wonder about Aarón Ramirez. Who was he? Why was his package at my door? And what was inside?

I shook my head, trying to dispel the questions. I had work to do, deadlines to meet. I couldn't afford to get caught up in some delivery mix-up.

And yet, as I settled back at my drafting table, my eyes kept darting to the package. It sat there, taunting me with its secrets.

"Focus," I muttered again, forcing my attention back to my sketches. But the package loomed in my peripheral vision, a constant reminder of the mystery waiting to be solved.


I stared at the package on my coffee table, tapping my pen against my teeth. The deadline loomed, but my curiosity was winning the battle against my work ethic.

"Oh, what the hell," I muttered, grabbing my phone. I typed "Aarón Ramirez" into the search bar, feeling like a creepy internet stalker. 

As I scrolled through the results, I nearly choked on my coffee. There he was, smiling back at me from a company profile pic. Those warm brown eyes, that carefree grin—it couldn't be.

"No way," I breathed. "Aarón Ramirez... Aaron from high school?"

Memories flooded back—study sessions, sneaking into R-rated movies, late-night chats about our dreams. How he patiently corrected everyone when they didn’t use the correct inflection on his name. We'd been inseparable until life pulled us in different directions after graduation.

I bit my lip, torn between nostalgia and the voice of reason screaming at me to get back to work. But the package seemed to whisper promises of adventure, of reconnecting with an old friend.

"This is crazy," I said to my empty apartment. "I can't just show up at his office like some weirdo."

But even as I spoke, I was already reaching for my denim jacket, covered in pins collected from various misadventures. I slipped on my most colorful hightop Chuck Taylors—the ones that looked like a rainbow had a fight with a glitter factory.

I scribbled a quick note on a Post-it and slapped it on the package: "You've got mail... sort of! An old friend bearing gifts. Or someone else's gifts. It's complicated."

Grabbing my keys and the mysterious box, I headed out the door before I could talk myself out of this ridiculous plan.

According to GPS, Aarón’s office was seven minutes from my apartment, so I prepared to do something no native Angeleno would do unless under dire circumstances - walk. And as my Prius had expired tags, the circumstances were indeed dire. 

The streets of LA greeted me with their usual chaotic energy. I dodged a guy on a unicycle (because of course) and narrowly avoided being taken out by a pack of tiny dogs being walked by an even tinier woman.

"Watch it, sweetie!" she called out as her canine army yapped at my heels.

"Sorry!" I shouted back, clutching the package to my chest. "Important delivery!"

I rounded a corner and came face-to-face with a massive mural of a cat wearing a taco costume. Because why not? That's LA for you.

"I bet you'd never get mixed up in a wacky package delivery scheme," I told the taco cat. 

It stared back judgmentally.

The smell of sizzling meat and spices wafted from a nearby food truck, making my stomach growl. I realized I'd skipped breakfast in my creative frenzy.

"Focus, Nikki," I muttered. "Food later, solve the mystery of the wayward package first."

As I navigated through the streets, my mind raced with possibilities. What if Aarón didn't remember me? What if he thought I was some kind of weirdo package thief? What if—

I shook my head, trying to dispel the doubts. This was an adventure, right? And maybe, just maybe, a chance to reconnect with an old friend.

With each step, my Chucky T’s slapped against the pavement, a rhythm that matched the pounding of my heart. I clutched the package tighter, both excited and terrified about what awaited me at the end of this impromptu journey.


I finally reached Aarón's office building, a sleek glass structure  that screamed "tech startup." Taking a deep breath, I pushed through the revolving door, nearly tripping over my own feet in the process.

"Smooth, Nikki," I muttered to myself. "Real smooth."

As I approached the reception desk, a commotion outside caught my attention. A wedding party spilled out onto the sidewalk, all smiles and champagne flutes.

That's when I saw him. Aarón, looking like he'd stepped out of a GQ spread, was exiting the building. We’d both ditched our thick glasses, braces and inability to style our hair. He’d also had a nice growth spurt and must-pound protein shakes to fill out his button-down like that. Our eyes met, and for a moment, time stood still.

"Nik?" His voice was a mix of surprise and warmth.

"Aaron! I mean, Aarón!" I stammered, waving the package like a lunatic. "I've got your—"

But before I could finish, a gust of wind caught the bride's veil, sending it flying in our direction. Without thinking, we both lunged for it. Our hands collided, and suddenly we were tangled in tulle and each other's arms.

Flash! A photographer captured the moment, and the wedding party erupted in cheers.

"Oh my God, that's so romantic!" the bride squealed. "Are you two together?"

I froze, my face inches from Aarón's. His eyes crinkled with amusement, and I felt a familiar flutter in my stomach.

"We, uh—" I started, but Aarón cut me off.

"We go way back," he said, his arm still around my waist. "High school sweethearts, reunited by fate and a runaway veil."

I gaped at him, but he just winked. The old Aarón I knew would have blushed and stammered. This new, confident version was... intriguing.

"Play along," he whispered. "It'll make their day."

So I did. We posed for photos, making up an increasingly ridiculous love story for the delighted wedding party. Aarón spun tales of our separation and reunion, each more outlandish than the last.

"And then," he said dramatically, "Nikki parachuted into my office with a mysterious package, declaring her undying love!"

I snorted, nearly choking on the champagne someone had thrust into my hand. "Please, it was obviously a jet pack. Parachutes are so last season."

As we bantered, I couldn't help but notice how effortlessly we fell back into our old rhythm. But there was something new there too—a spark, a tension that hadn't existed when we were awkward teenagers.

When the wedding party finally moved on, we were left standing on the sidewalk, slightly buzzed and more than a little flustered.

"So," Aarón said, running a hand through his curls. "A mysterious package, huh?"

I blinked, having completely forgotten about my original mission. "Oh! Right!" I thrust the box at him. "This came to my place by mistake. I thought I'd play detective and track you down."

He took the package, his fingers brushing mine. "Always the adventurer, Nikki Carter. Some things never change."

But some things had changed. The shy boy I'd known had grown into this confident, charming man. And I... well, I was still a disaster, but maybe a slightly more put-together one.

"Listen," Aarón said, a hint of nervousness creeping into his voice. "I was just heading out for lunch. Want to join me? We could catch up properly, without the fake engagement and borrowed veil."

I hesitated for a moment, thinking of the work waiting for me back home. But then I looked at Aarón—really looked at him—and saw the same kindness, the same spark of mischief that I'd always adored.

"You know what? I'd love to," I said, grinning. "But fair warning: if anyone asks, I'm sticking to the jet pack story."

October 08, 2024 17:44

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Trudy Jas
17:48 Oct 11, 2024

Fun fantasy frolic with favorite former flame. :-)


Keleigh Hadley
18:14 Oct 11, 2024

You should get an extra point for the alliteration!


Trudy Jas
18:23 Oct 11, 2024

Totally agree! LOL


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Kate Winchester
21:19 Oct 13, 2024

This was cute! I enjoyed it and I loved the humor too.


Keleigh Hadley
05:30 Oct 14, 2024

Thank you, Kate!


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David Sweet
13:32 Oct 13, 2024

Nice story! I can see this as a TV episode or Hallmark movie. My only question is why she didn't recognize the name on the package right away if he was that significant earlier in life, especially if she is young and like 10-15 years out of HS. Still, I enjoyed it and liked the characters.


Keleigh Hadley
05:31 Oct 14, 2024

Thank you, David!


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