Mary Poppins and Mr.Beans

Submitted into Contest #60 in response to: Write a funny post-apocalyptic story.... view prompt

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Adventure Romance Funny

Survive, I can't remember doing anything else but that. Its been 15 years since the world we all knew ended and we were left with this wasteland. There was no greenery, no highrises, tropical resorts, or Neverending oceans anymore. The accelerated climate took away everything from us and burned our mother earth to what it looks like now. A dry, barren, gloomy wasteland filled with cold-hearted survivors. In my world family wasn't a priority anymore, it was to each their own. I had been used to that rule too until I met the  most annoying, craziest, and idiotic person ever and I wish I knew it when I first met him. That he would become my family forever. 

It was a hot day as usual and I traveled alone through the ruins of Chicago searching for food. There was not a living thing in site for as far as I could see. I hadn't interacted with anyone in awhile, not that I socialized when there were people around though. I reached an a subway and decided to give it a look so I went down the stairs. Going down, I turned the flashlight on that was in my pocket. I could hear the sound of flies buzzing near me and the rest was eerily silent as I went further. I reached the quite and long abandoned subway that lay waste now. 

Looking out towards the tunnel, standing near the edge of the station, I was lost in my memories. I reminscied the times where I used to take the subway to school almost everyday. It seemed like a lifetime ago already. 

"Hiyaa, What you doing there?"

"Aaaah, Frick, wha—!!!" The sudden voice startled her so much, Alissa fell backwards towards the railroad tracks below her. The man in a dirt-covered black hoodie reached out to grab her. 

"Oh, What the—" he let out in suprise, realizing the he reached out to the girl only to trip over himself. 



The both groaned in pain as they laid on the tracks. She got up slowly looked at the man dramatically crying out his sufferings.

"Oh get up, your fine."

"How do you know that?" He raised an eyebrow at her, still sprawled unattractively on the ground.

"You want me to make sure your hurt then?" She glared at the stranger who appeared from who knows where. 

"Whew, that was a pretty deadly fall there, thank God for my muscles blocking the fall for you." He animatedly wiped the non-existent sweat of his forehead, getting up from the ground. 

"I was underneath you." She deadpanned

"Well good think I'm skinny." He grinned at her in reply not missing a beat. 

She rolled her eyes at the man and jumped back on the platform, heading towards the exit. She didn't want to stay a second longer and deal with this strange idiot. Who knows what he was after?

"Hey wait!" He chased after her out of the subway. 

"Stop following me." She yelled at him from a few steps ahead. 

"Why can't we get along." He asked, finally standing next to her. 

"Why should we be getting along? What do you want? I don't have anything on me so go away."

She sides glanced at him suspiciously.

"Oh I'm hurt beauty, does this handsome face look like a thiefs." He put on a what he believed to be a charismatic expression and stared at me.

"Yes." His persistence to a stranger was an obviously suspicious act. How did he expect her not to be threatened. However he continued his antics and put on a hurt expression, hand over chest. "You must have never seen a man since the apocalypse. Poor thing you've forgotten what handsome looks like. Let me teach you, just stare at my face." He blocked her and put his face up close in her bubble. She grabbed his collar and gritted her teeth at him threateningly.

"Any more of this and I'll take out my weapons."

"Wanne be friends?" He smiled at her, ignoring the threat completely.

"Your so lucky the mental asylum doesn't exist anymore." She rolled her eyes pushing him aside and continued walking. She had no idea where she was going but she really just wanted to get rid of the stooge following her. 

"Oh I've been there before, its very nice and cozy. I really liked the room padded with white pillows. It was so comfortable there." He put on a nostalgic expression as if he was remembering a vacation he had really enjoyed. She rubbed her temples and sighed. She was so fed up with this guy. No she couldn’t give up.

"Oh look a plane!" She pointed over the guys head, shouting out in fake shock. He turned around fast enough to get a whiplash. She took the chance to run off quickly. 

"What where?! Wait a minute, planes don't exist any–huh where'd she go?" He relaized he'd been tricked and quickly chased after the stubborn girl again. He was determined to befriend the antisocial girl. He had been alone for years now and he didn't like it. 

"Hey! Wait for me." He blocked her path again making her stressed. She looked at him and bargained with her backpack held out towards him.

"If I give you food will you go away?" She said so in a pleading voice which just made the boy even more determined to be her friend. 

"Oh come one I'm just lonely, lets be friends."

"What do I get out of being friends with you." She raised her eyebrows at him. He looked at her with a serious expression. One she thought he didn't know how to make, surprising her. 

"A social life." He smiled at her, his goofy expression back. The same one that made her want to strangle him.

"I refuse." He pursed his lips and 'tched' at hers,

"You know I'm really not liking the attitude." She showed the same sass to him not backing down. 

"Then leave." She turned around and started walking again. He walked alongside her and said brightly, "I like helping people like you." 

"Oh so social workers still exist." She teased him jokingly..

"I'm bringing it back." He returned the tone. 

"How noble of you." She sarcastic said to the boy who she was starting to warm up to now. 

"Thank you, wanna join me on my quest." He bowed to her in a princely manner, hand held out. 

"Can I refuse?" She knew she couldn't 

"Nope." Yep, I'm stuck now. 

"Ugh." Oh well she could take pity on this lost soul  and take care of him. 

"Whats your name?" Happy that she finally gave in to him. 

"Mary Poppins." She said in a serious manner walking ahead of him. "Oh nice to meet you, I'm Mr.Beans."  They both chucked and shook eachothers hand. She pointed at his face and said, "Where's the mole and mustache?"

"Well I'll show them to you if you take out your umbrella and fly." She laughed at his joke, a little happy their sense of humor matched atleast. He wasn't so bad after all she thought. 

"Touche." She gave up resisting finally.

They both smiled at each other, the boy suprised at how beautiful she looked when she was smiling. 

September 24, 2020 02:14

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1 comment

Leslie Phare
21:51 Sep 30, 2020

I love the banter in this! You have great dialogue skills! The only issue I had was the switch from first to third person narration, it confused me. Excellent work!


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