A Psycopath's Legacy

Submitted into Contest #57 in response to: Write a story about someone breaking a long family tradition.... view prompt


Thriller Romance

Metal scrapes against metal, sharpening my father’s favorite knives. His sickening grin curves upwards in delight as he watches another horrific torture event. “Son, this shall become your future. Your mother’s and my blood run through your veins,” he told me with his deep voice. A voice that when a person stays alone in the night streets. A terrifying laugh that echoes across a deserted alleyway and makes goosebumps rise and chill their blood.

I watch the scene in front of us. A man who hasn't paid his debt now sat beaten unconscious by my father’s goons. His arms stay tied to the back of the chair, but his fingers curl in odd, painful angles.

My father sighs and stops sharpening his blade. “Pathetic,” he mumbles. His forehead scrunches. “I thought he still had the strength to fight. Weak creature. Worthless scum.” His leather shoes thump to the ground, creating an ominous tension. 

With his giant hand, he slaps the man awake. “Where’s my money, Gerald?” he spits the name out like it left a bad taste in his mouth. 

The man’s beat-up, swollen face looks at my father with fear. He starts to stutter his words. “We will pay in three days! W-We swear! I needed to feed my family. If we cannot buy food this week, my child shall starve.”

He hums. “Well, then. Should the child starve or should the child die from my hand?” he asks the man calmly. He tilts the man’s head upwards and shows a sickening grin. 

“P-Please, sir! Don’t hurt my family.” The man’ eyes waters even though it is marred with blue and purple bruises.

My father’s face turns towards me. “Find the child. Let’s see if the kid has some money in their precious piggy bank.”

I nod to my father. I have always stayed beside my father and followed his every command. I have the chance to follow in his footsteps.

“Come back with news or I shall ram my Celeste on your stomach and stab your brain.” He gestures to his weapon in hand. “I always want to try that.”

As I walk off, I hear wailing before the thick walls and an even thicker door separates me from whatever starts to occur from the other room. Everyone knows my father as a successful businessman, a convincing employee, and an intelligent mastermind. 

No one except my family knows psychopathic genes run through our every fiber.

To show my worth, I must kill my first target. The child.


I walk around to find where the man lives. I read, re-read, and memorized the file before burning all the documents with a lighter.

I read in the file that they lived at 216 Westcourt Road. I came upon a small, collapsing building. The wooden house looks pathetic like it stands in the last years of its life. The shutters don't even close all the way. Even I wouldn’t call it a home. This job seems easier than I thought!  

I straighten my tie and go to the top floor of the building next to the house. Using the scope, I peer into the house. I scoffed at the sight. Everything seems plain. No furniture in sight. No comfy sofas. No television. No… I stop and stare at the sight before me. 

A skinny girl with messy brown hair came into my view. Her pale face, sunken cheeks hold an optimistic aura. She hands a piece of bread to her mom with a smile. Her mouth mutters a few things I couldn’t hear, but I can imagine her voice sounding sweet and soft as cotton candy.

Wait… I shake my head and take aim. Just pull the trigger and take their stuff as payment. My fingers expertly turn the safety off. I take multiple deep breaths. 

Just pull the trigger.

Just pull the trigger. 


I hear a soft bang coming from my gun. Spots of red entered my visions.

 I see it.

Crimson liquid on the floor. A body laying dead on the floor.

I did it. I actually did it. I smile, imagining ways my father will bestow the title of successor to his company. 

I try to stop my hand from shaking. Why am I lying to myself. I kneel to the ground in defeat I killed a bird flying in the air at the last second. The creature I didn’t meant to cage from its freedom now lay dead with a bullet in its head.

Beside the dead body rain droplets fell beside it, mixing with the crimson liquid that pours out from its corpse. 

I touch my face, feeling it wet. Tears. Is this what sadness feels like? Why did the tears appear? 

My stomach scrunches up, and I feel bile rising to my throat. 

After heaving all the content of my breakfast, I wipe my mouth with a sleeve. With my trembling hand, I take my gun and aim once more. I just have to finish this mission. To kill.

I turn on my scope to find the target.

I hear shuffling from behind me. “Were you sent here to kill us?” A voice smooth and sweet as cotton candy says. “Were you the one who took my father away?” Her voice trembles.

I lower my gun, but didn’t turn around. “I cannot disclose any information, dearie.” I slowly stand. “Confidentiality is our number one rule.”

I imagine her clenching her small fist, pretending to look tough when she actuallyfears for her life. “My father only want what’s good. He never went against any rules. I promise I would help work to pay our debts. Just please…” She whispers. “Bring him home. Bring my father home.”

I turn around to see the creature on the floor, kneeling. Same water droplets fell from her eyes. I see the color of her eyes clearer than in the scope. Her green eyes shine with tears. 

Something tugs at my heart. I gulp. “H-Hey… C-Cheer up. I’ll talk to my… boss about it. Don’t cry anymore.” Inside me, I feel the sudden urge to end her sadness. End those annoying tears from falling from her eyes. I awkwardly pat her back. “I’ll be back soon. If you do not see me anymore in three days, move to a different country. Here,” From my pocket, I hand her a wad of cash. 

Her eyes widen. “This is a lot of money! I-I can't accept something this big!”

“Maybe not accepting opportunities becomes the cause of why your family suffers from poverty. Take it.” I place it in her hand and close it. I take my first steps away from her. My heart beats quickly the more steps I take away from her. 

I guess my father and I need that man to man talk I never had before.


I open the thick door and face the true monster. “Father, I am back.”

The blood-spattered man with his precious knives in his hand stalks towards me. “Well? Did you do as I asked? Will you finally make me proud?

“Yes, I killed,” I try to say without vomiting on his expensive Italian leather shoes. 

The looming monster in front of me smirks. “Just like what I did for your grandfather?”

I nod. “Just like what you did for grandfather,” I confirm.

“The time has come. Follow me and see the victim now,” my father pushes me inside and he follows me in.

I see the chair’s silhouette in the dark, but the outline of the person is not the man I saw this morning. A familiar petite figure now sits on the chair itself. I froze.

An evil chuckle echoes near my ears. “My bastard son. You fucking learned how to lie to the one who raised you.”

Suddenly, I am pushed to the ground as something digs into my back. I cry out in pain. The lights throughout the room slowly brightens, and I see the face that I fell in love with at first sight. 

“Come on, boy! What will you do now? What made you think I will be as easy as your weak grandfather?!” he shouts.

I grit my teeth and tear my eyes away from the girl. I eye something sparkling in the distance. My only hope. “Girl, close your eyes and look away for me,” I tell her, straining. I couldn't see her response. It became harder to breathe as the foot continued to crush me. 

As my hand shakes, I grab my own knife from my leg and stab whatever skin is nearby. My father roars in anguish and miraculously removes his foot. I start to cough and take all the air I can get. 

I struggle to stand as I slightly. two of my dad comes limping towards me with rage-filled on his face. “You will pay for this!” he roars. He brandishes his knife, Celeste, and aims towards my weakest part: my heart.

I dodge his attack and move him farther from the girl. I clench my own knife. “I will never be like you! I will never kill innocents!” The knife slaves through the air. Even with a limp, my father’s agility is still intact. 

“No, it is your destiny!” he grunts.

“That's where you are wrong, father. My life belongs to me. I have the chance to choose. I am sorry.” With one swing of my own knife, I target my father’s dark heart. 

Time stops as I feel the knife going deeper in fragile flesh. I grunt as I try to push it deeper. 

“The time… Has come…” he whispers, breathing. “You might not... think about it… You just killed me. You will... become like us. My will shall commence.”

With one last breath, he smiles and points to the direction to his office.

I grit my teeth. “No… No…” My hands continue to tremble. I just killed my father…

“Everything will be okay… You saved us.” A soft voice whisper. 

I shake my head, furiously. “I killed someone. I killed my father!” Dark thoughts filled my mind. I he right? I will turn into my father. Cruel, ruthless, heartless…

“You did it for good. You are not going to turn into him.”

The sweet voice leads me away from all the darkness that chains me all my life. I look up to see her sadly smiling face. 

“Take your time. You will never have to live the life you did before.” She gave me a gentle hug. 

I return it awkwardly. My cheeks burn and redden. “Will you ever forgive whatever happened before?” 

“It was not your fault. Besides, you saved me and my father. I should be thankful.”

I look at her sincerely. “Will you teach me to be… Good?”

She smiles sweetly and kisses my cheek. “Welcome to normal life!”

September 04, 2020 23:09

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