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Adventure Fiction Fantasy

Why do we fall? Why do we try our hardest to make up for us falling? Everything that we do, we do it for ourselves no matter the situation. It isn't because we're evil, well not all of us are. It's just a defense mechanism. It's something that we have either been taught or teach ourselves.

Years ago, decades, there were two boys running through the town. It was an old town. Not filled with much people but still a beautiful town at that. One boy had cold black hair that reached the middle of his back in braids. The other boy had dark brown hair, short and silky. They ran through the town trying to catch each other. Using every obstacle in their way to jump, swing, duck or dodge each other. The people enjoyed seeing them play. It was almost like the town was their personal playground. They swooshed through the air as they came into the forest just outside of the town. There they paused. The forest was misty, cold and dim. Both of the boys looked at each other and then back around their surroundings. They heard a laugh in the trees, then again behind them as they jumped and turned around to see if they could see anyone. The moment they turned back around they were met by a creature. She had long hair, gray stringy hair. It floated in the air as if she was in the water. She had chains all over her, dressed in what looked like a bed sheet. As the boys stood in shock she pointed out her index finger towards the boy with the cold black hair. Moments later, she started to scream. It was a loud and screechy noise, the boys ran back where they came from as fast as they could with their ears covered. As they arrived back into the town from the forest they were hoping someone else would have heard the noise. The towns people all acted normal, as if they heard nothing. The boys were trying to catch their breath as they were extremely puzzled...

Decades later,

There they were, dancing, like their lives depended on it. It was like the music placed them both in a deep trance. As they twirled and slid across the ball room dancefloor, it was almost like they were in a dream. His eyes gleamed as he looked slightly down at her, his hair swooshing with his every move. He felt as if as long as she was beside him, he could keep her safe.

But then smoke filled the air.

The music faded into the sounds of crackling and screams. The building was breaking piece by piece. As it was falling down unto those around them, the girl screamed out to him. As the floor began to shake and tear in half, he finally saw her golden hair through the smoke. Reaching out to grab her, she fell back into the darkness screaming out as loud as her lung would allow. It was almost as if once she disappeared, everything froze. The building, which was their castle, their home, their kingdom, stood on a tall cold mountain. It stood alone, the nearest land was far down beneath them. He knew that he soon too would fall with the other half of the castle. His ears were ringing, he could barely see with all the smoke and bricks falling around him. The castle started falling as he dropped to the broken floor giving up on even trying to escape. For a moment, just a small second, he could have sworn he saw something on the top floor. He couldn't focus on it, everything was shaking, bending, breaking. As he sat there, trying to squinch his eyes through the dust and smoke, there it was. It was a tall figure, standing so still. How in the world is it so steady with all of this crashing going on? He lifted himself up to focus in, he looked hard. He saw the figures eyes begin to light through the darkness and smoke. What is that? How is it not being tossed around. He tried to stand but the castle falling made it unsteady and difficult. He pushed himself up one last time and there was a small window through the air of smoke that allowed him to see the figure clearly. The mans eyes widened, his body became stiff and numb to everything else around him. What is wrong with him, it's almost like he saw a.... Ghost.

"Nicholas!" His voice pierced through the crackling disaster, echoing through the building reaching the figure at the top. The man dropped to the floor as the figure appeared in front of him. He eyes were black with a gleaming dot shining through the dimness. His body was faded like the smoke around them. As he looked at the man, he floated closer. The building finally gave out and was falling unto the ground. As the building fell through the air, the floors began to rip apart again and the walls came crumbling down. The man was frightened but not because of him falling to his death. It almost seemed as if that relieved him. He was more scared about the figure that floated in front of him. The figures face was cracked with scars and his skin was pale and sick looking.

"Nicholas, brother, why?" The man said out of breath! The castle was so close to the ground about to smash into millions of pieces. Nicholas looked at the man and cracked open his mouth to say, "You didn't deserve her anyways!" He whispered into the mans ear with a scratchy tone. The mans eyes widened even more, before he could say anything, the building finally fell to the bottom of the mountain. The figure disappeared into the smoke as the man was seen no more. The loud boom was heard throughout the land.

Hours later, the smoke finally cleared and the crumbled building settled unto the ground. There was something trying to move underneath. It struggled for a moment, finally being able to break free. It was that man, he's still alive? The sun was rising on the top of the mountain as the man meditated in the disaster he was in. Standing on top of the fallen castle, he sighed. "When will you allow me to just live in peace, it's been nearly two hundred years since I done anything to you." Out of the crisp cold sky, there was that figure again. He floated slowly towards the bottom of the mountain to face the man. "I will never stop, as long as you are breathing, I will never let you be free. You killed my wife you evil bastard. You could have had any other lady in the kingdom but you took her soul just so you could survive." The man looked down at his feet surrounded in broken bricks and dust, he cracked a sarcastic smile and looked back up towards his ghostly brother. "Her soul was pure, what can I say, I'm not perfect, Hell I'm not even human,I didn't ask for this!" Nicholas floated back up towards the sun that has now risen higher over the mountains. "What will it take for you to leave me alone?" The man asked his brother echoing through the air. Nicholas slowly turned and looked down at the man, his words were before he faded into the mist, "When you finally go back to Hell where you belong with your father, Lucifer."

The man stared as his brother faded away and gave out a chuckle that was sinister. He stood there watching the sun being covered by a huge lonely dark cloud and he said to himself, "If only."

May 07, 2021 13:55

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14:16 May 07, 2021

It is one of many


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