Nothing Before the Station

Submitted into Contest #47 in response to: Suitcase in hand, you head to the station.... view prompt

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Suitcase in hand, you head to the station. As you climb the stairs to enter the building, everyone is giving you strange looks, but you don't think anything about it and just keep going. You buy your ticket and walk onto the platform. As you are walking, you keep realizing everyone is still giving you strange looks and no one is making a sound. The only sound is from a few birds and the printing of tickets at the front desk. You have a feeling something is very wrong but you just ignore it. You go over to a bench to sit down and wait for the train to arrive. You go to set the suitcase down on the ground and realize it is handcuffed to your wrist. You start looking through your pockets, trying to find the key to unlock yourself from the suitcase but find nothing other than your phone. You pull it out of your pocket and see someone has texted you with the name of Carrie. You don't know anyone named Carrie and start to get a little scared. You pull pictures up on your phone and see pictures of all these people you don't recognize at all. Then you realize, you don’t remember anything before getting to the station. All you remember is getting to the station and knowing you have to get a ticket but nothing else. Not your name. Not where you live or where you are. You get up and walk over to one of the police officers to ask for help but when you go to speak, nothing comes out. The police officer gives you a weird look and walks past you. You run into the bathroom and are terrified at what you see in the mirror. You can only see your eyes through a bloody mask. You reach up to take it off but when you pull on it, it feels as if it's glued to your face. You try again but it still won’t come off. You run out of the bathroom to find the police officer and ask for help but when you get outside, you're not at the station anymore. You turn around to see that the bathroom isn’t behind you anymore. You are now in the front yard of a house that seems very familiar but you can’t put your finger on it. You look down at your wrist and the suitcase is gone but is now replaced with a briefcase. You search your pockets once again, trying to find the key to the handcuffs and you find a key. You pull it out and try unlocking the handcuffs but it doesn't go to the handcuffs. You look at the key and it's much too small to be the key to the house but when you look down at the briefcase, you see a small keyhole to open it. You sit down in the grass and open the briefcase but there is nothing inside. You then close your eyes and lay down in the grass but when you open them, you are not outside anymore. There is now a ceiling above you. You set up really fast and look at your wrist. No suitcase or briefcase is handcuffed anymore. You sign in relief but you still can’t remember anything from before arriving at the station. You look around and see that you are in a hotel room and sitting by the door is the suitcase and briefcase that were handcuffed to your wrist. You slowly get up out of the bed and walk over to the bathroom. You turned the lights on and then slowly looked at the mirror. You release a breath you didn’t know you were holding when you see you had a normal face and not a bloody mask. You walk out of the room and start walking down the hallway but the end doesn't get any closer. You stop walking and look behind you and see that the other end has gotten farther away. You turn back around and the end of the hallway is only a few feet from you, making you stumble backwards. You fall in shock but don’t hit the ground, you just keep falling but when you go to scream, nothing comes out. The farther you fall the darker it gets until it is so dark, you can’t see anything. You try yelling again but it's no use, you still can’t make a noise. There is no noise around you at all. Not the sound of your breathing. Not the sound of anything. You are completely alone as you fall into a hole of darkness. After what felt like hours of falling, the feeling goes away but you don’t land on anything. You just feel like you are floating, not knowing if you will ever touch the ground again when you finally land hard on your back. You wince in pain and close your eyes as a light shines into your eyes. You open your eyes but close them immediately when you realize a light is still shining in your eyes. You try and squeeze your eyes shut as something tries to pry them open. When it finally succeeded in prying your eyes open, you see a doctor flashing a light in your eyes. He lets you close your eyes and when you finally open them again, you look around to see you are in a hospital room. You go to sit up but your head is spinning so you lay your head back down and close your eyes.. When you open your eyes again and sit up, there are cards, balloons and flowers that all say get well, but there is one thing that really stands out to you. There is a giant, homemade card that has a child's handwriting that says, ”Can’t wait for you to wake up from your coma dad.” You read it over and over again, trying to figure out who wrote this card but you still can’t remember anything from before the station. 

June 26, 2020 20:11

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1 comment

Selene Sweck
23:32 Jul 01, 2020

It was an interesting take on being in a coma. It was a more difficult read because it wasn't broken down in paragraphs. Good luck! I see it's your first time submitting a story. It is my first time too!


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