Vampiric Prince

Written in response to: Write a story about an unconventional teacher.... view prompt


Fantasy LGBTQ+

There were screams and shouts of laughter slowly descending to mere mumbles as the children filed into the halls of Ici'ro. Today was the first day of school since the Sunly Rise break and while the majority were not looking forward to returning, there were tales of a new teacher being in Ici'ro. And that, was exciting.

The song of the birds weaved throughout the air, around the trees and their canopies, making all who heard look up to the sky with a smile watching thousands fly by. And the wind went around everyone like a mothers hug, making all of those outside wandering sigh with relief and comfort. It was a wonderful day within Ali'ka'kuul Forest Isle.

People were out more too, creating the lovely atmosphere everyone craved. Instead of the typical selling, buying and travelling to and fro, people were playing. Children were running and laughing, hiding beneath the branches and brush, and parents were singing, laughing and ensuring their children were safe as they did their fun too. And those who were neither laughed too, as they ensured no harm would come to the families within: doing their own things, slinking throughout the alleys and canopies.

A truly wonderful day in Ali'ka'kuul.. Xe thought, shielding xyr eyes with his hand. Xe was one of the people watching thousands of birds fly by, eyeing everything they flew through. The trees with pastel green leaves and white bark, the trees with purple leaves and brown bark and everything within the world of colors.

Everything reminded Xia the wonders of the Ali'ka'kuul Forest Isle. It was gorgeous, beyond such, an eerie wonderful otherworldliness beauty was within the Isle and had such odd creatures compared to the world that of which xe came from.

All of the creatures had long spikes with an odd black scattered throughout their bodies in places to protect them, all pastel versions of what Xia knew. It was odd, it was terrifying. It was all xe ever wanted to see in life. It was perfect: xyr paradise, his lovely.. Lovely paradise.

The children, ages seven through eleven, sat in their seats, legs bouncing up and down as they all leaned forward. Some were watching the various doors around the classroom, some were staring at the sky above them, and some were simply gazing off into the unknown.

All paid attention however, when the new teacher they expected, appeared right in the center of the classroom. Gasps and screams of surprise arose throughout the young crowd, as the man appeared out of nowhere- from midair.

He cascaded down, xyr arms open wide as he stared at the children with a smile. "Hello all." Xe says, finally landing on his feet. A few of the children proceeded to cheer at the new teachers arrival, some were annoyed, however the majority sat there in anticipation. "I am Xia. More specifically Xia Kursehf Springfall," Xe says as he twirls around, making eye contact with every few students. "You may call me Xia or Sir Springfall, whichever you fancy." That odd smile of xys comes again and the students, who were now his, all cheered.

"Pfftehehe... Alright, class.. While I appreciate the cheers, let's not do that, yes?" Xia says. His eyes took an odd glowy red tone as he spoke. The students hushed immediately as they met his eyes, and realized just what they did. They didn't even remember doing such- why did they cheer? They'd never typically do that. "Anywho.." Xia starts again, moving throughout the crowd. "We're to start the lessons involving in the history of Ali'ka'kuul Forest Isles, how it came to be, how it was populated, and how it became what you all know now.." Xe says.

He was in front of the classroom now, and many of the children were bouncing with anxiety as they watched the new teacher. One shakily rose her hand. "Hm, yes.... Aliko?" Xia asks, motioning to the young girl.

"Uh... Sir.. Springfall- I. Hmm..." She looked down at the ground, feeling as if her chest was a ping pong ball. "Sir Springfall- if you're new.. Why are you teaching Ali'ka'kuul Forest Isles history?" She asks nervously. Aliko's gaze floated around the room, avoiding Xia's eye contact. He laughed at her question and for a second, the classroom was filled with a tension previously unknown to these students.

"That's a good question, Aliko." Xe says, that familiar smile coming to his face. The class, mostly Aliko, calm down, smiling as well. "I've always been a fan of the.. World here, surrounding the Ali'ka'kuul Forest Isles, I've heard fai-.. Stories of it when I was younger and as I grew, my interest turned into how everything came to be." He turns to face the class, spreading xyr arms. "And thus I am here, I've travelled my way throughout all around, and made it here, to my paradise."

And it will be mine.. Xe thought to himself, his eyes darkening upon the mere thought of xyr domination of this piece of land. Xia couldn't help but laugh a little, oh how he's fooled the lot.

"Erm... Teacher Xia?-" A student called out, snapping him back to reality.

"Oh- yes.. Irko?" He replies, folding his arms, that keen kind smile of his coming forth once more.

"Can we start the lesson now?" Irko asks, a hint of nervousness in his voice. Xia was near wondering why, however the moans and groans of the children around xem answered the unthought question: no one wanted the lesson to begin. Xia chuckles a little before nodding in response.

"While I would love to begin the lesson Irko.. I believe we should spend the day getting to know each other, all of you, and myself, how does that sound?" Xe asks, looking amongst the ones he was to teach. Cheers, at the appropriate time this time, came from the children, many saying "Yes" or "Yes please" and other variations of such. Xia chuckles again, nodding.

"Well then... Let's get started class!"

May 13, 2023 00:59

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