Two people watching a sunrise and one sees the moon reflecting on a lake

Submitted into Contest #68 in response to: Start your story with two characters watching a sunrise and end it with one of them seeing the moon reflecting off a lake.... view prompt


Friendship Funny Happy

         Two people watching a sunrise and one sees the moon reflecting on a lake

You need to see this sunrise babe" We sat out back on the deck looking at the sunrise shining over the lake behind the cabin. Dianna looked at me,

"joe I'm so glad we came up here this is beautiful,"  

"so am I babe the last few weeks have been crazy, stressful for everybody,". 

It was two months since we had our run in with Diane's ex-boyfriend at work. My uncle gave me the use of his cabin upstate to get away for a while and decompress from all the excitement of the trial and the stress that came with it. We got an early start to our trip It was a two-hour ride to Tuxedo, New York. We unpacked most of the car; I said to Dianne

  "We unload some groceries we brought up; I look in the fridge my uncle Charlie had It was filled with a case of blue moon and wine fridge with a few bottles chilling I texted him,"

  "I saw the supplies you left us, thank you,"

"no problem kids enjoy".: Diana look what uncle Charlie left us "showing her the fridge and wine fridge "She looked at the wine fridge  smiled.

"That's going to go down easy with the steak we brought,"

"Oh, hell yeah,"

The first day at the cabin was very eventful, taking in the local sights, apple picking, finding an Aunt B's Bakery with an apple pie cooling in a window. I checked my watch it was nine am we took a ride further into town, looked around grabbed breakfast, at a local diner uncle bill's, and talked about our future. We did some sightseeing antique shops, apple picking. The antique shopping was fun, I said to Dianna

  "antique shopping, never looked fun,"


"It always looked boring," smiling

 "until you find your right shopping partner" she smiled at me with the vanilla perfume smell she wore the first day we meet. I smiled grabbed her hand walked around shop and look around other stores.

  We came across a hardware store I need to fix screen door for my uncle. There was an elderly couple walking around picking up a few flowerpots. Milly and Mike

 Mike was putting some screw drivers nuts bots and hammer, Milly said

   "what do you need all this stuff for?"

   "in case brain need something to fix something for us,"

   "brains a contractor I think he has everything," 

  "what about this ladder I can do some painting this weekend,"

  "your eighty years old you're not climbing a ladder Bob Vila," smiling at mike. Mike shoots  back.  

 "yeah  like you have a green thumb Martha steward," with an eye wink after the remark, wecould not help but laugh Diann asked  

  "Excuse me, how long have you been married "Mike said

  "sixty years today"

"what's your secret" Dianna asked

   "sarcasm "mike said. We said,

   "god bless you both,"

 We left the store and came across Clarkson elementary school; we stopped and looked around the area. There were other parents with their kids on the playground running around a swing and on the money bars. We stood there smiling at the site of kids and parents laughing. One couple came up to us 

"high where tammy and mike, are you new in the neighborhood?" I said.

"no were just visiting for a few days," tammy said

"you will love it up here nice and quiet  lots to do, a young married couple married like yourselves your kids will love this town," Dianne said

"were not married, just engaged no kids,"

"yet "we smiled. Tammy and mike said goodbye we sat there for a few minutes looking at the school, the playground smiling as I wrapped my arms around her from behind. We drove home she sat quite smiling. I asked her

"you're thinking about life up, here aren't you?", she just smiled

"it is very appealing "she just clutched my hand tightly.   

    By four pm we headed home, Dianna brought up a few wedding magazines, books etc. to look at ideas for our wedding We spent the next few hours of the day going over wedding ideas and plans, pictures, likely locations. I noticed a dock in the back with a boat hooked. We went for a boat ride down the lake, taking in mother nature, falling in love with nature and the peacefulness. I found a fire pit under a tarp with logs. Dianne looked at me

"so, you every split logs before "yeah with my uncle," she hands me an axe

"okay he-man let's see," smiling

"sarcasm right" laughing. I picked up the ax grabbed it properly laid the blade on the log swung  the ax back and struck the log splitting in in half" She clapped 

"bravo he man, let me try" she  picked up the axe and could barely lift it past her waist" I smiled            

I went to fix the screen door my uncle told me about; I pulled it off the hinges, ripped the screen out and repair the screen. She stood there smiling '

"your handy also that'll come in handy with my honey do lists," smiling

"yeah, I learned a few things from my uncle," 

 We started up the grill tossed a few steaks on, with Pandora playing in background, Dan Hartman I can dream about you came on. I started singing it to her; It helped to have a few glasses of wine beforehand. I checked on the steaks, then Jim Brickman’s, my destiny came on. We danced to a faint moon light creeping its way into the cabin from a window. I was sitting inside watching TV on The Hulu app slowly dozing off, Dianna was outside on the deck with a glass of wine taking in the entire day and what we experienced. She was sitting on a chair, taking in the moonlight off the lake. She thought I was sleeping I heard her talking to her mom about the day,

   "we saw a beautiful sunrise of the lake behind the cabin, and the moonlight was just as amazing. I raised my head up looking over thew back of the couch looking out the back door smiling as she was talking to her mom about our future together as the moon light coved the deck,".        

November 20, 2020 01:03

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