The Faded Photograph
Suzanne Marsh
Years have gone by since I first found the old faded photograph tucked away in a dresser drawer. My Mom was cleaning her dresser drawers; there was a picture of a young blond man in front of a maroon coupe. Mom made light of the situation:
“He was a boy I knew during the war.”
“Mom, why do you still have his picture?”
“He meant something to me. He died toward the end of the war.”
Now I was really intrigued; who was that man? Why did Mom hide the picture? It made no sense but then again I was a child of eight. I once asked my Dad about the picture; he wouldn’t answer my questions. That was how things stood until Mom passed away. I had been helping Dad go through her things.
There was the photograph of the young blond man. I turned the picture over and read:
“To the most beautiful girl in my world. I love you from the tips of my toes to the top of my
head. Billy S.”
I hid the picture, I knew if Dad saw it; that would be the end of the picture and the mystery behind it. Mystery being why had Mom kept that picture with the beautiful inscription on the back. What did this guy really mean to her. I wasn’t going to leave this alone. Dad wasn’t going to tell me; perhaps I would just have to wait it out. I often thought about that picture over the years. The advent of the home computers began an adventure for me that lasted for a good many years until the faded photograph finally tell the truth.
“Yes Billy I will marry you; when you come home.”
“Katie, if I had not enlisted I would have been drafted. Don’t look so sad, you have at
least two years to plan our wedding.”
“Billy, just come home safely to me.”
“Katie before I leave….”
He dropped down on one knee:
“Will you marry me Katie?”
She threw her arms around him:
“Yes, a thousand times yes.”
He placed the diamond on her ring finger. She had several problems the largest being she was Catholic and he was Protestant. She knew her parents would not approve of the marriage; however Katie had a will of iron; she knew she could win this argument. She was ecstatic; she took the subway home; her head in the clouds. She began to design her wedding gown in her mind; missing her normal stop at 48th street. Once she was home, she took off her engagement ring until such time that she was ready to tell her parents. Katie placed the engagement ring in white tissue paper then hid it in her sock drawer inside an old sock. She knew it would be safe from the prying eyes of her sister, Annie. Katie danced her way to bed; everything was wonderful in her world.
Esther Swan sat silently at her dining room table clutching the letter from Billy:
‘Dear Mom,’
I am stationed in England. I made sergeant; I am a tail gunner on a B17 fortress. The plane’s name is Nanny S. I think of you often here in England. The weather is gloomy and damp; wish I was home in New York City where it is warm.
How is Katie Mom? Did she tell you we are engaged? I gave her a ring the night I shipped out. I love her Mom, very much. If anything should happen to me; make sure Katie finds happiness; I know I can depend on you Mom.
I will write again soon.
Love, Billy
Esther knew her son very well, he was scared and worried. She knew she would do everything she could to help make Katie happy. Esther shook her self out of her revere as she looked up to see Katie standing there.
“Ah Katie, how are you? I received a letter from Billy.”
“I did too, he is wonderful isn’t he?”
“Yes, he is.”
Billy Swan sat quietly contemplating how a twist of fate had brought him to England. The beauty of the English country side in early summer was beautiful. The Camaraderie of the pilots and crews was something to marvel. The gracefulness of the B17’s. All in all he was enjoying this adventure. Thus far, he thought, knock on wood, the adventure had been wonderful. He enjoyed going to the pub down the road from the base with the crew of Nanny S. The pilot, Jack Swanson was a friendly outgoing man of twenty one. The gunners were all nineteen years of age. Billy thought the English girls were lovely but none as beautiful as Katie. Billy had been on ten missions in as many days. He thought perhaps he was pushing his luck but thus far everything had been fine. They dropped their bombs and returned to base.
Late one night, the stars barely visible the sirens went off. Pilots and crews grabbed their equipment and ran for their planes. The base was under attack from the Luftwaffe. Billy could see smoke pouring out of their plane. The pilot Jack Swanson realized the plane could not be saved; they would no doubt be receiving a new plane and orders. Jack hated the thought; the Nanny S was a lucky plane. Nothing could be done to save the plane; riddled with holes and on fire, the crew simply stood by helplessly as she burned. Billy felt that it was a good omen; after all they could have been over a target in Germany, then they would have ended their flying time in a Stlag.
Time stood still for several days until the next mission was presented to the pilots and their crews. The squadron was going to bomb several sites in Holland; Amsterdam was perhaps the most logical. Billy, that sunny morning had a premonition of a black cloud surrounding their B17 flying fortress. He shook himself; he had to go on this mission then he was homeward bount. The B17 sat waiting for her crew. Billy checked his lower turret guns, nothing jammed. The pilot Jack Swanson began the engines. A cold wind suddenly blew up. The entire crew shivered. The B17 climbed high into the blue sky. The weather was perfect for a bombing mission. The plane veered toward Holland.
Ack Ack guns began to fire white poofs from their fire, Billy watched several planes as they were hit.
Turbulance began to rock the plane; before Jack Swanson realized it: they had been hit. Blood began to flow from Jack’s chest wound. Billy began firing from his lower turret, smoke became so dense that it was impossible to see targets. Jack passed out at the controls, the plane began to spin toward earth. Billy felt something warm running in his eyes as he continued to fire.
That morning the entire crew of the Ella J were killed.
Esther Swan began her usual morning ritual, with a cup of coffee, a piece of toast. The door bell rang. Esther went to answer the door. She felt as if her entire world was about to fall apart. She noted the Army Captain and a chaplin; it could only mean one thing her Billy, her only child was dead. She opened the door slightly:
“Hello Mrs. Swan, I am Captain Gerald Booker and this is Chaplin Howard Hinds, I am sorry
to bring these sad tidings but your son William Swan was killed in action over Holland. Is
there anything or anyone we can call?”
Esther thought several moments:
“Could you please call Billy’s fiancee Katie Mcguire. She is the only person who needs to
know at the moment.”
The Chaplin made the phone call. Katie sat down as she listened:
“Miss, Mcguire I am Chaplin Howard Hinds; would you please come to the Swan home as
soon as you possibly can, we will stay until you arrive.”
Katie, knew then, that Billy had died. Her Billy, the love of her life. She arrived at Esther’s to find the two men trying to console Esther:
“I am Katie Mcguire, Esther, Esther where are you?”
“I am here in the dining room Katie.”
The two officers left the home of Esther Swan there had several more stops that morning, for the members of Billy’s crew. It was bad enough when one crew member was killed but disastorious when an entire crew lost their lives.
Katie never gave up hope. She married another man by the name of Bill. They had one child eventually. Katie wrote letters to Holland asking if anyone had seen the crew of the Ella J, maybe one was rescued. Nothing, her Billy was gone, except in her heart.
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This story was just beautiful—well done! The only thing I can really say otherwise is the fact that it might need some editing in some places (not word or story wise, just structural).
Beautiful love story attached to an old photo. So, sad the mom could never share her first love story with her daughter, but I'm glad the daughter got to find out who Billy was. I think a lot of us have that hidden box with special memories from our past. Your story was sad and lovely all at the same time. Great read, well done!!