Adventure Creative Nonfiction

"We're lost!" I shouted, officially declaring our defeat and sat down.

Eric moved his torch in search of any mark that he had left. He found nothing. There were none. They had all disappeared! At last he gave up and sat beside me.

"Well Sunshine," he sighed. "We really are lost."

"Congratulations! The golden tickle is yours!" I mocked.

He chuckled.

How? I wondered as I looked at him.

“What?” The black eyed, ginger head specie asked, getting conscious of himself. “Is there something on my face?”

“Yes. It’s that smile. How can you manage to smile?

"Life is too short for frowns, Sunshine."


"So what are we going to do now, sit here and smile?"

"For a couple of minutes, yes." he looked up at the sky. "Hopefully someone will come and find us."

I looked up too and what I saw wasn't good. It felt like the stage was getting ready for the disco on top of a dark grey floor.

How did we end up here in the first place?!

I looked down at my nails. I had them manicured and painted green all for this trip. I should've painted them black, since that seems to be the colour of my fate. I should've listened to Abby!


"Why green?" Abby asked eyeing my freshly done nails.

"Because, it's the colour of nature,” I chirped, still sipping my Cappuccino.

Mmmmm now this is my idea of heaven.

"Paint them black," Abby said before getting into the very next shop.

"Why?" I followed her.

Oooh. I have to get that top!

"Black is the new pink," she said picking up a black top as I picked a green one.

"I'll stick with the go green policy," I smiled as the lady in pink took our shirts away.

"I can't believe your parents are letting you go," Abby said.

"Me neither!" It was a once in a life time moment. This was my chance to prove to my parents that I was old enough to take care of myself! And...

"Aria! Aria!..."


I snapped back to reality and saw Eric less than an inch away from my face.

"Eeee!" I pushed him back. "What are you doing?!"

"If we don't find a shelter soon it'll be a Night in the Jungle Part II!" He said looking up. He was right. It was a lightning disco up there and someone was blowing hard on the devil’s tuba. The demons were out to play.

"How are we going to find a shelter from this!?" I said throwing my arms all around.

"We certainly won't if we stay here."

"What if somebody comes to find us?" I said feeling hopeful. We've been sitting at this spot for quite some time.

"Didn't you read the rule book?"

What rule book?

"You didn't, did you?" Eric sighed. "Campers rule number 12: In case there’s a disco in the sky,” He mocks, “Return to headquarters immediately. If a camper is left behind, he/she shall not be looked for and must resort to survival rule 4."

"No wonder you have the top grades," I said amazed by his memorizing skills.

"Survival rule 4, Aria! Find a shelter!" He said taking my arm and leading me through the trees. "Let's go!"

"It's a forest!” I screeched, “What are we looking for? A pixie hollow?”

Our voices were getting louder as the wind grew stronger.

"This is an authorized camping area!" He said practically shouting. “The forest department has made artificial shelters for dummies like us!"

Ah. Why didn't he say that earlier?

I took charge of my movements; I had been being dragged by him all this time, and looked with him. The only problem was that I didn't know what a shelter looked like. So what in the world was I supposed to look for?

"Look for a cemented pathway," said Eric reading my thoughts.

"Alri..." My voice faded as I felt cold needle like droplet hit my skin. "The hell!" Shouting didn’t help, for Mother Nature shouted back. Eric pulled me close to him as we moved around continuing our search. Our vision blurred as a curtain drew between us and the world. There was no escape. The trees and bushes scratched us as we brushed past them. At one point I lost balance and fell face first into the mud. Except that it wasn't mud. It was cement!

"Aria!" Eric shouted lifting me up. "Are you alright?!"

"I'm fine! Look!" I shouted back ignoring the stinging pain. "Shelter!"

Without another word we followed the path and came across a giant black Igloo like structure. It had a semi circular door. Eric and I charged at the door like barbarians, screaming. But all in vain, the entrance didn’t even budge.

“What now?” I leaned against the door when it pushed open. I looked up at Eric baffled. He simply pointed towards the door handle. “Civilization.” He smirked as we stumbled inside and slowly closed the door shut.

"We're alive," I said trying to catch my breath.

“Yes.” He whispered.

We sat there in silence staring at nothing in particular. It was a while before we became aware of our surrounding and I of the pain shooting through my body. Eric moved closer to me and brushed his fingers across my forehead. I flinched.

“Does it hurt?” He asked, gentle as ever.

What’s with this mood? I could feel blood rushing to my face.

“Cause girl that is a deep cut! It’s going to scar!”

I stared at him in horror. And before I could start panicking, He burst into a fit of laughter.

“Seriously?” I pushed him away.

“Sorry! Couldn’t help it.” He said wiping away his tears. “On a serious note we better clean that up or else it will turn into an infection.”

I nodded as we for the first time looked around. It was a simple wide space with a cupboard, a sink, a single stove and another door leading to a small toilet. Eric moved towards the cupboard and boy was it loaded! There were some snacks, a bottle of crushed coffee, a couple of sweat shirts and pants, towels, a large sleeping bag and there it was, the first aid kit. For the next half an hour we got cleaned, changed into warm, dry clothes and tended to each others’ wounds. Eric’s back especially had a lot of them. I realized how he had protected me all the way. I massaged his back for longer than was necessary. He was quiet. I was quiet. The only sounds were the muffled voices of monsters wailing outside.

“I’m done.” I finally said.

No response.



I turned around and saw him staring at nothing in particular. I debated between shaking him back to reality and letting him daydream about whatever he had in his mind. I left him and silently moved towards the cupboard. The last we had eaten anything, it was lunch. So I set out some snacks and prepared warm milky coffee. Eric was still in a daze by the time I was done. This time I shook him.  He turned toward me and looked at me as if he didn't recognize me.

"Coffee?" I asked.

Something in his eyes changed. He was back. "Yeah.” He nodded and smile. “Yeah... yeah."

“Let me fold out the sleeping bag,” He said and got up.

I helped Eric set it up and then we sat cross legs on the soft material facing each other and silently drank from our mugs.

“So, Miss Daddy’s girl,” Eric looked up. “How do you think Mr. Holmes will react to your 1little adventure?”

“Ah! Don’t remind me!” I groaned. “He’s going to kill me!”

“I better start practicing the violin then.”

“Not so fast young lad. This girl ain’t dying until her grand debut!”

“Singing, eh? You do have a beautiful voice. Don’t forget me after the fame hits you babe, or I’m telling everyone about how you flunked half of your classes in your first term. How did a scientist and detective produce a brain dead singer?”

“One, I’m not going to forget you, cause you my boy, are going to be my lead guitarist! And two, my grandparents were artists.”


“Violinist? But... don’t you have a guitar hanging on your wall?” I asked recalling the time I had visited his house was a history project.

“That’s my sister’s.”

“Really? She plays? That’s so cool! How have I never met her before?”

Eric looked lost and it hit me. All the photographs in the hallway, his room and the constant weary look on his mother’s face. I regretted asking.

“She died two years ago.”

“I’m sorry.” I put my mug down and took his hand. He looked down. The demons outside roared loudly as if wanting to drown the sad tale that followed.

“It was a car accident. It wasn’t her fault. She was good. She followed the rules. She stopped at red, no matter the time, and drove at green. But I didn’t. I drove right into her even though it was red. I survived.” He chuckled. “Of course I survived. I’m here.” His voice faded away as I took him my arms. We stayed like that for who knows how long before he pulled away.

It was past midnight when we decided to sleep. That's when it hit me. There was only one sleeping bag!

"I'll sleep on the rug," Eric said and guilt enveloped me.

We were only sleeping, right? I mean just lying beside each other and going to sleep. It should be alright. Right?

But for some reason my heart began to beat faster and my ears heated up.

"Sunshine!" Eric called and I snapped. "It's totally fine!"

He brought the rug closer. "See. Don't worry. Now get into your cocoon!"

I hesitated but had no other alternative to give. Switching places was out of the question since I knew Eric would never allow it so I reluctantly got in.

"Sleep well Sunshine," he smiling and oh my heart fluttered.

"Good night Eric."

It was then that I realized how tired I was. Minutes after that warmth enveloped me and I fell asleep. I don't know when or how but somewhere in the night I woke up. I could hear Eric besides my as he was moving a lot, changing his sides again and again. I dared to look out and flinched as cold air hit my skin. It was freezing outside! Eric had moved a bit closer but his back was towards me. I slowly got half out of the bag and touched his neck. He quickly sat up and stared at me.

"You are freezing!"

"You have a fever!"

We said at the same time.

"No I don't! It’s you who's cold!"

Eric relaxed.

"I'm fine Sunshine," he said softly. "Go to sleep."

"No," I said and inched away. "Come. We'll share."

Even in the darkness I could make out the resistance on his face.

"But rule 28 states that we're not allowed to share sleeping bags."

Wait. What?

I looked at him unbelievably. What was this guy made of?

"You're worried about the rules? Are you insane?! Well they should have though this through and placed two sleeping bags in here! Come here."

I pulled him towards me.

"Come on get in."

Eric still looked unsure but his expressions soften when I assured him that I didn't mind. He got in and I enveloped him with my warmth.

"Come closer," I said softly. And he did, though reluctantly.

I put my feet on his, held his hands in mine and joined our foreheads trying to warm him up. Slowly his breathing calmed down and he stopped shivering. An hour later he was sleeping all warm and cozy. In the dark I could faintly make out his face. I stroked his hairs and brought my lips close to his forehead. I kissed him.

"Sing to me Ria," Eric said startlingly me. He rested his hand on my cheek and said again. "Will you sing me a lullaby?"

And I did. I softly sang one. One, that I never knew the words to, until that night. One that would become one of the greatest treasures I ever possessed.

One, that was sung many years later again. But one that was not so warm anymore. 

September 18, 2020 09:08

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Monica D
15:56 Nov 14, 2020

Nice work it was very intriguing.


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Milja Luomala
08:27 Sep 24, 2020

A really sweet story with well developed characters. And the weather descriptions were really great! :)


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