General:Twenty minutes before you are about to get married you find your mother and your fiance kissing passionately.

Submitted into Contest #52 in response to: Twenty minutes before you are about to get married, you find your mother and your fiancé kissing passionately.... view prompt

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Weekly Writing Prompts

Prince De-Grant Brempong


Twenty minutes before you are about to get married ,you find your mother and your fiance kissing passionately.

Marriage is a union between a man and a woman ,it is the period where two couples come together for reunion in the form of a wedding ceremony. Marriage also involves the family which is a universal phenomenon.

However the relationship between husband and wife is Marriage.

Wedding happens to be a marriage ceremony especially considered as including the associated celebrations.

Again a Wedding is a social event of which the ceremony of Marriage is performed.

Wedding is also an act of marrying between two couples who seem not to be having affair elsewhere.

Within about two minutes ,that I was about to get married I found my mother and my fiance kissing passionately.

As a female ,I was very annoyed about this issue .I wondered how can my own mother be kissing my fiance passionately on the day of the marriage ceremony.

I will consult my mum about what I saw her doing and kissing my fiance.

I will get annoyed , because I will not like to engage in a polygamy Marriage.

I will not like to marry a man with more than one wife.

Since I saw my own mother having an affair with the bridgegroom on the very day of the wedding ,I will cancel the marriage ceremony. I will first of all inform this issue to the Pastor also since I have no other option.

As a female ,I will be unhappy about the issue , I will also feel very worried about the fact of my mum kissing my fiance passionately and my fiance the bridegroom is not supposed to agree on the issue of kissing mum passionately.

At first I thought my mum was having an affair with my fiance so the marriage ceremony cannot go on.

The issue about my mum and my fiance is quiet an alarming issue.

I will also report the issue to the Pastor for my fiance to go through counseling before I can possibly go through with the marriage ceremony .

I will also inform this matter to my father to consult my mum not to ruin my marriage ceremony , about the issue of mum kissing my fiance.

When I commented the issue of mum kissing my fiance to my father ,he was very shocked and dad said that mum was only giving a complement to the nice suit the bridegroom was wearing .

Mum also commented that the bridegroom was not right for my daughter the bride because he will not be kissing her since , he knows she was the mother in law.

The issue of mother kissing fiance can easily cause the breakdown of the marriage ceremony. The Marriage ceremony can be called off so that the bridegroom goes through counselling first before another wedding.

According to the Pastor ,he commented that your mum ,that is the mother in law of the fiance was just trying to teach your fiance how he could possibly kiss her daughter.

So the Pastor concluded that this should not cause for alarm in ruining your marriage ceremony.

The Pastor also cautioned that I should not be at loggerheads with both my mum and fiance over the issue of kissing.

As a female your mum is so dear to you. You shouldn't break up quarrel with her especially on the day of your marriage ceremony.

Also your family gave their consent before the Marriage ceremony was organised.

The Pastor also commented that the Marriage ceremony can also be cancelled only when your mum and fiance are having sexual affair and there are instances of pregnancy.

Also according to the Pastor ,he was just trying to convince me not to cancel the wedding ceremony as this may lead to waste of money.

I had no better option but to make a decision about what the Pastor cautioned me about.

The Bible commented that we should Love one another but not to be kissing passionately or having an affair outside Marriage.

Also if not by eye sight I saw my mum and fiance kissing passionately on my wedding day, I will warn them that I do not like their love affair, even when

they are not in an intimate relationship.

Also twenty minutes before my wedding ,I can not recollect the last time,I saw my mum having an affair with my fiance since their passionate kiss.

The Pastor asked me to exercise patience because I had no better option of cancelling the Marriage ceremony based on the incident.

As a Christian I had to obey my Pastor by the decision of not cancelling the wedding ceremony.

I had no other alternative but to decide whether or not the wedding ceremony should go on.

Also I had to make a decision ,my mum and fiance had been so good to me in my life.

I do know that what really caused them to be kissing passionately at that moment might be of their excitement of the wedding.

Finally , I had no better option ,but to decide on the fact that the wedding ceremony should go on because like the Pastor said money can not be refunded back it might be waste of. money .

I do appreciate the counselling of the Pastor ,that I allowed the Marriage ceremony or the wedding ceremony to be carried on by the Pastor.

Also in order to shame the devil ,I married my fiance,I could not cancel the wedding ceremony to be carried on by the Pastor.

Also in order to shame the devil ,I married my fiance since he apologized including my mum, I could not cancel the wedding, because I had no other alternative and we kissed passionately during the wedding ceremony.My fiance was a white man from the United States of America and his culture and the way and manner he was brought up is quiet different from us.

I married my fiance and we had two kids together after the wedding. ceremony.

My fiance and I lived happily ever after in the United States of America, a place of opportunity and plenty.

July 30, 2020 02:27

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Prince Brempong
02:39 Jul 30, 2020

How can I redeem my prize of $50 Dollars if I am to win the contest is it through Western Union or Money gram .? From:Mr. Prince De-Grant Brempong Tel.0575086991


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