The Bloodline: Witches, Vamps and Other Ghastly Girls

Submitted into Contest #57 in response to: Write a story about someone breaking a long family tradition.... view prompt


Drama Fantasy Romance

The Kolgrim bloodline flows from generation to generation, bestowing on the new both the achievements and transgressions of the old. With each new generation of Kolgrim witches that chooses to accept the destiny of their coven, the family’s lineage expands beyond the restraints of the boundaries set throughout the course of history. Each Kolgrim woman, herein this bloodline, must consciously and willingly choose to take up the powers and responsibilities that come with being a Kolgrim witch. Should she choose to confirm her place within the bloodline, she will be cementing herself as a part of a long-enduring tradition that our family has maintained for centuries. May the Kolgrim bloodline live-on for many-a-moon, and may the women who make up this coven never fail to uphold the decorum that befalls a Kolgrim witch.

           I can’t stop my hands from shaking as I hold the centuries old piece of parchment that my eldest sister, Thea, has just handed me. The worn and weathered paper smells of sage, and I can feel the vastness and importance of its contents in my fingers. I read the scroll in my head, there’s a lump forming in my throat as I do. 

           “God, I need a drink.” My raspy, feminine voice almost croaks as the words leave my lips.

           “Of water?” Thea asks.

           “Of bourbon.” I grimace. Thea and my two other elder sisters, Marnie and Freya, all join together in a chorus of giggles.

           “Oh, Endora, always so sarcastic.” Marnie laughs.

           “I mean it, this is serious business… Makes a woman want to start drinking.” I set the parchment down on an old Victorian chest that used to belong to my great-grandmother. Now it just houses a dusty old collection of my sisters’ various spell books and hexing potions.

           “It’s not like you didn’t know this was coming, Endora.” Freya rolls her emerald eyes at me from across the sunroom. She fiddles with a prickly vine as she speaks. “The whole idea behind becoming a Kolgrim witch is choosing to uphold the family tradition on your twenty-first birthday. We all did it, and now it’s your turn, sweet Endora.”

           “Well, it’ll be your turn in a little under two days.” Thea corrects.

           “Right.” Freya flashes a wink, and her whole porcelain complexion lights up. She’s beautiful. All of my sisters are. I suppose that’s one of the perks to being part of the Kolgrim coven, apart from the magical powers, undeniable and unobtainable beauty. I’m certain anyone with eyes would consider my supple skin, big round eyes and flowing blonde hair beautiful too, then again I’m not technically part of the coven. Not officially.

           “I know, it’s just a little intimidating.” I sigh.

           “Intimidating?” Marnie scoffs. “You make the vow, you choose the coven, long live the Kolgrim bloodline. The end. Easy-peasy, sister dear.”

           “For you, maybe.” I mumble under my breath.

           “What was that?” My sisters eye me suspiciously.

           “Nothing.” I roll my eyes. “I’m going to tend to the garden for a minute. I’ll be back in a while.” I make my way outside. It’s mid-November and our tiny town in Maine is adorned with the most vibrant shades of yellows and reds. It’s still rather early in the day, so there’s a thick fog and a fresh sheet of dew that clings to the scenery. I pad across the cobblestone path that leads from our farm house to our greenhouse and garden. It sounds so cliché, witches having a bunch of flowers and herbs that they grow, but it is one of my family’s favorite pass-times. Not to mention the fact that sage really is a powerful little mistress.

           I tip-toe through the various flora that is sprouting from our garden and plop down next to a thorny bush. It’s my favorite plant that we have, a sad little rose bush that’s never actually sprouted a rose. It’s ugly and brittle and rather depressing, but I’ve grown to love it throughout my childhood. I insisted mother let us keep it… she wasn’t thrilled with the idea, but I can be rather persuasive. I take out my phone and start to scroll through old messages. Thea. Freya. Marnie. Mother. Finally, I find the one I’m looking for. Cassius Marquis.

           I pull up the past messages in my thread with Cassius. I nervously chew on my bottom lip as I pass countless shared photos and texts between the two of us. I let out a long breath as I click on his contact photo. A well-kept, impeccably groomed man fills my screen. His chiseled jaw line is only rivaled by his piercing silver eyes and dangerously perfect black hair. Behind his boyishly charming dimples is a smile. And behind his smile, are two things that my sisters would never in a million lifetimes approve of… FANGS.

         I stare at Cassius’ photo on my cell phone screen for a moment longer, drinking in his beauty like a sponge that’s just found water. He is exquisite. I swallow the lump that seems permanently plastered to my esophagus and click the ‘call now’ button next to Cassius’ face. My phone begins to ring.

           “Good morning, beautiful! How are you, my love?” His deep, masculine greeting sends shivers up my spine. And just like that I go weak at the knees; thank God I’m already sitting down.

           “Hi darling, good morning. I’m afraid I’m feeling really overwhelmed.” I speak softly, as to prevent my sisters from overhearing should they get the nerve to tend to the garden themselves.

           “What’s the matter, Endora? Has the morning sickness returned?” He asks, his voice oozes sincerity and love. I swoon a little.

           “No, no. The doctor said that should be finished for the most part, now that I’m nearing the second trimester.” I place a manicured hand on my still surprisingly slender stomach. “It’s the coven. I don’t know what to do.”

           “About the bloodline? You know, you don’t have to choose to become a Kolgrim witch, darling. The choice is entirely yours. Your sisters cannot force you to do anything you do not want for yourself.” He says.

           “I know, but it’s just not that simple for me, Cass. It’s the longest standing family tradition throughout my lineage. No Kolgrim woman has ever denounced the coven since it began in 1408.” I sound exhausted as I speak. I’m honestly not sure if it’s my pregnancy or my constant fear of disappointing and disgracing my family that’s taken the life out of me lately, but for a youthful, beautiful witch, I sure do feel like a hag.

           “Endora, they’re your family, my dear. They love you. I love you. Our child loves you. But you have to do what is best for you, my darling. You have to do what’s best for yourself and our unborn daughter.” I can almost hear Cassius’ smile coming through the phone as he says ‘daughter’. One of the perks to being a witch meant I didn’t have to wait for an ultrasound to confirm the sex of our baby. I knew from the moment we conceived that our sweet babe would be a girl, another Kolgrim woman, which made this decision even more difficult in some ways.

           “I know, and I will. It’s just, I’m uncertain of what that is right now.” I frown. “I need to go inside, my love, my sisters will be wondering where I’ve wandered off to. I miss you with all my heart, Cassius.”

           “I miss you too, beautiful. I’ll be home soon, and then it’ll be you, me and our darling daughter. Together forever.” His voice is rich and earnest. It melts into my ears and finds its way to the parts of my soul that long for him the most. I smile.

           “I love you.”

           “I love you too. Both of you.” And with that, we hang up. I slide my phone into my pocket and make my way back to the house. I find my sisters scattered throughout the main floor. Freya is reading in the sunroom. Thea is practicing a spell in the kitchen. And Marnie is working with tarot cards in the living room floor, next to the fireplace. I can’t help but smile as I gaze upon my sisters, all of them so lovely and happy with their plot in life. And then there’s me, unsure of where I fit into all of this, unsure of what my future even holds. I brush off that nagging sense of betrayal that I’ve felt ever since I met Cassius, that feeling in my stomach that tells me I’ve broken my ties to my family before I’ve even made my decision about the coven. No Kolgrim witch has ever fallen in love with a man, it’s just not in the stars for our bloodline. It’s forbidden for a woman in my family to have allegiance to anyone or anything besides the coven itself. Leave it to yours truly to screw that up, big time. Not only have I fallen in love with a man, but I’ve fallen in love with a vampire. A bloodsucking, never-sleeping, lustful, handsome vampire. And I’m carrying his unborn child. Super.

           “I think I’ll go rest for a while.” I say to my sisters as I climb upstairs. I need some time to rest, to rest and to think. I have two days to make my decision, I just pray I make the right one.


           Forty-eight hours seems like a solid chunk of time. Well, it seems like it, but the next two days pass in a blur. My sisters have committed every waking moment to preparing for my bloodline ceremony. They invited the whole coven to attend. Now, it’s my twenty-first birthday, I’m eleven weeks pregnant with a half-vampiric baby, and over four generations of Kolgrim witches are gathering in my front lawn, waiting for me to make the biggest commitment and decision of my life.

           “I think I’m going to be sick.” I clutch the edge of my dresser as I steady myself.

           “Now, now… you wouldn’t want to get puke all over that stunning sapphire dress.” A deep voice echoes from my doorframe. I look up and see Cassius standing there, looking as hypnotically suave as ever.

           “Cassius! What are you doing here? How did you get up here?” I run to embrace him. His arms wrap around me and it feels like they belong there, clinging to my petite waist.

           “I’m a vampire, my love, I can be rather stealthy when I want to be, remember?” He winks at me then places soft and feathery kisses on my forehead, lips and neck. He continues his array of affection down my chest and stops even with my belly button. His lips meet the thin and flowy fabric of my dress as he kisses me there, ever-so-tenderly. “Hello in there! Daddy loves you my sweet, sweet daughter.”

           “I can’t believe you came.” I say, overwhelmed. “I’m so glad you did.”

           “I would never miss this.” He hugs me tight once more.

           “Endora! It’s time.” Thea’s voice sounds from the stairwell. I frown and grip the dresser once more to steady myself. Cassius pulls me in by my waist and kisses my forehead.

           “You can do this, Endora. Whatever you decide to do, I know, is the right thing.”

           “Thank you, my love.” I close my eyes and take comfort in his embrace.

           “Look for me in the back. I’ll be behind the greenhouse, where no one will see me. I know I wasn’t exactly invited.” He laughs.

           Nervously, I make my way downstairs and outside. The November sun is warm but the air is chilly. The breeze lifts the train of my sapphire dress and I can smell the fragrance of sage burning at the front of the gathering space. I walk past aisles and aisles of my congregated relatives. Witches from all over the northeastern United States and some from as far as Europe huddle together in joyful masses as they await for the newest Kolgrim witch to claim the bloodline as her own. I gulp.

           “And without further introduction, I give to you our estimed guest of honor today, my sister, Endora Mae Kolgrim.” Thea’s voice tapers off as I take my place before my family. There’s a polite and chipper applause as all eyes fall on me.

           “Hello everyone! Thank you so much for coming. It’s such a pleasure to see all of my beautiful relatives gathered together here, at our home.” My voice is shaky but I do my best to steady my nerves. “As you’re all well aware, today, my twenty-first birthday, is the day that I, Endora Mae Kolgrim, must willingly choose to uphold the long-enduring tradition of this family, and proclaim my association with the Kolgrim witches bloodline.”

           “Give us your decision, child.” The eldest living woman in our coven, my great-great aunt, Nymphadora, stands from her seat and prompts me to make my decision, the decision that I’ve been dreading for quite some time. I struggle to catch my breath as I look out upon my family. My sisters all look so elegant and excited. My aunts and cousins are all poised and patiently awaiting my response. Everyone is exactly who they’re supposed to be, and they’re all looking at me now, confident that I will do the same as they did. I sigh.

           “Um, before I tell you of my decision regarding the Kolgrim bloodline, there is something I would like to tell you all, rather there’s someone I’d like for you to meet.” My voice is barely above a whisper as I search the back of the onlookers, near the greenhouse, for Cassius. “Sisters, family, this is Cassius Marquis.” I motion for him to join me where I stand.

           Every head in the garden whips around and gazes, mouths open, eyes bulging at Cassius as he sidles up next to me at the front of the group. He places a tentative albeit confident hand on the small of my back and I relax instantly at his touch. Even though I’m terrified beyond all reason in this moment, he makes me feel at peace. Then again, that’s love. I smile up at him and then re-fix my eyes upon my astonished and horrified family members. I brace myself as Cassius looks at me, then back at the others, and flashes them a brilliant, dashing smile, fangs and all.

           “Ladies.” He nods. There’s an array of gasps and startled expressions as my sisters and the rest of the coven take in the sight before them. A man, not just any man, a vampire is standing before the Kolgrim coven with his arm wrapped around me. I feel like my knees are going to buckle.

           “What is the meaning of this, Endora?” Thea rushes to my side, while maintaining an appropriate distance from Cassius.

           “Thea, sisters, witches, this is Cassius Marquis, my fiancé and the absolute and eternal love of my life.” I say. My voice is surprisingly steadfast as the words leave my lips.

           “What?!” Thea gasps, as does everyone else. “This is preposterous. You can’t be engaged. It’s forbidden. Especially to a va-, a vamp-, a vampire.” She struggles to get the word out.

           “It’s true. Cassius and I are in love, and have been for quite some time. We’re engaged to be married.” I pause and look down at my stomach. “And we’re expecting a daughter.”

           “You’re pregnant?” Thea gasps.

           “Yes.” As I say the word, a sense of contentment overtakes me, and I let out a breath I’ve been holding in. “And it’s because of this that I cannot carry on the tradition of assuming my place within the Kolgrim bloodline and coven.”

           “Endora! Bite your tongue.” Marnie gasps. Everyone looks horrified.

           “Oh stop, Marnie.” I hiss back at her. “The whole purpose behind this ceremony is for women in our family to make a choice. They must choose, for themselves, what is best for their future. That’s what I’m doing. This was a difficult decision, one that I hope someday you’ll all understand, but I cannot be a member of this coven, at least not in the way you all long for me to be. I cannot vow myself to this bloodline alone any longer. I will always be a Kolgrim woman, and a Kolgrim witch at that, but soon enough I’ll also be a wife, and a mother, and a Marquis. My bloodline is now a culmination of everything that I hold dear in my life. I hope that eventually, my dear family, you’ll come to accept this and to see it as I do. I’m not turning my back on this coven, I’m opening my heart to a new way of life with my family.” I swallow as I finish speaking.

           I’m met with blank expressions from my relatives as Cassius kisses my forehead and leads me down the gravel path away from the garden. I look back at my sisters who stand dumbfounded in my wake.

           “I’m proud of you.” Cassius says.

           “Thank you, my love.”

           “I know our daughter will be proud of you too.”

           “I hope she is. I did this for myself, but I also did this for her. She deserves to know both halves of who she is – vampire and witch.” I smile up at him, though there is a twinge of sadness in my heart, put there by the baffled, disappointed faces of my family.

           “She will, darling. She’ll know exactly who she is, thanks to you.” His voice is soft and kind.

           “She will.” I nod in affirmation. “And she can find her place in this life, not hindered by one label or another. And we’ll love her, no matter who she identifies with… witches, vampires, or any other ghastly girls.” I wink, and the two of us stroll down the cobblestone, leaving my connection to the Kolgrim coven pending until further notice.


August 31, 2020 22:02

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23:56 Sep 04, 2020

Stellar! I've never read a witch story before. It had me at the edge of my seat!


Julie Good
15:44 Sep 08, 2020

Thanks my friend! I'm so glad you enjoyed it.


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