Submitted to: Contest #43

Once upon a time in the forest

Written in response to: "Write a story about an unlikely friendship."

27 likes 23 comments


Dan had blue eyes, a dark mane and eight legs. The son of a Centaur and a Fawn he was born with four more apendages than Centaurs should and a multitude more limbs than all the other Fawns. The Centaurs would chase Dan through the forest, teasing him for his difference. Extra limbs meant extra fast though so Dan could always out run them and their hurtful words. The Fawns were worse, not wanting to tackle such a broad shouldered creature they threw their taunts from afar or hidden behind whispers. Such it was then that the Sylvan forest was a lonely place for Dan. By the time Dan was ten he decided it better to gallop to the forest edge and spend time beside the fast running stream. There by the free running waters Dan could let the sound of the flow fill his ears and help him forget all the hurtful things the other half-horse and half-goat children said. By the stream was Dan’s safe place.

Red had scaly skin the color crimson, eyes of the deepest violet and a true fire in her belly. She tried and tried to turn that anger into the flame that all dragons can create but time after time she failed. Her father was unhelpful, his guidance causing more frustration than assistance for his daughter. Red’s mother was worse though, the pressures she placed upon her daughter’s slender shoulders were humungous and unfair. When anger and failure brought Red to tears she flew to the edge of the rolling hills where the plains ended at a stream. There, where the waters flowed so freely Red felt calm return. As the fire in her heart and head cooled the dragon discovered the words she wanted to say to her parents both. When she turned away from her shimmering reflection in the pure stream waters Red felt a new feeling swell inside her. Brimming with confidence Red would return homeward only to deflate the moment her mother locked eyes with her once more. Thus the dragon girl chose to visit the stream more and more often and for longer and longer each time.

Thus it was that one day across the stream Dan and Red locked eyes. At the edge of the tree line the eight-legged creature looked up and saw those vivid, violet orbs. Dan stepped back into the safety of the forest, all seething thoughts of what he wished to do to those who had taunted him that morning with names like hairy spider and octohorse faded away as this threat to his family and the other forest dwellers came to the forefront. He considered galloping back home as swiftly as his eight hooved feet could carry him. Very early on though was the thought why this ferocious lizard had not attacked. Dan had been taught as a tiny foal-kid that the mighty dragons were cruel creatures that sent the danger of fire in amongst the forest that was home. Great stories of battle were shared by the old and ancient Centaurs of how they as mighty warriors had sent back the draconic over the stream and into the very hills. Yet, as Dan stared in shock and wonder this dragon did not ignite a single blade of grass let alone the forest where he chose to shelter. Dan called across the stream and with curiousness enquired why the lizard did not strike. Dan saw an opportunity to ask why as opposed to assuming. Dan waited patiently for a reply.

When Red looked up from the rippling image of herself in the stream she was surprised to discover the strangest looking creature staring back. She wondered what this thing that ventured beyond the trees could possibly be, not Fawn, nor Centaur but a bizarre combination of both. Red considered fleeing back home amongst the safety of the hills where she would report this discovery to mother and father. Stories of how the dragonkind had driven back the fay into the forest where they had been banished to remain were commonly shared in the dragon-tongue. To see such a creature as this step up to the edge of the stream was disturbing. Red panicked for the briefest of moments wondering when the creature would wade into the waters and come forth with multiple hooves to trample and slay. Instead though, the creature called out across the water. A friendly and inquisitive voice the creature seemed not a threat at all.

“Hail!” roared Red. “What brings you to the stream, creature?”

“I am Dan, unaccepted by both Fawn and Centaur for my uniqueness,” called back Dan. He bowed awkwardly.

“I am Red, daughter of Infernos and Gemima,” replied the dragon. “I too am shunned by my kind for I am unable to flame.”

For months the two chose to meet across the stream and their friendship grew. Dan encouraged Red to listen to her body and to find her own way of creating fire that did not need pure fury and blind anger. With fire came confidence and a voice that was wise, thoughtful and thought provoking. Red in turn gave Dan the words he needed to defeat the bullies and confront the forest dwellers for their complacency. Both friends became important speakers amongst their own kind and over time were able to bring a kind of peace to the land. On the last day of the year they met finally both Red and Dan bravely stepped into the stream and shared the joy of the pure waters washing over them.

With words of wisdom and a patience not normally seen in Dragon, Centaur or Fawn the friends brought their families and then all of their kind to the edge of the waters and the edge of each other’s worlds. The two friends proved that dragons, centaurs and fawns could share the lands on both sides of the stream, something that took years to achieve but achieve it they did. Friends forever they lived out their lives demonstrating just how powerful true friendship can be. Happiness was their prize and a prize that gladly shared with Centaur, Dragon and Fawn alike.

Posted May 25, 2020

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27 likes 23 comments

Noor Ahmed
14:32 Jun 04, 2020

love it!


Tim Law
22:55 Jun 05, 2020

Thanks Noor... I was trying for a fairy tale style this time, something for children but the themes may be too mature... Perhaps a fairy tale for all?


Ash Brinton
14:10 Jun 04, 2020

I love how the first line says something common, and then twists expectations. Good job!


Tim Law
22:56 Jun 05, 2020

Thanks Mary B. Glad you enjoyed my story. Please read and comment on some of my others too if you have the time.


Daryl Gravesande
13:38 Jun 01, 2020

I have a new story! Tell me what you think!


Tim Law
22:57 Jun 05, 2020

Sure will Daryl! How do you get so many likes so quickly?


Daryl Gravesande
11:43 Jun 06, 2020

I get a couple of friends to spread the word, and eventually people start reading, why? I could help you if you want.


Tim Law
00:10 Jun 07, 2020

Thanks Daryl that would be awesome. I encourage my friends and family to read each story but none of them are on Reedsy so they cannot vote or comment.


Vrishni Maharaj
10:56 Jun 01, 2020

I like this! Great story:)


Tim Law
00:10 Jun 07, 2020

Glad you enjoyed it.


Roshna Rusiniya
10:53 May 30, 2020

This is a very well-written story. I loved it. Especially the last paragraph.


Tim Law
13:01 May 31, 2020

Thanks Roshna… If you have time please checkout some of my other stories...


Roshna Rusiniya
02:52 Jun 01, 2020

I will be happy to do that. Please have a look at mine too when you have time. Thank you!


Tim Law
00:11 Jun 07, 2020

I will for sure.


Alton Rooi
16:58 May 28, 2020

Well done too my friend, i loved the story. Awesome!


Tim Law
13:01 May 31, 2020

Thanks Alton! This was a fun one to write...


A. Y. R
09:56 May 27, 2020

I love the vividness of your writing! One thing to improve perhaps is spacing your paragraphs a bit better so it's easier on the eyes to follow


Tim Law
11:16 May 28, 2020

Great suggestion! I will try that in future...


23:32 May 25, 2020

Hi!! I really truly love this story, and it would be amazing to see more of your writing! It would be awesome if you read Daryl Gravesande's stories, and then like and follow!! His favorite is the first! Then please spread the word! I would gladly do the same for you! Thanks so much for the support! Stay safe!-Avery.


Tim Law
11:20 May 28, 2020

Thanks Avery! I’d love for you to checkout my other stories. I also have some stories on my blog page ( - somecallmetim)


Daryl Gravesande
23:30 May 25, 2020

AMAZING STORY! I loved it from beginning to end! So captivating! Check out Avery Mason's stories! I follow her (4th page on my follow list) so give her a like! Please?


Tim Law
11:22 May 28, 2020

Thanks Daryl!! I cannot wait to delve into your own creations (Avery said it is a MUST!)


Daryl Gravesande
12:55 May 28, 2020

Wow, thanks! Appreciate it!


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