

 Books, a window to the world is a phrase that everyone must have heard at least once in their lifetime. I love books, they fascinate me. I couldn’t even imagine a world without them. Ranging from children’s books to magic scripts, I have read many of them.   

Part 1

  “Again?” The librarian frowned at me.

  “S-sorry,” I apologized.

  “This is your thirteenth time, The Goddess won’t be pleased you know,” she reminded me.

  “I-I know,” I agreed.

  “If you knew, why didn’t you return the book sooner?”

  “I was busy and I forgot to return them,” I said as I scratched my back.

  “Busy? With what?” She asked as she put the book that I had borrowed back to where it belonged.

  “Casting spells,” I told the truth, I was casting spells for the villagers.

  “Are you a sorcerer?”

  “No, I haven’t taken the test yet.”

  “You better get one,” she suggested.


  “Are you done here?” 

  “Um about that…”  I fidgeted my fingers. 

  “About what?”

  “C-can I borrow another book?”

She sighed.

  “Make it quick,” she commanded.

  “Y-yes ma’am.”

 I opened the door, the next thing that I could see was the beautiful collection of books. They are properly organized from shelf to shelf. Children's books, science papers, even high class magic scripts. That’s what I’m looking for,  high class magic scripts. There’s a big problem in my village that I need to solve, I’m the only one that’s capable of solving it.

  “So, what do you need?” She asked.

  “A spell book that grows crops.”

  “Come with me,” she led the way. 

 Finally, she picked a book out for me to use.

  “You better return it on time.”

  “I-I’ll do my best.”

  “Your best is not enough,” she told me.


  “We’re going to move the spell scripts to a safer place next week, you’ll receive severe punishment from The Goddess if she finds out,” she warned me.

  “I-I see.” 

  “Go on now,” she excused me.

  “Um, can I ask you something?” 


  “I’ve been around here for quite sometime but I don’t know your name.”

  “Samantha,” she informed me.

  “Thanks a lot Samantha.”

I thanked her and left, I then walked back to my village. 

Part 2

  “You’re the champ boy,” Uncle Barry praised me. a

  “I am not worthy of your praise uncle.”

  8 days have passed since then and now I am busy with helping the villagers. It was quite a troublesome task. My village was quite big, there were four sides. East, West, North, and South, a river  was visible from where I was, that river was known as the great river. The great  river connects the four sides and gives us life. 

  “It is thanks to you that the cropses grew nice and strong, so what magic did you learn this time?”

  “Growing magic, I learned it from the book that I borrowed in the library-”

Shit! I had completely forgotten about it! I became limp.

  “I’m doomed, what should I do now?” I panicked.

  “What’s wrong boy?”

  “Sorry uncle, I have to go now!” I excused myself. 

 I ran through the villager’s houses, they were neatly spreaded and they were made out of wood and haystacks for the roof. Each and one of the houses are enhanced by my magic so nature could do nothing against it. I enhanced over 100 houses, I like learning magic so I did it for free. 

  “Anthony, where are you going?” A granny I knew asked.

  “Sorry granny! I can’t talk now!” I apologized.

 I then left the village and entered a plot of land. Animals ranging from ants to wuskows were visible from where I was. Wuskows you ask? They are mammals, they walk on 4 legs. They could walk using 2 of them though, they are furry creatures. Their head is that of a wolf however, they are as cute as a Margay. I then walked by the great river, the fishes were as healthy as ever. A big one then came,  it had blue scale and red eyes. 

  “Sorry Milly, I don’t have time now,” I told him as he had a sad look on his face.  

 A few miles had passed, the tall and  majestic buildings were in my sight. Excited, I hurriedly ran down there. Let me rephrase myself, I wasn’t excited, I was afraid. I was afraid that Samantha would notice that I had forgotten to return my book by the due time again. 

Humans, Demons, Beasts, and Spirits were hanging around in the city, they were coming in like a flood. Shit, I don't have much time now. Oh no, the library's really packed, I need to find an entry soon. That's it!  It finally got into me, the spell that I learned last week, The invisibility spell. I closed my eyes and began to concentrate magic on my wand. I then muttered these words,  

 “Invicta invisibilius,” I casted the spell as my wand glittered. 

 “This is sick,” I muttered to myself. 

 “Now,” I pointed my wand to the ground. 

 “Volant,” I commanded.

 The next thing I knew was the ground seemed far from where I was, I could even see the library’s roof. There were 10 floors each with their own specialties. The library itself was built like a roman church with a steplee like building. With gems like ruby, sapphire, and diamonds neatly spread around them.

 I then grabbed one of the steeples and landed down there. The next thing for me was to go through the roof by using permeation. I permeated myself through the roof and arrived at the 10th floor, finally. I then diffused my spell by waving my wand for 4 times, spell diffused. 

 Alright, time to go down to the seventh floor now. I pressed the elevator button, DING! I entered the elevator and went to the 7th floor.

 DING! There I was, the seventh floor. Also known as the floor of magic, books are flying around in the air. I walked through the shelves, the place that I borrowed this book was not far from here. I was fascinated, no matter how much I come here it still surprises me. 


 A book flew right at me, it was quite the thick one.

  “Basic Magic Vol 1.” 

I read this three years ago, it was fun. I would love to meet the author someday. I released the book from my hand and continued walking, one more shelf to go. I couldn’t wait to show this to you, the magnificent high class magic script spells-

  “W-what the…”

 I wiped my eyes a couple of times, walked a few steps and looked around. It's not here, oh no. What's going on?

  "Shit, shit, shit! Where is it?!"

 They're not here, h-how? 

  "Um, excuse me?"

 A woman around her 20s appeared right in front of me, she has short curly blonde hair. She is wearing a white dress that has a ruby on it.

  “Yes?” She looked at me.

  “Do you know where the high class magic scripts are?”

  “They moved it out yesterday,” she informed me.

  “M-moved it out?”

 It then came to me, Samantha did tell me about moving out. Oh no, what to do now? Think Anthony, think!

  “Do you need something? I could help you if you want,” she offered herself.


 Crap, I could sense a familiar coming here. My magic would be rendered useless since familiars could sense them.

  “Please, hide me!”

  “Hide you? From what?”

  “Please,” I pleaded.

  “Fine, you owe me one.”

  “You there, quiet down!” It scolded her. 

  “I am really sorry,” she apologized.

 It then left.

  “That was close,” I slid out of her dress and returned to my normal size, what could I do? That was the only option left for me.  Shrinking and hiding there was my only option however, I was surprised that it didn’t recognize me. Her dress must be the cause. 

  “Did you see?” 

  “See what?” 

  “Never mind, so what do you want?”

  “Do you know where the high class magic shelf is?” 

  “That thing? They moved it out of here a day ago,” she informed me.

  “Oh no, I’m dead.” 

  “I know a way to go there.” 

  “R-really?”  I was in disbelief.

  “My father was once a guard there.”

  “Your father?”

  “He was a great swordsman,” she said with a smile.

  “Then, you’re a swordwoman?” 


  “So, do you know how to get there?”

  “It's a dangerous road, you must be prepared,” she warned me.

  “I'm as good as dead anyways, might as well die trying.” 

  “Good, let me guide you there.”

  “Anthony,” I offered my hand.

  “Carla,” she shook it.

Thus our adventure begins.

Part 3

  “W-where are we?” I asked.

  “The secret gate,” she said. 

  “The secret gate?”

  “This is a part of the library that is really hidden, not even the librarian knew of this,” she took a torch out.

  “Fire please, if you don’t mind,” she asked.

  “Flamma,” I casted.

  “Thank you,” she thanked me.

 We then continue our walk, it has this cave like feel to it. There were “paintings” inside, a civilization must have lived here for quite some time. DRIP! DRIP!


  “This is a magic portal,” she informed me.

  “Inside the library?” Wow, a magic portal here?

  “A long time ago this library was a temple.” 

  “Here we are, the gate.”

The gate was around 2 m in height, it was made out of gold and it had purple ornaments around it. I was in awe, a gate like this in the library? If it weren’t for her I would never know this, speaking of her why did she help me? She then paused and looked at me.

  “A beast awaits us behind that door, do you want to proceed?” She wanted to verify.

  “Seshat’s wrath or a beast? I’d like to have the beast please.”

  “I do admire your courage, now then,” she pulled her sword out.

  “Wait a minute,” I stopped her.

  “What is it?”

  “Why did you help me?” I asked. 

  “Adventure,” she then opened the gate by raising the switch.

  “Prepare yourself!” She warned me.


 I could see it, a beast. It was around 3 m tall and it had white fur around it, its body is similar to an ape. Its eyes were metallic red and it has two sharp teeth. It also has a tail attached. The environment is not in our advantage, it is a sandy environment.

  “So, the plan?” I asked.

  “Follow me!” She charged in, some of the sand floated because of her pressure.


  It tried to grab her as soon as it noticed her, she then jumped over his hand and went straight for the head. SPLAT! A failure huh? 

  “Foolish humans,”

  “It spoke?!”

  “Hey, just because I'm big that doesn't mean that I'm stupid!” He was pissed off.

   “S-sorry,” I apologized.

  “Why are you apologizing to the enemy?” She scolded me.


 She then sighed.

  “Why are the two of you here anyways?” It asked.

  “Um, I want to return this book-”

  “Book? Let me guess, you forgot?”

  “Y-yes,” I nodded.

  “So, Seshat’s wrath huh?” It snarled.

  “Can you please let us go?” I asked.

  “No one can escape her wrath kid! Not even me!” It laughed.

  “Shall we continue?” Carla stood up. 

  “You’re brave, I’ll give you that,” it praised her. 

  “I’ll provide back up,” I pulled out my wand. 

  “Prepare to taste death!” It went berserk.

 It punched the walls and the ground resulting in derbies falling. The sand is also something that we need to watch out for, she then charged in as I shot fire, water, and air spells. It quickly dodged them, he’s as agile as a spider. 

  “Die!” Carla succeeded in jumping over his head. 

  “You! Since when did you-”

SLASH! She did it!

  “N-no way-” she was in shock. 

 Her blade turned into shards of metal as it fell to the ground. BAM! She soon followed, it slapped her to the walls.

  “Is that all you got?! Too weak!” It insulted us with a laugh.

  “A-are you alright?” I helped her.

  “I-I’m fine.”

  “Now I’m mad.”

 I pointed my wand at it, I began to cast a spell.

  “Thundra Magnifica!”

ZAPPPPPP! A huge lightning came out from my wand, I could no longer see what’s around me anymore. 

  “UWAAAAH!” It screamed as it fell.

  “W-we did it…” I couldn’t believe it, I took out a beast!

  “Why didn’t you use it at the very beginning?” She complained.

  “I thought that it was best not too since it’s dangerous, sorry,” I apologized.

  “Well, as long as we get the job done.”

  “Now what?” I waited for her.

  “Back there, the door to her archives and spells.”

  “That's it?”

  “Let’s hope that she didn’t notice us.” 

 That was one hell of an adventure, we did it. Seshat wasn’t there and I was able to return the book without them noticing. What did I learn from all of this? That is to keep your promises.

April 30, 2021 12:05

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