Creative Nonfiction Christian People of Color

This story contains sensitive content

It speaks of Satan indirectly, alludes to corroboration, and amounts to reality. Reminds us to not take things personally! When is it okay to betray someone and feel okay about it?

"I'm not saying he's wrong. I think he's right, but I don't understand why he isn't acting more than what he is," Judas said.

"Yes. I can see how that would disturb a man of your political aspirations," another man said while they drank in the pub. He had silly writings on his forehead, and he spoke a foreign language, but they all understood one another this time.

"Who is this Jesus anyway, Judas? How do you profess to know so much about him?" A man named Charles Manson wanted to know.

"Me? Do I profess to know? Are you a daft man? I have walked by his side and lived with him for months and months. I know who he is and isn't, of all men," Judas snapped as he looked around the circle for a welcoming eye.

"'Well, if you know so much about him and have spent so much time with him, why are you here with us?" One of the anti-Semites asked.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Judas asked. "You are my drinking buddies."

"I mean. If you are one of his twelve chosen ones, Judas Iscariot, then what the hell are you doing in here with us? We are Jesus haters." Another of the anti-Semites said.

"What? Jesus haters? What do you call yourselves?" Judas asked.

"Nazis." The one with a short, dark moustache said that he was called 'the Feürer.'

"We dislike Jews altogether. But surely you know we live and breathe in one another, Judas, don't you?" Charlie asked.

"But I'm a Jew. You're saying you dislike me because I am Jewish and for no other reason? But why?" Judas asked.

"What do you mean? Why? We just told you. You're Jewish." One of the SS men said.

"But what's that got to do with you? What do you care who I am?" Judas asked. "And where Jesus will pray, everyone knows it is the Garden of Gethsemane. Why is that your business, too?"

"Remember those words, my friend, when you wake up." The one they called the Feürer placed his hand on Judas' forearm, sending a shiver through his spine.


"Judas, let's go to Jerusalem today. There are many affairs we need to attend to," Jesus said.

"Me, Jesus? Do you want to go with me? Why?" Judas asked.

"We haven't had a heart-to-heart talk yet, and I think if we do, you may see things differently," Jesus said.

"Oh, okay, no problem. I'll tell the others," Judas said.

"I've told everyone already. Let's go. Shall we?" Jesus held out his hand for Judas to pass.

"Master, what more do I have to learn from you?" Judas asked.

"I don't know Judas. What do you think you need to know? I've been honest with you, Judas, my friend since we met. Have you been honest with me?"

"Actually, no, Jesus, you haven't at all. You led me to believe that you were militant and that there would be Pharisee bloodshed, but I see none of that coming to fruition." Judas slammed his fist into the palm of his other hand and gave Jesus a deep look.

"Judas, have I taught you nothing these last few months?" Jesus asked, a crown of thorns on his head and blood dripping down his forehead. Ours is not to take up arms and fight. Ours is to turn the other cheek. Ours is not to throw stones. Ours is to mind our peas and cues and keep honourable."

"What do you mean? Jesus, don't you want to make them understand our way? You are the light and the way. How are we to make Pharisees follow, if not through dominance? Conquest is the only way to win." Judas shook his head.

"Judas, understand that the fate of those who are enslaved or taken over by hostile means can never be fully dominated; therefore, they can never be trusted. Does our history as Jews mean nothing to you?" Jesus asked as his body showed bloody whip marks across his back.

"Jesus, why do people continue to dominate others repeatedly throughout history? And why do stronger countries allow others to continue more of the same, then?" Judas thought he had Jesus on the ropes.

"Judas, nobody allows anyone else to do anything; what really happens is that as countries become wealthier than others, they become bullies. Bullyers always push their wealth around," Jesus said as he fell for the last time with his cross. "And that's why, Judas, my friend, people betray each other and don't even know it or intend it to be the outcome that it is."

"But Jesus, why tell me this? Am I to betray someone?" Judas' face was a question mark as he sweated at his hairline.

"Oh, dear Judas. That's not my decision to make or speak of, my friend. That decision is yours alone. But always remember, some decisions are harder to make than others." Jesus watched as they rolled dice for his clothing.

"Jesus, if we're such friends," then why can't you tell me my role in your life?"

"Judas, your role in my life is to be one of my apostles. That's all." Jesus smiled at him as he nodded. The spikes pierce his hands, securing them to the wood.

"Thanks, Jesus. But I have this nagging feeling I'm supposed to be doing something more for you. I know I am important in your life."

"Everyone is essential in each other's lives. Even if it's for a brief moment, remember that what you choose to do in one minute may not be what you would choose in another minute. But it doesn't make one more right or wrong than the last." They nailed his feet to the cross.


"Obviously, we learn that way, Jesus, from our mistakes. So why are you concentrating all this energy on telling me such an extravagant tale?"

"Judas, show me your friends, and I'll tell you who you are." Jesus winked at him and dropped thirty pieces of silver at Judas' feet. Judas, his mouth fallen agape, stood speechless as he recollected the events of last night as a Pharisee pierced Jesus' side to determine he was dead.


"It's true! Jesus, you are the Saviour of mankind! Master, wait. Can we pray somewhere other than Gethsemane tonight, by any chance?"

"Sorry, Judas, what's done is done. What's written is written."


Judas awoke with an awful headache, alone in an unfriendly part of town. Roman soldiers and gladiators filled the streets. He moved forward to stand and vomited. Using a wall to hold himself up. He saw the thirty silver and some gold pieces lying at his feet. He let out a “Nooo.” groan. He stood only to double over to retch again. He walked a few more steps and retched a third time. He left the coins where they lay.

I'm dizzy, and my mouth feels like wool. I've got to find Jesus before it's too late. Where are the other apostles?


Wasn't it a dream? He was just speaking with Jesus. Judas had betrayed the Son of God, and Judas now knew his fate in life was to betray Jesus.

March 13, 2024 00:54

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Lily Finch
18:14 Mar 13, 2024

My intention with this story is to allow people to see other perspectives as the drama of the first worst atrocity in Christianity’s history took place. It set the works in motion that doomed Jewish fate in more than one way. Sacrifice versus fighting for what you believe is just by taking an innocent man’s life. Jesus showed Judas no malice and willingly accepted their relationship—much like the business transaction that it was initially for Judas. But it became so much more once it was out of his hands. Does betrayal become accep...


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Mary Bendickson
06:05 Mar 13, 2024

Judas, the ultimate betrayer.


Lily Finch
18:14 Mar 13, 2024

Thanks Mary.


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Tommy Goround
05:27 Mar 13, 2024



Lily Finch
18:15 Mar 13, 2024



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RBE | Illustrated Short Stories | 2024-06

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