Thriller Horror Friendship

“I swear I saw it. I am not crazy! I saw them stab my friend in the stomach. I swear I would never lie about this stuff!” Yelled the crying woman who looked to be about in her teens. The detective that sat across from her seemed to be scanning her to see if he could catch any lies but there seemed to be none. Oliver the detective seemed to be on the young side and could not be any older than twenty five he had longish black hair tied back in a loose ponytail and a hat covering the top of his head and the brim of it covering his eyes from the lady. He also seemed to be on the tall and skinny side as he had almost a foot over the lady even while sitting down with a slouch which crumpled his dress shirt at the bottom where it touched his legs.

“Ok I will believe you for now but more investigation will be needed to find any evidence for what happened but for now you can leave to see the head officer” said Oliver in a calm voice surprising higher than most men his age but it seemed to fit him. The woman sighed in relief and left the dark interrogation room leaving the detective alone with everything to process on what she had said.

When Oliver finally left the work building it was dark out and sprinkling so the detective hid the file that he had under his jacket to protect it from the rain as he did not have an umbrella. He quickly ran to his apartment and ran inside and grabbed his keys from his pocket and walked into the empty elevator and clicked the fourth floor and waited hoping the power would not go out. The elevator dinged and Oliver walked out walking to his room paranoid as he thought he kept seeing a shadowy figure behind him. Taking his keys he quickly unlocked the door walking side his apartment and locking the door again then walking over to the desk he set the file down and slung his wet jacket over the chair and sat down reading over all the evidence. Nothing again no matter how much evidence had finally come up there was no one who matched it well at least on the suspects list he had for now. That is when a flash of lightning shot through the skies and lit up the small apartment room except for a shadowy figure perched on his window and when it went dark another flash ripped through the sky and the figure was gone. Oliver stumbled back falling out of his chair staring at the window at only the night sky.

Oliver  was stuck staring at the window not sure if he imagined it but he was sure he saw a capped man on the window seal before they had disappeared. He slowly got up and walked to the window and opened it and as before no evidence was found on the window seal, not even foot prints where the capped man was standing. He closed the window to keep the rain out and walked into his small kitchen to at least make dinner then head to bed as it was almost midnight or at least seemed like it was as the power suddenly went out and the detective was left standing in front of his mini fridge in pitch black. Oliver sighed again and sat down in the dark not wanting to trip over anything and hurt himself or break anything. He slowly started to fall asleep on the floor, the rain making him sleepy and he soon fell asleep. 

“Asleep already huh? Good to know rain still makes him sleepy as he is the biggest problem right now” said the dark figure behind him who was holding a ripped power cord and scissors in one hand and a flashlight in the other.

The sun slowly started to rise, lighting up Oliver's small apartment waking him up slowly as he stood up stretched then froze when he saw the cut power line cable on the table and actual footprints on the ground. He looked around to see if he could find any other evidence but there was nothing else in the room so Oliver took out his phone and took pictures of evidence he did have and called his office to have someone else look at this with gear. He carefully made his way into his room to find the lock on the window broken and a piece of paper on his desk and more footprints. He again took pictures of everything and looked at the note without touching it and then he fell over in shock at the note as it was a confession and it had a phone number on it. He slowly picked it up his phone again and typed in the number and called it slowly lifting it up to his ear after hitting the record button. 

“Hello detective, the one who has been searching for me and has started to become a pain in my side” said a deep voice being muffled a bit by the old phone. Oliver started to slowly look confused as he recognized the voice as one of his old classmates.

“Jaxon you did it? Why?” Oliver said, confused and pausing for a moment. 

“You don’t remember the promise we made? I promised to be the most difficult case ever and then when you got stumped I would reveal myself.” Jaxon said calmly 

“I thought you were joking about that!” Oliver practically screamed in panic and quickly put him on hold for a moment and called the detectives off saying it was a false alarm and then got back on call with Jaxon. 

“You called off the investigation already?” Jaxon says smugly and Oliver could even hear him smirking about it. 

¨i'll talk to you later jaxon ok?¨ oliver said while hanging up and putting the number in his contacts and sat down at his desk and finished filling out the file. Then he cleaned up his apartment so no evidence was left of jaxons visit. He grabbed his jacket and slipped it on and ran to his office holding the files then walked in turning them in. A week later Oliver was walking to the park holding his phone to his ear. That is when he saw Jaxon sitting by the pond holding his phone and smiling at Oliver as he hung up and held out his arms. The detective's best friend is the unsolvable thief in the case that was marked as unsolved.

November 13, 2020 20:01

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