Fantasy Adventure Fiction

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

Carefully crafted play of deceit, life being just another performer for Emery's stage. “Emery? Those dreams of another world and those visions that I kept seeing that you told me not to worry about… Are they?” These words are hard to come out, not wanting it to be so, but the feeling of being lied to just won’t leave. “It seems you’ve finally caught on, yes these are both your memories.” The way Emery sounded so calm, stating them as if it meant nothing, a heavy feeling in the stomach. “My memories? Why are they both so similar, why were they full of so much pain?” Like a corrupted reel of film the memories begin to flash.

“The oracle in this life was actually false, to think mortals would believe anything. That queen Veail really giving up her child without even getting to hold her. Being called mother of the kingdom when she couldn’t even protect her own child, how ironic.”  Emery sounded so casual, maybe even a bit resentful of the Queen, but what point is there in that. It was due to the oracle they created that caused me to be cast away from my mother, never getting to feel her warmth or her love. “Though the dragons awakening wasn’t really part of the plan, it just so happened to be conveniently timed. Though it did help to push things into motion.” 

The thundering eve on which the rain beat down like a fierce galloping herd of horses. The night the dragons had awakened, stretching shadows over the kingdom, letting out quaking roars that shook even the very foundation. The night the oracle was read, to be cast off to the temple of Amiel. 

“How naive these mortals are for believing it so easily. Though I didn't expect them to actually lock you away either. Honestly, at least they should have tried being nice to you.” The irony in Emery's voice, as if they knew what would happen. “Maybe if they hadn't been so selfish maybe they could have prevented all of this that they called upon themselves.” 

Those early days of having my childhood stripped me. Laying on those cold floors, the only source of light being through the cracks in the door. Subjected to being beaten and skin slashed throughout those dark days. Their torment only to collect my blood and tears, selling them off as holy elixirs with their healing and divine properties. They're greed didn't care, from the day they found out that my body could regenerate without scarring. 

Having bones broken and skin torn, having them heal only to break once more. Being treated worse than an animal, their useful commodity. Agonizing days of being starved, days they gave food it was either stale or scraps from their meals. The only beacon of light was Ailia who got placed in a dark room beside mine.  Her family having fallen, being accused of treason, taken to live in the temple. “And that poor child, Ailia was her name? I had hoped she’d be the one to get you out of that place. However it seems your friendship was always meant to be short lived.” Emery feigns pity, knowing that she hates Ailia who had done no wrong. “You don’t know what you’re talking about, it’s not like the temple would have given me up so easily.” 

The priest and priestesses only placed her there as an act of their false goodwill. In reality I just saw her as a waste of space just like me. Making her serve as the person to tend to the inevitable destruction of their kingdom. Though she was always kind and would often try to sneak some treats and better food to eat. The first time I'd ever known what a sweet is, was when she snuck a cookie from the kitchen. That one act gave me the courage to sneak to her room, seeing for the first time the door was never locked. Seeing her crying on the small uncomfortable bed, all there was to offer was a hug; consoling each other even if it was just listening to her. 

“You are the reason my only friend was to become my enemy.” Having lost her when we both turned 10, an old friend of her mother adopted her into their family. While I was finally allowed to be with the other young priests and priestesses our age. Finally getting to attend class with them, but with the only sort of education possessed was writing my own name from my time with her. I couldn't speak as nobody taught me how, that made it harder to make any friends. All the kids' eyes filled with disgust, ostracizing and saying I was a demon. “Children truly live what they learn, if only they could soak up the good then everything would be better.” 

Even with a later start than the others, it wasn't that hard to keep up. Somehow even being at the top of the classes, having hoped it would make them see past some stupid oracle. However, when you're at the top, it only makes others want to drag you to the depths so they can get there. Ridiculing and making false accusations, some even getting physical or throwing stones. The adults however would always take their side saying that I was the problem. That day deciding to isolate was the best idea ever made. They should have worked harder than trying to bring someone else down. 

“But wasn’t it good that you got your rightful position back as the princess of the kingdom?” What good was that when everyone still saw me as nothing but their impending misery. Nobody hides their sense of displeasure, especially with this high of a title. It only made them even more sure that the oracle would come to pass. Especially on the day of appointment, “Those dragons really do love you, always using every opportunity to be near you. Although they don’t realize their presence causes a few issues.” 

“It’s not their fault, they had good intentions and were just following their impulses.” Looking back at that day, they were probably there to show their support for the heir to the throne. Looking at the little dragon curled up in my lap asleep, remembering that day. The elder dragon stood so tall, its presence imposing to the guest present. However, the dragon meant no harm, bowing its head, reaching a hand up to touch its head. Feeling a warmth coming from the mark on my neck. The guards rushed to the creature, as I felt the ridgid leathery skin, the warmth that spread through my body as it dissipated. The confusion that everyone had that day, but more importantly the whispers and accusatory looks. 

They saw a villain, a demon, one that could summon and disperse at will, but this power having no knowledge of what this was. “You were too gracious to these mortals by showing them grace. Keeping what you were capable of a secret.” Emery knows that even I had no way of knowing how to control it. With this new circle came a number of enemies that wanted to manipulate this to their advantage. Though it wasn’t hard to see through their flattery, seeing them all too opportunistic. Seeing Ailia again was who didn’t change much, only difference being she was the adopted daughter of the viscountess. 

It was refreshing to have someone who was genuine with their intentions for once. Although she hated the royal family she stayed close, knowing what we’d been through at the hands of the temple. Though it didn’t hurt to think that she might actually be getting close to cause the royal family harm. Having become a bit jaded after time, with meeting a few people. “I never understand why you have so much fate that she’s not the one who’d turn on you first.” 

“Even if she destroys the whole castle and the royal family, she’s a young woman with a good heart. She’s sensible enough to know who her enemy is.” Emery can’t understand that, being so adamant that she is as heartless and selfish as she makes her out to be. “You’ll regret trusting that child, I’m telling you.” Ailia I trust, I'd give her the rope and expect her not to let go if I were hanging off a cliff. “It’s the young Duke Cirus that has some sort of infatuation with her that I don't trust.” Him and Ailia’s brother seem to dislike me for whatever reason, sure how i handle people might not be the most ethical and may come off as abuse of power. Maybe there have been times things might have been done that implicated their businesses and ties they held with people. However it was all for good causes, besides it’s not like I would intentionally put her in harm's way. 

“I don't see why you're sorry, she was the one that chose a side. Choosing her lover over you.” Emery’s voice filled with UN hidden resentment, “what had Ailia done to warrant such hostility?” 

“It’s not her but the people she’s connected to, but the apple can’t fall too far from the tree now can it? Look at when you tried to show her that the dragons meant no harm. What did She do?” That repressed memory, asking her to come to the hidden garden, seeing Ailia attack Nokoa unprovoked with her own powers. Then turn it on me, not even giving me room to explain, just wanting her to know we were on her side. “Remember when you asked her to help to overthrow the temple of Amiel and expose their deeds. How she told that mortal about your plan and almost jeopardized it.” Being confronted that day seeing her stand with the people that were a part of the cause for our misery. Was it really fate? 

“It was their price to pay for losing their principles, they had to be punished. A purgatory that they live to forget and relive again.” Was Emery right? But then why? Those that were innocent, why did we have to suffer.

   “Why did you keep doing this? This wasn't right, what principles? If you wanted to destroy everything, why not do it once and forget it existed.”   Only to hear Emery chuckle, “They forgot their ways like I did mine. It's the punishment they have to bear. You were just the unfortunate collateral of this all.” 

“You could have destroyed all of this on your own. Why place me in the middle? Why set me in a different life to suffer a similar fate to come back in this purgatory?” Unable to bear the anger boiling up, It didn’t make any sense to make anyone collateral.

“Originally as I said before I felt sorry for dragging you into all this. So I split your soul and placed you in a different world.  However it seems your fate is etched in the very fabric of your existence so it followed you.” Emery sounded a bit remorseful at that, but they’ve lied so many times. The sentiment might be fake.

“Was there really no other way? You should be able to turn things around.” Not believing that to be true after everything they’ve done. Trust is already irreparable. “Unfortunately, there are limitations to what I can do. Changing  fate is one of them.” Lies, this could have all been changed, none of this should have happened. Seeing the little dragon cub curled in my lap, unable to bear the thought. Having a feeling that there must be some way, remembering some things, has already been diverted from the past. 

“It might not be something you could change. But maybe I might be able to.” 

“YOU CAN'T TAMPER WITH FATE. But go ahead do as you wish. You’ll only end up hurting yourself. You’ve already tried once, I'm not sure how it will be any different.” What did that mean, I've tried once before? Was there ever a time like that? If that’s true then it shouldn’t be too hard to start again, secretly acquiring the temple of Amiel wasn’t too hard. So changing the course of fate shouldn’t either.

August 12, 2024 15:45

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