Conference in the Pacific Palace

Submitted into Contest #83 in response to: Write a fantasy story about water gods or spirits.... view prompt


Fantasy Fiction


Pacific, the chief of the ocean and sea gods, announced a meeting. Every ocean and sea god rushed into the Pacific Palace, for this was an important meeting. When all the gods were settled in the largest conference room, whispering to each other some alarming news, Pacific revealed himself from the drapes of kelps. All the gods rose up and bowed to their chief with respectful manner. Pacific sat in the highest seat, and sea gods and ocean gods sat in two rows, ocean gods on the right and sea gods on the left, and there was a long stony table between them. Everyone waited in silence for Pacific to speak.

Finally, Pacific opened his heavy lips, "Welcome, my fellow gods. It must have been a long journey for you to come to my palace, especially for you, Arctic."

"No, sir. It wasn't a bit of trouble because we all came here for the most serious trouble," spoke Arctic, who was looking pale and white with icy jewelries. Many nodded their heads for agreement.

Pacific also nodded his head, "Yes, we are all gathered here because of this huge danger, which is coming toward us day by day. No, it already stepped his cruel feet onto the threshold. Today, we will share each of our situation, and put our heads together to find the way to protect ourselves. What is the situation in your ocean, Atlantic?"

Atlantic rose up to speak. His strong, echoing voice filled the room, "The situation in my ocean is very serious, sir. All the trash are flowing into my territory, and the amount of the trash is getting larger and larger. My people are suffering, too. Few days ago, one of my sincere servant, sea turtle died because he accidently swallowed a plastic straw. Now, my people aren't safe in their home, sir. We should find some way to prepare them a safe shelter."

"I'm so sorry to hear of your servant's death, Atlantic. Our situation is as serious as yours," said Indiana, the goddess of the Indian Ocean. She rose up with and reported desperately, "Sir, recently I discvered many of my people are dying of certain unknown disease. Few became disfigured after getting the disease. Even the wisest servants in my ocean couldn't figure out what is causing the disease. Sir, our people are shivering with fear. Oh, sir, we must save our people." Tears bursted from her earnest eyes. The sound of weeping filled the room, until Arctic's voice covered it.

"Shivering. It's been a long time that I heard that word. My cold breath can't stop the warming of my ocean. Polar bears, sea lions, fishes, dolphins, and whales, they are suffering with fever and the loss of ice. Most of the ice disappeared, sir. I can't produce ice any longer. The temperature of the water is weird, sir. My territory is getting warmer and warmer. This is a really serious fact, sir! If I get totally warm, then the whole ocean will become a boiling pot in any minute!" Arctic's words made others to shiver with fear. Warm ocean! That would be the apocalyse of the ocean.

Mediterranean proclaimed with shock of Arctic's words, "We should save our ocean! Let's find the way! We must find a solution! We should...we should...." he collapsed in his seat, catching his breath.

"Yes, we should, and we should do it quickly. Situation in my ocean is, infact, mostly the same with yours. My people are dying, and the water is getting warmer. I lost many servants because of the dangerous motor boats and hunters. Whales were sweeped off to the shores with injuries, and couldn't came back. Many kinds of fish went extinct. Ocean is in huge danger. This is time for us to protect our people and our water," spoke Pacific with a grave face.

"Human kind is the source of the danger! They aren't a least beneficial to us! Sir, let's flood all the humas out! Then we shall be saved!" shouted Tasman, the sea god.

Few young blooded sea gods agreed with him. The conference room was soon filled with shoutings of the angry sea gods. The ancient and wise ocean gods sighed and waved their heads.

"Silence!" roared Pacific. Pacific's roar made a small tornado in the middle of the room, but soon disappeared. Everyone shushed with fear.Even the young sea gods shushed as they felt the power of their chief.

"Good," said Pacific calmly, "First, we gathered here to save the ocean. We didn't come here to raise a demo." Pacific glared at the young sea gods at this point. "Second, we must not attack human."

Arguments broke out from sea gods, but soon shushed by another glare of Pacific. "We must not attack human under any circumstances. We know we have the power to destroy them, but we don't have the right to kill them. Have you forgotten what Aqua, the mother of all the oceans and seas, told each of us? We should love and help the human kind." No one argued about this because no water god can disobey their mother, Aqua.

"Therefore, we should find the way to protect ourselves without hurting human. Did you understand?" Pacific saw every gods nodding and continued, "So, I have an idea to save our people and our ocean...That is-"

Just then, Pacific was interrupted by the urgent report of the soldier fish. "Sir! The oil is spilling! Sir! Evacuate! The oil is spilling into this place! Evacuate! Evacuate!!"

Soon the whole room was filled with screaming of panicked gods. They pushed each other for their lives. It was an terror. It was the destruction. It was the end of the conference.

"Help!" shouted one sea god. "Help!" shouted the ocean.

March 06, 2021 03:29

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Jen Park
03:11 Mar 13, 2021

Nice story, it's short and spicy with somewhat shocking ending. I love the Pacific being the King and thing about mother Aqua and "Pacific revealed himself from the drapes of kelps" and "No, sir. It wasn't a bit of trouble because we all came here for the most serious trouble," spoke Arctic, who was looking pale and white with icy jewelries. Many nodded their heads for agreement." Was that repetition of "trouble" intended to show that Arctic had a bit of sense of humor? Brilliant anyway.


Pepper Mint
07:48 Mar 20, 2021

Thank you Jn! Yeah I bet Arctic had some sense of humor haha


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Chase .
20:52 Apr 26, 2021

Great story!


Pepper Mint
06:14 Jun 05, 2021

Thank you!! :)


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