Our strict Librarian and Touchstone Theory

Submitted into Contest #91 in response to: Start your story with a stern librarian scolding two characters for making noise in the library.... view prompt


East Asian Fiction Inspirational

'Keep silence, no one will disturb the atmosphere of the library,' said one of the librarians of our government library. All the readers and students were so afraid of him. He all the time scolded those who used to whisper in the library. I started my study in that library. While studying, I got few friends who were so good hearted. One day, one of my friends had a problem. He wanted to solve it. But, our library was full of rules and regulations. To speak means to get lost from the place.

He dared to speak with a low voice. Suddenly, a librarian saw him while discussing with me. He called us. With fear in the minds, we went to his desk. He asked my name. 'I am Pankaj Shirsath', I said. My friend also introduced himself. The librarian showed us a banner on which a lot of rules were printed. 'What did you understand after reading the rules of the library?' He said. We were sorry for it. But, he told us to leave the library. But, we were still standing there. He was just looking at us strangely. He repeated his sentence twice. And, I uttered something. 'Dear sir, please forgive us. We are just like your child. If your son makes a mistake, don't you forgive him? Library is the place where a lot of great people make their careers and they get a big success after studying here. We are from poor families, that's why we come here to study. My friend wanted to solve a question regarding his subject. But, he was caught while chatting with me. And, a question should be arisen in our minds. Because, questions create curiosity and curiosity creates knowledge in us. My friend and I will definitely follow the rules of this library. Please, forgive us.' My friend also said sorry to him and promised him that he would never break the rules of the library. The librarian was convinced. My words changed his mind. He forgave us. And, he offered a room of the building where we (friends) could discuss any topic related to our study. 'You are a kind hearted student ', our librarian said. I thanked him. " Every person is just like sculpture. As a sculpture is hidden in the stone, a lot of qualities are also hidden in us. After removing unwanted parts from the stone, the stone becomes sculpture. In the same way, if we remove unwanted parts such as bad things of human life, we can also become just like a sculpture. ' I added.

He patted my back. From that day, he never scolded any reader or student in the library. All the time, polite words were used by him.

My friend asked, "Our librarian is completely changed. What did you do with the librarian ? I answered, " I just used the Touchstone Theory of Matthew Arnold. Badness can be defeated with goodness only. I just applied it.

My friends and I used to go to library and always said thanks to the librarian for his best service. He used to tell me to read a good book for inculcating good values. I said, ' You are right sir. Books are the best teachers of our life. But, it is better to listen a good person like you than to read a good book. ' He laughed and expressed his thanks for my thought provoking sentence. Sometimes, we helped him to keep the books and maintain the records of the library. The atmosphere of the library was really so healthy for our study. My friend Santosh did not come to library since many days. I was just thinking of him in each and every moment. Then, I decided to go his home. I found that his father was died of TB. The whole responsibility of his family was on his head. Santosh had started to work in the hotel where samosa, Kachori and other Indian foods were to be sold. I met him in the evening. He began to cry. His eyes were full of tears. He said, "Pankaj, I really want to be someone in my life. But, the family problems are increasing day by day. We can not survive, if we stop to work." After listening his sorrowful story, I felt sad. I went to our librarian. I informed him about the happenings of Santosh's life. Our librarian told me to call Santosh in next day. "Santosh, will you like to work in this library? I will give you the salary for working here. And, your education can also be completed with the help of this job. Will you like to join me ?", our librarian said. Santosh bent down to touch the feet of our librarian. To touch feet of elders means to show a great respect in our Indian society. He became so happy after joining the library.

5 years have been passed, I became a teacher in the junior college in semi urban area. Santosh, became a businessman. And we became successful because of studying in the library.

Nowadays, I missed those days which I had spent in the library. In the present condition the Covid -19 a pandemic has stopped everything. A lot of people are suffering from it. Today, I read a newspaper that Mr. Sampat Chauhan, an honest and ideal person who served as a librarian in Dhule city Library , died of Corona. This shocking news made me so sad. I had got his message before he died. The message was -'Dear Pankaj, I am so thankful to you for changing me. During this pandemic, I just remembered your thoughts. As Budhha changed the minds of the needy people, you changed my mind. You taught me the way of living. Love overcomes anger. And, kindness overcomes enemies of our inner minds. Be the best as you are. My all best wishes are with you dear. Thanks for coming in my life as a spiritual guide. '

Our librarian left this world. He called me -the Spiritual Guide. But, I am not a guide. I am just a common and ordinary person. The actual spiritual person was our librarian whose name was Mr. Sampat. My simplicity had become the spirituality for our librarian. He was really a very nice person. I will never forget his help. I started to use touchstone theory for those who are really so disturbed and unhappy. May be the person like Mr. Sampat will come forth to help those who are really having troubles.

As our Indian saint Kabir has said, " Mera muzme kuch Nahi sab kuch hai sau toh. Tera tuzko arpan kya lagat hai mera". It means- whatever is there in me is of Devine power. I offer my everything to thee and nothing left for me." Whatever is here in this universe totally operated by devine power. I am just a player who plays various roles in our society. One should do his/her best, when he /she thinks of betterment of others.

April 28, 2021 18:13

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