
Submitted into Contest #60 in response to: Write a funny post-apocalyptic story.... view prompt


Adventure Fantasy Science Fiction

When he listened to the stories of the End of the World as a child, he never expected something like this. Admittedly, he never really thought he could reach the so-called end of the world, especially as he grew up… and now… so now he seems to have to figure out how to proceed.

Yeah, but if he wanted to describe to you what life looks like in the post apocalyptic era, he would laugh out loud.

First of all, because there is really no one to tell, because he is quite alone, at least as far as he managed to understand, that it to examine this area where he was suddenly left.

And then, because even in his wildest dreams, he couldn't imagine what this looked like.

This. This is madness.

Perhaps that is the best word that comes to his mind.

Mike was in his best years, at least that's what everyone he knew told him. Only, he wasn't quite sure what he should do with them. And what should the best years actually mean?

Even when he sometimes dared to ask someone, he never got any particular answer, or an answer that would push him in the right direction.

So, before all this happened, he worked in a small company as a bicycle delivery man, he had no one from his family anymore, and he was in a period between relationships, whatever that meant.

He could almost say that this happened at the ideal time, at least to him. Somehow until then it seemed to him that he was stuck in some limbo and did not move forward or backward.

Although this can be even worse now. Of all that he could conclude, the only constant of the current state was music coming from all sides… post malone…

Interesting… post… malone…

He felt hungry, so he walked around this place looking for a shop or restaurant where he would probably find something to eat. Now he has those basic instincts left. Eat something, drink, make sure he is not cold and has a roof over his head. Although it was desolate everywhere, there were no other people besides him, so he guess that was at least resolved.

Now he will at least be able to use those skills his father taught him before he died on the eve of his tenth birthday.

Mother and father traveled on their well-deserved honey moon journey, though only after ten years, it didn’t even matter, but simply no one could have guessed that a drunk driver would just kill them at some intersection.

After that, Mike didn't allow himself to think about them for years, but now that he has time, he thinks a lot about them and the grandmother who raised him and also died recently. So now is the time to take advantage of everything they have taught him.

It was nothing special and he would have to reach deep into his memory, but if there was anything now, there was time.

The days go by and the only thing Mike can do is wander through a city that is almost eerily quiet. Except for the music that keeps coming from all sides. It's not loud, it's just annoying now. He tried to find where he was coming from, but as soon as he approached the source where something louder could be heard, the music stopped there and started somewhere else. OK, it's nothing terrible, he even knew his opus to some extent, but it's weird that he keeps playing the same song… Circles.

All this is so weird. Although, Mike has experienced a lot of weird things in his life, so maybe he should be horrified by this whole situation, but somehow he isn’t. It's not even that strange to him that he's all alone.

He finds a discarded semi-correct bicycle and rides the deserted streets, at least to some extent. Only this time it can be done out of pure curiosity and recreationally. No more dissatisfied customers, annoyed employers, traffic jams. There’s nothing and it’s not that bad at all. Mike feels like a nomad, like someone who might have to figure out how to get out of this situation, maybe go in search of other people (if there are any) but finds no will to do so, and even feels very good without them .

One morning, who knows which one in turn, he wakes up and immediately realizes that something is different. The music stopped.

He went outside and was frightened by the eerie silence. As much as this one and the same music got on his nerves, he actually got used to it, in a strange way it comforted him.

Mike stopped thinking about the past a long time ago, but also about the future. All that mattered to him was what was happening at the moment. He was self-centered, not only because there was no one else, he simply got time to devote to himself and used it profusely.

In the following days, months, or who knows what course of time, he also got used to silence. He did everything that would come to his mind at the moment and he was satisfied. He got something totally crazy, but also something he didn’t even know he needed.

He's used to all this. First the music, then the silence, the lack of people, life like in a futuristic movie. Well yes, he smile, this could be a real movie. But who would watch it? He could even find recording equipment. It doesn’t even matter who will see him and whether anyone will ever see him, this is his new mission.

After a while, in his humble opinion, he becomes almost a professional. He records anything and everything he likes. One of these days will surely unite everything into a meaningful whole, for now it doesn't even matter.

And then… just like it stopped one day, the music came back and Mike greeted it with enthusiasm…

Circles… circles… that's what his film will be called.

Why not… be it post apocalyptic or post malone anyway… in the end the circle always closes, right?

September 24, 2020 12:27

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