Drama Sad Romance

Grace stared at the snow as it rested upon the world, covering it in perfect white. It was Christmas, the most wonderful time of year, filled with cheer and joy, where you are surrounded by love and cared for by the most wonderful people around.

It was supposed to be one of her happiest days, however, tears found their way on her cheeks as she cried in the cold night, alone.

Then again, loneliness had become a rather regular company of Grace, especially since the death that left her half and numb. It became another name of her daily life despite many of her failed attempts to pretend nothing bothered her. It was, of course, a huge lie that even she, herself did not believe in therefore, she did not expect others to do so. However, it was a fortune that no one really bothered her with questions and only nodded their heads when she replied to their cliche question with a quiet, "I'm fine." 

Maybe she really was or maybe it was another lie that sounded better than any kind of truth she could accept - she did not know that yet. However, Grace still tried to keep herself alive and hopeful, just because she was very well aware that if she did not do so, she would be a real hypocrite. 

If she claimed that she could live without her other half, which she did all this time, then she had to find a way to do so. Even if it appeared to be a rather hard challenge for her.

Noah Anderson was a young man that appeared in her life out of nowhere and left as one of the most important people she was meant to meet through her life. And as much as Grace tried to not think of him, on the nights the world was colored blue under the bright moonlight, she found herself doing exactly that.

Although, on certain days when she felt overly sensitive, she wished to find a way to erase all little memories she shared with Noah - like the first time they met or the one time he smiled so widely at her that Grace did not know how she survived. 

Yet, she somehow did and now usually on the nights that the moon and stars appeared rather bright, she found herself thinking about Noah more and more even if she always knew that he was always bold and radiant as the sun. That was a kind of irony about him - then again, their whole story was. So, Grace did not question it much and instead allowed her mind to wander to everything that reminded her him and let the tears to escape from her eyes for the rather cruel destiny of them. 

It had been a month since Noah lost the fight against cancer. It is such a dreadful disease, indiscriminate in its choice of victim, choosing regardless of age, gender, or status. There are plenty of stories behind the tragedy and this was theirs.

The soft knock on her door made her jump slightly and quickly wipe the tears away. She muttered a low “Come in” before the door opened, revealing her mother as she walked in with a package in her hands and a weak smile on her lips. Grace furrowed her eyebrows when her mother put the package on her bed.

“It’s a Christmas present,” her mother said before heading out of the room, whispering words that made Grace’s heart beat faster, “from Noah.”

She rushed to her bed, quickly opening the package when her eyes widened at what was inside. It was a blush pink dress, the dress that Noah made for Grace to wear in church, but destiny had other plans and made her wear a black one.

Noah Anderson was a wedding dress designer. A very talented one. No one could blame Grace for not moving on since he wasn’t someone to be forgotten easily, not when he carried kindness in him and always approached people in a good manner. He had good looks as well and he was passionate in his work, which only made him more charming than he already was.

When she pulled the dress closer to her, a letter fell down on the floor. She crumbled down and grabbed it with shaky hand, seeing the name of the person she missed the most which made her sob quietly. Tearing the letter open, she read;

Dear Grace,

If you’re reading this right now, that means I am long gone.

I woke up just now and found you sleeping next to the hospital’s bed, so I thought I have to write a letter for you. I really hope you’re having some nice time with everyone, although I know you’re still thinking about me. What can I say, I was a perfect man.

You made me the perfect man I am today.

Before I met you, I was afraid of love. I knew one day I’ll leave this world and I didn’t want to get attached to anyone. Until I met you.

“You can’t live with fear if you want to fall in love.” That’s what you told me.

You showed me what love is. You showed me what happiness is; that I didn’t even know before. I’m thankful for everything you’ve done to me.

It must be Christmas now. Merry Christmas, I hope you liked your present. Actually, I wanted to propose to you on this amazing day, I wanted to make you mine. Unfortunately, the universe refused my wish.

I know you’re crying now, aren’t you? It must be hard, I know. If you left my world, I wouldn’t know how to live without you. But I hope you’ll be okay. Do it for me. Be happy and stop crying. Don’t forget me, just think of me sometimes, and smile at the beautiful memories we shared.

You’ll wake up soon, so I need to sleep again. I like it when you start talking to me, thinking that I’m asleep but I am not. You always say the words I need to hear the most. I’m grateful you were a part of my life; a big one I must say.

I love you, Grace.


Grace broke down crying and clutched the letter tighter. However, a part of her healed by Noah’s warm words which made her take a deep breath and look at the dress another time.

There she was, standing on the edge of the door, looking at the snowy surface in front of her before wiping her tears away. She was wearing the blush pink dress, the soft curls of her hair falling in cinnamon swirls to a face that was as sweet as a white chocolate button, and a bouquet of Amsonias that her mother bought once. 

She took a step forward, another, and another, until she was in the middle of snow. She looked mesmerizing, the most beautiful bride any of us had ever seen. Best of all was the smile upon her face for her dead groom, who couldn’t come back to her.

A tear found its way on her cheek as she closed her eyes and stayed there, looking like a flower among snow.

She was a miracle.

January 17, 2021 15:39

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Shayla Linden
18:05 Jan 23, 2021

I really liked the premise of your story and it ended beautifully. I would have liked to have heard about Noah closer to the beginning so that I could better understand why she's lonely. Also, I had a creative writing teacher teach me how to "Show not Tell". Noah, like you said, is a kind and sweet man but instead of telling me show me. What are things or actions he took in life that would lead you to describe him in that way. It'll add more depth and imagery to your already beautiful story.


18:12 Jan 23, 2021

Thank you so much for your feedback, I appreciate it a lot. I usually write and never have anyone correct me so you're the first one to do so and I should thank you millions of times! :)


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Emma Harris
23:11 Jan 18, 2021

That was a beautiful story to read!! You really caught the feelings and set the tone wonderfully!


07:41 Jan 19, 2021

Thank you! It really means a lot <3


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Tia Jackson
09:43 Jan 21, 2021

It was amazing!!!! I loved reading it! <3


Tia Jackson
09:44 Jan 21, 2021

I can’t wait to read more from you in future.


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Aisha Khan
15:52 Jan 25, 2021

The descriptions and emotions in this story were spot on!!! And this line: "he smiled so widely at her that Grace did not know how she survived" Awesome!


16:04 Jan 25, 2021

Thank you so much, that made me so happy <3


Aisha Khan
18:44 Jan 25, 2021



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14:08 Jan 25, 2021

Omg this story touched my heart! Imma tell all mah fwends to read it 😍


14:12 Jan 25, 2021

Thank you so much! I'm so happy to hear this! I love you <3


14:14 Jan 25, 2021

Anytime! You deserve the best!


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Andrew Krey
00:01 Mar 04, 2021

I liked this story, a terrible subject, but handled with tenderness, and it had a lovely ending filled with hope for her future. Well done. Happy writing!


18:02 Mar 04, 2021

Thank you so much! It really means a lot to me 🌹


Andrew Krey
18:32 Mar 04, 2021

You're welcome :)


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Salma Maghraoui
20:44 Jan 30, 2021

i loved your story you have such a wonderful talent , hope u write more stories so i can enjoy reading them. good luck sweetheart !! i am proud of you and i love you ❤😘


10:57 Jan 31, 2021

Awww thank youuu <3


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Belhaje Batak
08:47 Jan 30, 2021

Sadness after happiness, hope despite the suffering. He made your work an elegant literary text with many scenes presented to the reader in a poetic and philosophical way. You are on the road so continue!


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18:56 Jan 24, 2021

A very touching story... that's what a good story must do: to move the reader's heart and mind. Congratulations for your good work and thanks a lot!


19:03 Jan 24, 2021

I should be the one thanking you for the kind and warm words, they really mean a lot to me <3


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I loved the way this entire story flowed together Hafsa...great job.


19:01 Jan 24, 2021

Thank you so much Laila <3


No problem. =)


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Tia Sams
03:41 Jan 24, 2021

First short story that I've read on here. It's good. I love the detail used throughout the story especially the ending. Thanks for a good example.


16:20 Jan 24, 2021

Welcome in this beautiful community, my friend. I hope you'll have so much fun and learn and write a lot of things! I'm very honored to be someone's good example, although I'm far from it XD But thank you so much! <3


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Jinx L.
03:10 Jan 24, 2021

This is a beautiful story! It encompasses such a satisfying and heartwarming feeling despite being a short story, and leaves you feeling complete at the end. I love how short yet sweet it is!


16:17 Jan 24, 2021

Thank you so much for your love and support! <3


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18:33 Jan 23, 2021

You captured the emotional feelings of love and the bond between two people perfectly! I legit almost cried at the end ;_; Your description on the scenery and showing not telling is gorgeous as well! Although it felt like Noah could've been written in more detail though. Wonderful story! :D


16:07 Jan 24, 2021

Thank you so much! I'm really happy to have so much feedback from amazing people! This was a story I wrote very very fast since I didn't have that much free time so it really needs correction. I'll make sure to improve next time! <3


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William Meads
16:32 Jan 23, 2021

Your story had so much detail and the story really came into my heart. Thank you so much for taking your time to write this.


18:08 Jan 23, 2021

I should be the one thanking you for your support and love! <3


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Zelda C. Thorne
15:23 Jan 23, 2021

Beautiful and moving. I look forward to reading more of your stories.


15:43 Jan 23, 2021

Thank you! <3


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15:49 Jan 31, 2021

An emotional roller coaster !!! so much talent keep going.


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Lama Diriyeh
14:19 Jan 31, 2021

This must be one of the best romances I have read! Great job writing it. I'm really looking forward to read your next story!


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Aya Mgh
21:15 Jan 30, 2021

This amazing story touched my heart , i really liked the way u made it so emotional❤️ I believe in u sweetie, i'll always support you and be your biggest fan good luck!!


10:58 Jan 31, 2021



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:) :D
23:19 Jan 29, 2021

Wow! This is such a beautiful story! This is the first story that I've read that has a focus on romance, and I really enjoyed this! Great work! :)


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Kate Reynolds
20:43 Jan 28, 2021

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO THE ENDINGGGGGGGGGGG IT MADE ME CRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY I loved this so muchhhhhhh I really liked tone of it, and how beautiful it was. It literally reminds me of like a calm, peaceful snow day with those soft snowflakes falling down. And the descriptionssss OMG I LOVED THOSE. Wonderful job!!!!!!!!!!!


10:32 Jan 29, 2021

Omg thank you so much you're gonna make me cry 🥺❤


Kate Reynolds
13:56 Jan 29, 2021

It's all trueeeeeeeeee


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