Life in a Suitcase
“You're here to help, you say?” Lefty Long grins his widest Texan smile at the disheveled traveler, Claire Calhoun. “Looks like you need a little help yourself, first.”
Claire's unruly curly hair falls in front of her face as she looks down at her rumpled traveling hoodie, black smudged tight faded jeans adorned with unraveling fashion rips spaced strategically down her shapely bike-toned legs and sensible running shoes. The unmistakable charred smell assaults her nostrils once again reminding her how much she craves a nice long shower. “A hot shower would do wonders for me right now, you're right. But if Uncle Simon is in the hospital I need to check in on him. I'm hoping I can stay with him until I can figure out what I am going to do with my life. If he has suffered a stroke maybe I can be his caretaker until he gets back on his feet. Bet there is an overwhelming amount of work to do on a burgeoning dude ranch or whatever he has been developing at the simple scruffy ranch I visited with my mom when I was a kid. Thanks for breakfast but I need to go see him.”
“I'm happy to chauffeur you around. He asked me to fetch you from the bus stop here. As his closest neighbor I've been helping him at his authentic Texan Hill Country experience vacation spot. It's no more than renting his rustic home out while he lives in a tiny house. The visitors can help him work the ranch if they want to.”
“Like riding horses and mucking out stalls?”
“True. Doesn't sound all that glamorous but city fools get a kick out of it if they know they can go back to their condos.”
“Well, I wish I had a condo to go back to. I lost everything I owned, which wasn't much, in those fires in La-La land. I came straight from escaping flames in the middle of the night. That's why I look and smell like a charred campfire someone tried to stomp out.”
“No kiddin'? I heard 'bout those infernos sweeping down out of the hills devouring whole neighborhoods of rich or house-less folks alike. Your house burned down?”
“A small apartment complex in Altadena, a hard working-class close-knit community as pretty as a picture now burnt to a crisp. All I could save is in that back-pack. And pretty little Patches here.”
“She is a pretty kitty. Very unique coloring with that straight line down the center of her nose. Yellow on one side, black on the other. Guess that's why you named her 'Patches'.”
“She earned the name at the shelter I rescued her from about a year and a half ago. Come on, Patch, time to get back into the carrier.”
“I'll get your pack.” As Lefty swung it up over his shoulder he noted it was much heavier than he expected. How had a petite thing like her been lugging it all the way from LA? Of course, if it held everything she had left in the world it's understandable she holds on to it tight. How could anyone pack up their whole life in one suitcase? Or in her case, a back-pack? He thought of his modest home and wondered what he would grab on the way out the door in the face of a raging conflagration. Poor kid. She's had a rough time.
“Please be careful with that. It has my laptop in it which is my connection to my only source of income.”
“Really? What do y'all do, if you don't mind me asking?”
“I proofread for a publishing company. I can do it from anywhere as long as I can plug in.”
“So you really are multi-talented. This way to my truck. It's a big step up. Want help with Patches' carrier and tote bag?”
“Thanks. Don't think I've ever been this close to a monster truck like this before. Guess what they say is true that everything is bigger in Texas.”
“Oh, this is nothing but a 1500. Wait 'til you try to drive Simon's F-350. Now that qualifies as a Texas King Ranch!”
“I'm gonna wish I had my mountain bike here. It was my only means of transportation other than buses. Had to leave it behind at the bus station out of the city.”
“It could've helped getting around on the ranch but getting from town to town would've been too far. You're 'bout to see exactly how big Texas can be. Here's the hospital. Let's go see how Simon is getting' along.”
“Hi, Uncle Simon. Remember me. Your sister's little girl.”
“Sure I do. But you were a scrawny kid back then. Now you're a beautiful young woman.”
“Sorry, about the way I look. Had to escape a very bad situation. Thanks for letting me come here. I had no place else to go. How are you feeling? If you're gonna need assistance while recovering I hope I can be helpful.”
“Well, I think you'll be just the angel I have been praying for.”
“What am I? I've offered to keep things running smoothly, ya stubborn ol' fella.” Lefty gently steered the rancher down the hallway as they paced slowly back and forth.
“You'll be useful, too, but harder to look at. She'll be like a breath of fresh air.”
“Ha, ha. Probably not until I get some of this soot washed off of me! What do the doctors say about your prognosis?”
“They'll keep their frog noses out of my business. I'm not done fer yet. A little weak right now but still the sharpest knife in the drawer. Watch me slice through all this stroke mumbo-jumbo they keep spewing and be home before they know I'm gone. Now with two helpers they can't put me away in an old folks parkin' garage. I'm glad you came, Claire Dear, but so sorry for your tragic circumstances.”
“I won't lie. It's been rough. I have what's left of my life in my back pack but I feel so blessed to reunite with you and so thrilled you survived this setback and will be okay again.”
Lefty interjected, “Tell ya what. How 'bout I take her home to my place and set up whatever the two of you will be needing and I'll move into your tiny place at your ranch so we can still rent out your main house to guests. All I'll have to do is pack my life in a suitcase.”
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Great followup!
Yeah, Claire once again. This time not your granddaughter but a mover and a hunter. Fine work.
Thanks for liking it.
Cool sequel. (Funny, we both wrote one this week.) Claire should head down to Mexico and get a job serving cocktails to tourists at a beach bar somewhere. Just take the long way around Ciudad Juarez. That place is frightening.
Nicely done.
Thanks so much.
I enjoyed this thoroughly! I love detailed stories something God did not gift me with. I just now got to comments. This week was a Monday every day:( I could totally feel lefty as the rancher. Loved it. It was a mix of country meets city gal for sure. I always enjoy your “Stephen King” style to detail. Great work!
Thanks. Gonna try for more this week.
Nice to see another perspective on the LA fires. It's a natural fit for the prompt--one I used myself this week. Yes, quite a few people just packed up and left the state without looking back. Is Claire the kind of person who moves on easily? How's she feeling as she embarks in a new life? I think hopeful and optimistic?
She:ll probably settled back with a cup of tea this week.😊
Haven't read your earlier stories about Claire but I enjoyed this one. Nice use of the L.A. fires to remind us how some folks are struggling after losing everything in those fires. Moved from L.A. to Dallas, Texas myself. Went from college life to building homes. Anxiety over grades was replaced with callouses on my hands and shoulders. It was a culture shock but I found many of the people there to be hospitable. I liked Lefty and the how he did his best to make Claire feel welcomed.
Thanks. Introduced Claire two weeks ago. I was born in a border town of Texas and lived there again in Houston for two years. I visited a cousin once in Wimberly and have only been to LA once. 'Claire' is the name of one of my granddaughters and other than unruly curly hair and being petite and spunky and working at home as a proofreader...
The story continues. This prompt was perfect for Claire. She already had her suitcase packed. I'm sure you already know, but I recently found out from Graham Kinross that series stories are ineligible for this contest. I stopped my Lady NImmo stories because of this rule. I'm sure I'm the last to know, but I wanted to share just in case.
Nope. Didn't have a clue. Just thought each one had to stand on its own.
Good appetizer y'all! Can't wait for the sequel.
Stay tuned 😄
I really enjoyed this Mary and look forward to the next instalment. It’s a really positive tale of endurance and human spirit when life throws everything at you. Keep going Lefty long, Claire and Simon!
Thanks. Will try to do a follow up this week.
Hey, this story has a lot of heart! The characters, especially Claire and Lefty, come across as authentic, and the dialogue flows nicely, helping build their relationship. The Texas setting adds a nice touch, and there’s a good balance of humour and emotion. That said, focusing more on Claire’s inner thoughts would elevate the story even more. I enjoyed this a great deal :)
More to come.
Mary, you took an event from the tragic world news and made it your own. Fiction becomes historical fiction almost as your characters' dialogue in its realistic exchange brings the story forward and takes the reader on an emotional journey of heartfelt family adventure. One looking after another. Finding a rainbow in the middle of a rainstorm. Well done, LF6
Thank you.😊
thanks for sharing. Touching story.
What a tragic and yet touching story - family looking out for each other. I just spotted one thing: “True. Doesn't sound all that glamorous but city fools get a kick out [of] it if they know they can go back to their condos.” - Typo.
Yay ! More Claire ! Glad she and her Uncle got together. Great work !
Thanks. May have a cup of tea this week😆
The dialogue is solid. It feels natural, between Claire and Lefty. Their dynamic is fun, and Uncle Simon has that perfect mix of stubborn old man energy without being a cliché. The setting feels real. You nailed the Texas vibe without over-explaining it. Lefty’s truck talk, the mention of city folks wanting a “real” ranch experience — it all makes the world feel lived-in. Claire’s backstory has weight. The fire, losing everything, clinging to her backpack like it’s her last lifeline — it hits the right emotional notes without getting melodra...
Thanks for the thorough examination.😊
One thing I learned about long time ago is that fiction is also history. You have done this with this piece. Even in fiction you pull from your surroundings to mark a specific point in time. Nicely done Mary.
Hi Mary. I was really pulling for Claire, and the payoff of her helping her Uncle Simon struck a chord. Throughout the story, I couldn’t help wishing the world was such a plain spoken honest place as your setting and characters, like Lefty Long, in this story (and many of your others). I’m a Larry McMurtry fan, and this reminds me of the Texas world he depicted, so that puts you in good company. Enjoyable read, with a LOT beneath the surface.
What a compliment Thank you so much!
The prompt was perfect for the follow up. I'm sure you can squeeze all three and a few horses in next week. I'm hooked now. 😅
Wait and see🫣. Thanks for liking.
Gosh Mary I was hoping there would be a sequel! This story is really interesting.
I wasn't going to start another multi-episode story but it happened so have to follow the flow:) Glad you find it interesting.