Fiction Happy Fantasy

Who invited me to a party? I asked myself. Looking at an invitation with out a name insight of who'd it came from. Thinking I would be a fool to attend a party I have no idea about, so I threw it in the trash after driving my mind in many directions. "Knock Knock " As I walk nervously to the door not knowing who it may be. I'm sure it no one to be nervous about, I told myself. When I opened the door I discovered a pale white box tied beautifully with a purple shiny bow rapped around the box. No name? I spoke out loudly. I immediately opened the box and there lied inside a beautiful dress. It's perfect size for me. Wow! I'm surprised. When I walked towards the mirror, down fell a envelope with a letter. Save me a dance and I'll see you soon I read. This has to be a prank I said to myself. Could it be my husband? Naw, he will not be back in town for another week. I'm very confused. Who party could it be? I guess I just have to find out. No I can't I told myself. I have not been out to a party in a long time. Not even the small town bar up the road. Why not go? What's the worse to happen? I should go, right? But, I'm such a mess and I'm sure things a different now days as I drowned in my thoughts. Oh my God I started to panic to myself as I nervously became more intense. Okay I asked myself.... What if I fall or stumble? What if I tear my dress or dirty it up before I make it to the party? What if I wear the wrong color heels or put on the wrong lipstick? Clearly, Where is my fairy godmother when I actually need one? So what time does this party start? It starts at 7:00pm. Where is my phone? I noticed I have only 2 hours or I'll be late. When I finally arrived to the party, there was not a person nor a sound. I still decided to enter the room. There was my family and friend standing in the darkness as lights flicker on around me. Along came the screaming, " Happy Birthday!! " It's not my birthday I asked myself quietly. Is it? What today is it? I couldn't believe I've been running around like a chicken with it head cut off I only drowned my life in my work. I didn't even notice my own birthday. Embarrassed to say I clearly didn't know what day it was. I started to break in tears as they rolled down my face. There I was standing there in shock. What a surprise it was. I was so thankful to have my family and friends that notice me when I didn't notice myself. I'm sure it'll be a wonderful birthday as it did turned out to be. I never imagined being in the spotlight. I thought that I was never going to shine like this. I was finally standing in my own spotlight as I shined the way I wanted to shine. It was like never before. Everything seemed perfect at this moment. I noticed my husband was nowhere in sight and clearly was not going to make it. We both are so busy with our careers being Lawyers. He was always on a so many cases at once he was alway out of town. As of me I was never the type of lawyer who'd enjoyed traveling. I pretty much would rather represent the smaller cases like Divorces, Custody battles, and other small town cases. My husband would fight the bigger cases that would go on for months or even years at a time. Starting to remember first time we met here in college. It turned out to be very interesting . Let me explain, I first saw him in the cafeteria on my first day there. He was quite the cocky guy which I did assume. He would ignore me when I spok to him or just to say hi. He would give me this disgusting look when I would smile at him. Remembering as he would quickly turn his head away from me. Man he was a jerk. But, Our first run in together happened in the girls locker room. "Laughing to myself as I thought about it " He was chasing this a stray dog through the campus hallways. After he had literally fallien into the pool. He was so determined to catch that dog. Guess what happened next. He found himself in the girls locker room passed out after running into my locker door. I quickly panicked and I immediately called out for help. As I leaned over to make sure he was not bleeding out, we finally made eye contact for more than 5 seconds, but for a split second. I had forgotten about the towel I had rapped around me and as I struggled to keep my towel from falling. Unbelievably I found myself lying over him. We discovered we were both amazed and very embarrassed. That's was my version of the story as he would say. Lol.... Leaving me stuck in my head, my mother quietly crept towards me and kissed me on my forehead. I'm so proud of you! You look so beautiful! She said. I responded as the tears told down her cheek, Thank you ma ma and please don't cry. Why not? I'm cry because I'm happy. I'm just a proud mother who's watch her daughter sprout. You have grown up to be an amazing daughter that I dreamed you would be. What's that noice I ask my mother? "Honk Honk" "Excuse me!" I need to get in there! Is that my husband's voice I wondered. Turn down the music I yelled out. Noticing the people in the room turning towards the door. Nervously, I turned around very slowly. Starring at the door with a doubt of excitement my heart started to beat even faster. There my husband go! Baby, I screamed as he enters. My girl! he yelled out. I ran over to with no hesitation. Feeling the pure essence as his I felt the presence of his soul bursting with unconditional love. It was a very powerful feeling and I had never felt it before. Jumping in his sweet soft arms, he swung me around as I was his princess. Starring me deep in my eyes, The silence in the room was the feeling of an unbelievable moment waiting to happen. It felt as I was in a fairy tale. In he sweet soft voice he whisper in side my ear and told me. Our love would always last for over and I'm sure to come to your feet as you have me be. The chills ran through my body and all of a sudden he yelled loudly. Happy Birthday to my only girl that became my amazingly wife 6 wonderful years ago. He placed a flower on my left side of the ear pushing it in my hair as moved my hair to the back. Memories rushed quickly to my mind as I'd remember the day he proposed to me. He had done place a similar flower same before. Feeling the warmness in my heart, I knew this moment was even more special than the most. Appreciating my friends and my family important had been the most important love ones in our life. His mother was filled with so much joy as she watched us a cross the room. Flashing of lights begun to light up the room as the music started to play. Can I have this dance he whisper in my ear once more. I be delighted I said to him as the smile on my face grew bigger than I've never smiled be for. I danced with him as I felt his body against me. Missing him deeply as my body craves for his. Mmmm... he smells so great finding myself melting I'm to the fragrance on his chest. Finding myself inside drifting deep inside his arms. I feel him I said to myself. I feel him. My lovely husband is here with me. Is this magic I wondered? Am I awake or could it be a dream. No it's not because I feel I said out loud. Yes you do dear as I hear hear his response. Did he read my thoughts? Did I say it out loud? I became confused a bit. What a face my love? He proudly asked. As I asked him the questions I asked myself he had finished them along with me. He knows me very well. Who planned this party I asked? Who sent the gifts and the invitation? Remembering that face he makes when he has done something or when he has been up to something . You did? I questioned him. I already knew the answer. How did he plan everything without me knowing a thing? Thinking back to hours before I was so worried about coming here and embarrassing myself and it had turned out to be the most amazing time in my life. After changing hair styles, lipstick, heels and so on I was truly a star of my own spotlight. I thought there would never be a moment that shined as bright as this one.

May 13, 2021 03:47

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