Adventure Coming of Age

As claire sat on the dinning table thinking about how to take to John and convince him to take her to prom she heard a lound bang at the door she hesitated to open open the door but she opened it when she did she saw a very tall handsome boy with brown hair and a very cute fiface she stood there for a minute thinking of what to do next when the man spoke hey am Frank and am soy for bothering you at this moment I really need to have a drink am very tasty please help me. Claire continued to stairs at the man for a very long time I out of the dream and allowed Frank to come inside. the room was scuttered and there was no place to sit so he decided to stand.claire came back with juice and handed it to Frank she excused herself to go and change because she was very dirty .she went inside and wore a pink shirt with a short skirt when she came down Frank was shocked he just sta4ed at her and came closer to her he reached for Claire's handsshe blushed a bit and ask what farank was doing Frank placed his finger on her lips and kissed her cheeks she blushed more after that they had a lot of conversation Frank took the hands of Claire came closer to her and kissed her morning came when Claire stood up she realized she was in Frank's room she knew what had happened she heard her name echoeing in her eyes she knew it was Frank she got downstairs and saw the room decorated and a bunch of foods and fruits on the table Frank invited Claire to sit with him he acted like a real gentleman as he pull the chair back for her .After this they they all sat down and ate the amazing food prepared by frank.this food is very tasty and I want us to be like this food to each other very sweet and tasty they heard a loud bang on the door again when Claire got up to open it Frank stopped her when he went to the door his jaw dropped he saw three policemen he just started at them and run the policemen run after him but they couldn't get him he was too fast Claire couldn't understand anything she just sat on the table with a confusing look on her face she decided not to think about it she went upstairs to take a nap because she had to go to school the other day .she woke up the next day feeling exhausted but she had to go to school for the upcoming test she wasn't prepared but she had to go she woke up unable to walk but she had to go she went outside took the bus and went to school when she went she was very late the teacher just stared at her and looked away .Claire went to take her seat but it was occupied ,she glanced at the person sitting there and was very shocked it was John,what was he doing there she just stood there in silence and waited for him to stand up but he didn't Claire didn't want John to think otherwise of her so she went to the back of the class to take another seat."hey my name is Claire what is yours? Claire stretched her hands to shake her new seating partner but he just glanced at her and didn't shake her.claire was very upset ,she screamed at him " who the hell do u think you are ? Do u know what type of family am in ? Look I don't care about your family so will u just shut up you badass? What? What did you just call me a badass? Oh boy let me tell you something you messed with the wrong girl .she said as the principal entered.what is going on here? Said the principal as he walked towards Claire when he reached he took another step and went to jason and tap on his shoulder hey how so you like my school son,son oh my God Claire exclaimed , look jason am really sorry i don't want to get in trouble because of this .I will do anything you ask of me please the principal looked at jason confusingly ,oh dad is nothing is just a game we are playing of who will get scared first.jason turned to her and winked at her .oh yes ,we are sorry we didn't mean to play the game in front of you.oh son have a good day said the principal as he walked away.am sorry,Claire showed her forgiving face to jason and he began to laugh,what are you laughing at? You look like a cat do you know that I just love it when I see people in pain.claire got angry and placed her book really had on the table and it caught the teachers attention.what is going on there md.claire? Oh mum,is nothing it was just a mistake it won't happen again am really sorry.mum why don't you excuse her out? Said jason.no mum I won't do it again I didn't do it on purpose.get out md.claire but , I said now . Claire walked out of the class silently.

The bell rang for class over ,everybody was happy because it was a boring class after all they all ooed at the teacher and went out.when Claire saw jason she was upset and wanted to even hit him but she kept a cool head and went to jason and apologized to him she had to do this in order for her plan to be successful.she went to the canteen to have her breakfast when she saw jason and her friends she intentionally went to sit beside him and said " hey sweety didn't you even wait for me? What ? Are u my darling you asshole . don't be shy of me let's just go on a date .oh jason go out with her said his friends.jason asked Claire to meet him at seven restaurant,they agreed and they met each other there ,they sat on a table and had a great meal jason was angry but he had no other choice.you should have seen his face

July 01, 2021 17:56

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Sena Akakpo
11:15 Jul 29, 2021

Thank you everybody for loving my story


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Sena Akakpo
11:15 Jul 29, 2021

Thank you everybody for loving my story


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