A Taste of Japan

Submitted into Contest #191 in response to: Make Japan (or Japanese culture) an element of your story.... view prompt


Adventure Friendship East Asian

Our friendship began with a lot of bitterness and no care for the beautiful culture I was going to show him but by the end, Kenny the tourist learned some things about Japanese culture. And I gave him something to return to. A Fantastic Culture.

Chapter 1 - Sakura.

I work as a tourist guide around Tokyo but I'd also go around other places too. This particular time I had to deal with the most annoying customer of all, Kenny, who didn't even bow when he met me. Now Kenny hasn't told me his name yet but so far all I've gotten from him is bitterness and almost no care to learn anything about the culture. He tells me how he was forced to go to Japan for a day to see if it transformed him. My first challenge with a customer but I do like challenges.

Exiting the airport his demeanor stayed, his face still in anger. So I asked...'Why so angry Kenny?'. Kenny looked at me, disgusted. 'You wouldn't understand.' Maybe something troubled him, but for now, I couldn't get information out of him as we weren't very close.

'What do you want to learn about first?'

'I don't really care man.' Kenny scoffed.

I had a great idea to show this man around a sakura garden in Tokyo. The sakura represented the birth of a new life. I hoped to have this man see that his life could be better if he tried experiencing some new things.

'Okay. Taxi!'

A taxi pulls up and the driver smiles.

'Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden, please.'

'Hai.' The man replied in Japanese.

The man drove us there surpassing all the beautiful landmarks of Tokyo. Kenny of course on his phone, not paying attention to any of the pretty sights, but I assure you by the end of this journey, Kenny will wish he came back to Japan. All my customers say so!

Now at the Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden, we saw the beautiful pink, innocent, colorful sakura all there for us to see. Kenny was even amazed at the sight of the beautiful sakura. And I saw the glitter in his eyes, the little part of him not surrounded in anger wanted to experience this. I just had to get that glitter in his eye for everything else.

'What do you think?' I asked.

'Wow, it's, It's amazing. I've never seen anything like it.'

'It's beautiful how pink and lively this sakura is, isn't it.

'Still. Some pink flowers ain't gonna make me feel better.'

'I know that.' I chuckled.

'But it's not about the color of the plant's boy. It's about what they represent. I added on.

'What do they represent then?' Kenny added with a smile on his face.

'They represent the beginning and the end of life. These flowers, born in December and die about now, end of March.'

'Well, why bring me here? What does that have to do with me.' Kenny still not knowing questioned.

'Those 3 months are not a long time is it boy. They aren't alive for long. Basically what I'm trying to say is these flowers remained this beautiful till they died in their short life. Now how do you think that applies to you?'

'I don't know what you're talking about.' He said, his tone lower now.

'Boy. You can choose to dwell on things that don't matter at all and be angry about them. Or you can remain beautiful and free in your mind. You have a longer life span than sakura but if you had the same as them. Would you spend your life like you do now?'

'I don't know. It's just I get bullied and I don't like school, you know? I don't want to be forced to go to something I don't like. I want to pursue my own life.' He answered. Opening up a bit to me.

'Boy this school is a short period in your life, think about the future. You have many many years after school. When you're done with school, It'll be a memory of the past. After that, you can do whatever you like. You'd be free. Free like these sakura here, except... Your life is longer. Choose wisely how you remain beautiful during things like this pain right now in your life. Will they matter after they fade like sakura?

'No, I guess not. No one's really talked to me like that before though. Thanks.'

'There will be much pain in your life like Sakura dying and being born again, remain beautiful but die anyway. Pain is good sometimes. It creates you as a person, you know?' I added on.

'Thanks. Can we go somewhere more fun now?'

'Yes, come.'

Getting another taxi and taking the boy to another cultural place made me realise that this boy isn't a bad boy he's been treated badly so he's become like this. His parents didn't send him here to be punished. They sent him here to try to be happy again. Also, other good news was that the boy was opening up slightly to me, the glitter in his eye almost coming whole.

Chapter 2 - Food To Remember.

We arrived at Shibuya and we walked for a bit, I was thinking about what foods we could eat. Many foods in Japan to think of. Ramen! Ramen is delicious so I'll take him to a Ramen Shop.

'You tried Ramen before?' I asked.

'No, I have not.' Kenny replied, a smile on his face.

Now that is what I like to see.

We walked to a Ramen Shop and wow as soon as we came in you could smell love and peace in the air, my nostrils were loving the smell of warm ramen being cooked. We sit down and wait to be served. Looking around the restaurant though, even living in Japan for 5 years now, you could still pretend you're like a kid excited about getting a toy for the first time. That is what Japan makes me feel all the time.

'Hello! Welcome to Star Ramen! What would you like to eat?' A Server asked.

I looked at Kenny for a split second then he looked at me to choose the ramen for him.

'We will have the Shoyu Ramen, please!'

'Okay, sir and sir! Thank you!'

Kenny returned to look at his phone, and I noticed some hateful comments said to him in a text message. Immediately I got angry. Who could say this to a boy?

'Who is that.' I questioned.

'A bully.'

'Why is he saying that to you?'

'Cause I'm a loser.'

My rage grew stronger. Who could make a young boy feel like he committed a heinous crime?

'Are you interested in learning?' I asked.

'Always. I just- I don't feel good in school.'

'Good! You like learning! And do you have a passion?'

'I really like drawing and creating stuff.'

'Kenny, you are not a loser. Don't let anyone make you feel like that. Not everyone can have a passion so young as you. It takes a while for some people to figure it out. Don't let anyone stop you.'

'It's hard though. It gets to me.'

'Shoyu Ramen!' The server called behind us, startling us.

The server placed the warm, broth-filled, ramen noodles in front of our noses. I saw the expression on Kenny's face change. As if a light switch had been turned on. His face was now filled with excitement.

'Eat up Kenny. We'll talk aft-'

Before I could even finish my sentence, Kenny was chewing down every last bit of the ramen. Enjoying every bite. I saw the glitter in his eyes come. Replacing the sad gloomy look he had before. Now only the broth was left.

'Kenny. place your spoon down.'

'Why? Can't I eat?' He replied.

'Eat with your hands. Place your hands at the bottom of the bowl. Lift to your mouth and drink the broth. Trust me it's the best way to finish ramen.'

He listened to me and did so. His cheeks glowed red. A smile formed as he was slurping down the broth. And then. I realized he listened to me. He forgot about his problems. They faded quicker than a sakura tree's lifespan. I didn't even get a chance to finish my ramen.

'You want to eat mine too? I'm not so hungry.' I chuckled.

'No, No. I'm okay. That ramen filled me up haha.' He laughed finally.

'You feeling better now? If you ever feel bad remember how much joy eating that ramen gave you. You could feel a greater joy than that if you work towards your passion. Forget those people. Only some have a special passion. Don't waste it, boy.'

'I won't. Thank you.'

I smiled and we left the restaurant. The boy's life changed through a short encounter. Change doesn't have to be long if surrounded by a great culture just like Japan's. The very next day the boy was ready to leave. And though we didn't spend long together. He witnessed some of Japan's culture which I hope he'd be happy to return to someday to complete as a whole. For now, he knows he can't waste his life being bitter. And now he knows he can have happiness even at a low point in his life. I gave him hope.

He bowed to me as a sign of respect and left for the flight back home.

March 24, 2023 20:08

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Harry Glasgow
21:26 Sep 06, 2023

This was the best story! Absolutely amazing idea and message 👏


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21:39 Apr 05, 2023

Awesome story! :)


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