The New Students Welcome Party

Submitted into Contest #93 in response to: Write your story about two characters tidying up after a party.... view prompt



The Dining Hall of the Great Imperial Library was as tall and wide as all the other main rooms and antechambers. Stone columns stretched a few dozens of meters before they met the arched ceiling.

The New Students Welcome Party was well passed its dining stage, and most stomachs were filled more with cheap wine then food. A band played somewhere in the middle of the hall, and they were very good, said those who had drank at least a bottle. Groups of people talked and drank on the edges of tables, discussing a wide range of subjects, from recent political events and news of the ongoing military campaigns to the distinctions between different versions of folktales. Philosophy, poetry composition, history, nobility gossip, the likelihood of such and such people ending up sleeping together, and if it would be tonight, next week or next month. All of the essentials.

"New Guy! You came! Didn’t get lost this time, uh?"


"Oh, shut up, for the last fucking time, call me by my name."

"Well, you still call me 'New Guy'..."

"That’s completely different."

"Are you drunk?"


Kel came closer to her and whispered "Stop shouting, people are looking."

"Its fine, dude."

"Profes- Irannas; you are completely and publicly drunk, please, let me take you to your room before this gets out of hand."

"New guy! I’m flattered, but we barely know each other! Give it a few more weeks maybe, and then try again."

Kel's face reddened. "I meant to escort you to your door, and for you to get some sleep. Alone. By Voln’s beard!"

"Uhg, and here I was, thinking you had some interesting thoughts in that empty skull of yours. Disappointing, really."

"We are student and professor, on the most prestigious educational facility in the Empire, on the entire continent, really."


"And? And? Don’t you think that is ethically shady?"

She took a long sip from her bottle. "You should ask that to the ethics professor, he is an 87 year old on a wheelchair, maybe that’s more your type, uh? Who am I to judge?"

"Now you sound sober... More sober, at least. But still with the head in the wrong place."

Irannas leaned closer to his ear "That is a matter of perspective, Kel."

He pushed her away softly "I-I should go."

"Kel, remember our second class? About ancient devonians?"


"Did you know that they had the same word for 'affection' and 'wisdom'?"

"Professor, this is not appropriate..."

"Maybe it isn’t where you came from, but here it wouldn’t be an issue. Seriously. And if you are thinking about age... Well, we are both adults, and I’m not that older than you."

"You’re kidding me, it’s another elaborate joke of yours, isn’t i-"

Irannas interrupted him with a Kiss. No one around them seemed shocked or surprised, at most, there were some looks of mild curiosity or jealousy.

"Finally found out a way to make you shut up! What a party!”

Kel stood there, dumfounded. His heart beat rising. Slowly, he began to mouth something, and at the same time smile like an idiot, which made everything confuse and hard to read. And to slow. Irannas reached for a nearby pillar to support her, bent over and vomited. Then they got more intent looks, some of worry, some that tried and failed to hide laughter.

           Recomposing himself after a second, Kel reached to help her. He always carried a handkerchief, usually for himself and for cough and sneeze situations. And he never lent it to anyone, afraid of other people’s germs. But Irannas had just kissed him, so it didn’t matter anymore. He kneeled and was about to clean the sides of her mouth, when she grabbed the handkerchief and did it herself.

           “Now, that’s the not fine me, Kel. You were right all along. Congrats, it’s a first.”

           He laughed “Good to see you are alright. Was it the wine or was it me?” He gestured to the stain on the floor “The culprit I mean”.

           “The combination, I think.”

           “You are terrible, professor.”

           “Shup up, Kel. And take me to my fucking room.” She looked up and faced him with a smile “Please?”

           He put his arm around her back and helped her up. They slowly began to walk out of the Hall, eyed from every direction by inquisitive and sometimes judging looks. But Irannas was too drunk to realize this, and Kel too happy to care about it.

           For the first time since his arrival, Kel didn’t get lost. It was as if the Great Library herself was guiding him, revealing its secret alleys and passageways. Although he had never come near the Professor’s Quarters, he had a vague idea of where it was. Once or twice Irannas had to correct his pathing. She seemed to be sobering up and getting better by the minute, as is not uncommon with those who expel ingested alcohol in great quantities and little time.

           “You going to accompany me to my door?” She said.

           “Of course, Professor.”

           “Just to my door? No further?”

           He chuckled “You don’t give up easily, don’t you? I mean, I would like to, but you seem in no proper condition.”

           “Right answer, student! But seriously, just come in for a bit? Just to talk?”

           He slowed his pace and looked at her “Ye-Yeah, of course, Irannas.”

           She smiled and pressed her head on his shoulder tighter “Such a long name; I-ra-nas. Call me Ira.”

           “Ok, Ira. Hm. Sounds a bit like ‘Hinryat’.”

           “Motherfucker! YOU KNEW THE DEVONIAN WORD.”

           “Well, what can I say, I’m a great student.”

           “No, no. You got it backwards, New Guy. I am a great teacher.”

           “You sure showed that back there at the party.”

           She laughed “Shut up, Kel. And keep your eyes on the doors, or you’ll end up sending us to the Forgotten Halls. There, first left ahead is my corridor. Third door.”

           “Come in. Make me tea.” Irannas said, as she dragged herself though the room and crashed onto the bed.

           Kel took her shoes off, positioned her body adequately and comfortably and covered her with the blankets. He didn’t found any tea leafs or a kettle in her room, even though it had a small kitchen. He left a cup of water on the nightstand and a bucket on the side of the bed, just in case. He had a thought of kissing her forehead, but it sounded ridiculous immediately after. He shook his head, smiling; left her apartment, closed and locked the door, then slid the key under it.

May 14, 2021 22:46

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