My story is entitled Paradise Lost.
The Paradise Lost is the title of my story.
Once upon a time, the Paradise Lost tells of the story in the bible. In the beginning was the world and the world was with God. God created both heaven and earth.
Also God created both Adam and Eve ,he later breath into them. Also the Almighty God placed both Adam and Eve in paradise a place like heaven.
God informed both Adam and Eve not to eat of the forbidden fruit.
Later the serpent deceived Eve to eat of the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. It was realized by then that both Adam and Eve were both in heaven a place like Paradise.
Satan deceived Eve and Adam to eat of the forbidden fruit and they disobeyed God and ate it.
Aftermath of this incident both Adam and Eve realized that they were naked and ashamed. Also they realized that they had sinned against God and they had to hide from him.
They covered themselves with clothes and then lost their paradise in heaven.
According to God since they disobeyed , man shall work with his bare hands in search of food and shall provide food, shelter and clothes for his family. Also his descendants shall also work hard and provide for their families.
Most of the needs of the woman shall be met by the man. Also for the punishment of the man ,he shall struggle and work before his death.
Again for the punishment of the woman she would become pregnant and then give birth to a baby. The woman shall be pregnant for nine months and then give birth to a baby.
As for Satan the Serpent ,God cursed him to get lost and the serpent was cursed to crawl and struggle on its belly in search for food.
The Paradise Lost tells of the struggles and misfortunes that both Adam and Eve went through when they disobeyed God and ate of the forbidden fruit.
The serpent Satan had a rebellion against the tyranny of heaven. Also the Paradise Lost tells of the fall from grace of Adam and Eve which is the supreme achievement of the rhythm and sound.
As according to the bible Paradise is the throne of the Almighty God where the lamb of God and the tree of life also reside called heaven.
Paradise as according to others is located in the third heaven.
Others argue that Paradise is the place for those who love the Almighty God.
The first sin in Paradise Lost tells of Eve being tempted to eat of the forbidden Tree of knowledge and therefore sinned against God and was disobedient to God wishes.
As according to other people the Garden of Eden was a place of paradise an intermediate place or state where the souls of the righteous await resurrection and final judgement.
Also Paradise is also known by others as the dwelling place of God band the blessed dead.
In addition heaven is a place of paradise or a state of bliss ,felicity or delight.
Again Paradise in the bible is the celestial dwelling place of the righteous in allusion to the Garden of Eden.
Since Adam ate of the forbidden Tree of knowledge he lost his original holiness he had received from God but also for all humans.
However Adam and Eve transmitted to their descendants human nature wounded by their own first sin and hence deprived of their original holiness and justice this deprivation was called sin by then. Adam spoke the hebrew language likewise Eve.
The Garden of Eden was a paradise free from all worries until Eve ate the apple that broke the dream.
Also Switzerland is known as the magnificent destination in Europe that is known as the Paradise of the earth.
As according to paradise lost, God loves his creation and strongly defends humankind free will.
God presents his love through his son to die for our sins due to the Paradise lost Adam and Eve once had.
Others argue that Paradise lost is part of the spirit world in which the righteous spirit have departed from this life awaiting the Resurrection.
Paradise is a condition of happiness and peace.
Also Paradise is a place of exceptional happiness and delight.
However in paradise there is only peace, prosperity and happiness.
Most Christians realize and believe that Paradise is heaven and it is our ultimate destination. Paradise is imagine as a garden or a park with streams ,lakes, fruit trees, sunshine,docile, animals,soft grass, tropical vegetation and a version of tree love.
Paradise is a place of calm.
Early Christians writers used Paradise for both heaven and also for a place where the righteous souls awaits resurrection.
Kashmir is often called Paradise on earth due to its breathtaking pristine. The region is blessed with lushed green valleys ,snow capped mountains , beautiful lakes or picturesque , landscapes that evokes a sense of paradise making it a popular epithet of Kashmir.
Jesus even once mentioned " You will be with me in Paradise."
As according to Paradise lost ,Satan was cast down from heavenly spheres plunging through nightmarish limbo for nine days and landing in the depths
of hell.
Prior to Satan descent into hell ,Satan once belonged in heaven as an Archangel named Lucifer a rational and perfect being created by God.
However in Lost Paradise ,Satan was banished to hell by God. The realm of hell lies beyond both night and chaos and is the furthest point from heaven.
The Paradise lost refers to a state or condition of perfection, happiness or harmony that has been lost or is no longer attainable.
The Paradise lost emphasize on the fact that whenever you sin you will go to hell and the Paradise you lived will be lost.
Finally I will like to conclude that Paradise means pleasure grounds, Elysium region of surpassing beauty, mainly known as the Garden of Eden.
Lastly Paradise is a place in which all the elemental forces of Being are at the disposal of the soul that believes in the supremacy of the good.
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