PUMA The heart of a lion

Submitted into Contest #48 in response to: Write about someone who has a superpower.... view prompt



Have you ever felt like you would make a difference in the world if only you were someone important? or if you are as strong as Superman? or perhaps spiderman?

well I am sure you most have thought of something of such in the past or now, just like I have and I'm sure most people have too. Sometimes you might be feeling kinda inspired to do something great and heroic perhaps trying to save someone from getting bullied only to end up having your ass kicked.

that's when you realize this superhero shit only happens in movies and in real life those who have the power and strength only use it to oppress others they in fact are the villains only after their selfish interest. In this life is either you are strong or weak, the bully or the one being bullied and sadly I fall in the later.

my name is William a skinny weak boy and my life sucks, I have been a subject of bulling all through my life since when I can remember up till now in highschool.

Being in Highschool is just like being in hell to me, I haven't been in hell before but I'm pretty sure it is something like this, it can't be far from it.

Every single freaking day I get bullied and tossed about by those big, strong bad boys in school they literally kick my ass about even though I try my best to hide from them and stay out of trouble they always seems to find me, maybe seeing me cry and in pains seems to give them joy only a sick mind will know.

It's so embarrassing to be the weak kid, not only you get bullied but the girls also get to laugh at you. Do you know how it feels when you are being beaten and toss about in front of your crush? It's the worst feelig ever, I mean ever!.

I have always had a crush on a very pretty girl since I can remember, her name is Jesse and she has the face of an Angel, she is different from the other girls, she never laughs at me like the rest of the girls do when I get bullied rather sometimes she assist me when she could.

I remember when she gave me a helping hand, when a big bad bully Dick pushed me to the ground in the hallway.

“ Sorry, here you go take my hand ” she said with the most charming smile ever...

However she does have a boyfriend Tobi, he is the school quarter back and team captain an around cool kid plus he drives to school in a porch.

I know getting Jesse to notice me talkless of being my girlfriend is even an impossible task than me wishing to have superpowers but I won't stop crushing on her.

she is one of the reasons that makes school bearable for me and why I could endure all the bulling with a smile on my face even though we ain't really friends and the most I have said to her was.

“ Thank you and Yes ”

She is still my most favorite person and I know almost everything about her, her best food, her best artist, music etc. You might think I'm a creep and stalker well maybe I am...

Since when I was a kid I have always been fascinated by superhero like I said earlier on but I was forced to stop watching and believing in them, feeding my imagination with lot of superhero cartoons and movies. I use to pray and hope one day I get bitten by a radioactive spider or have a toxic substance accidentally poured on me which will course me to mutate, transforming into a cool superhero character but that was only wishful thinking and now I know it would never happen in fact watching so many superhero cartoons and movies led me into lot of troubles, for one.

After I had watched how Batman took on many supervillains in one scene and came out victorious. I was feeling inspired and motivated so I decided to take a stand against bullies who were busy picking on a poor helpless kid, it was a day I wish I can forget but sadly I won't be able to. The poor kid I was trying to help left me and ran away, leaving me alone with the bullies. I ended up with a huge scar on my right leg because of that.

Since that day I burnt up all the superhero disc I had and anything reality to supernatural abilities, like Vampire, Werewolves etc and since that day I never made an attempt to play hero or help out anyone even myself..

I manage to survive another session with my head still on my neck and now it's much awaited long summer break and I decided to spend my holidays with my uncle who lives in the country side.

I figured I needed a change of environment besides I have no friends here, my uncle is a fisherman as well as a hunter.

 I don't know if it sounds weird but my uncle and his wife are also animal lovers being a hunter and all you might find it hard to believe but it's the truth. he only kills when it's necessary and not for the fun of it.

I remember vividly when a huge bear came trespassing into his compound, looking for food in his trash bin and then all the way close to the building in a violent manner aiming break it's way into the kitchen. My uncle had all the right then to harm the bear as he was now a big threat to him and his family but he didn't, rather he sort for other ways to get the bear focus away from the house without any harm.

he did this by sacrificing our hot, just baked cake, throwing the cake far away from the house and the bear went after it and that was our dinner, we pass the night in an empty stomach when only a bullet could have saved us our dinner...

I use to go out with my uncle a couple of times when he went out fishing and hunting it was then I discovered that I myself I am an animal lover, i discovered that there is a beautiful and amazing world out there, I'm talking about nature if you are still guessing.

Studying about animals and plant, not studying them in books but real life and first hand observation especially the mountain lion ( Puma ) was really worth while I would climb up the mountain with my uncle just to get the rare glimpse of the puma, such magnificent creatures.

I have a thing for lions in general anytime I have an animal channel, I really wanted to see a real life lion but you can only find them in Africa, the one's here in America are inside the zoo and they have become somewhat tamed and ain't that exciting to watch. Mountain lions are the next best thing and slowly I developed an obsession to get close to one.

“ It isn't safe going up there yourself ” 

my uncle once warned me when I asked if it was okay I go up the mountain myself.

“ There are many dangerous beast in the woods, the wolves and bears are fearsome creatures ” 

his wife had joined in warning me too but it has been my obsession.

Well for the meantime I only went up the mountain with my uncle anytime he goes hunting but unfortunately my uncle fell ill and he had to stay in bed, for more than a week I didn't go up the mountain to spy on Puma and I really wasn't myself it was killing me really.

I needed to see them so one evening without informing my uncle and his wife I went up to the mountain in search of the Puma. I was really excited that I didn't even think about the dangers that I could face, all that was in my mind was to see a mountain lion.

before I could get top of the mountain it was already dark that's when I realized I didn't plan this too well, I was not with any touch and my phone power is already getting really low yet I haven't seen any puma yet.

I thought of going back home, I was really disappointed that after all my efforts I still wasn't able to see the mountain lion today... then all of a sudden I started hearing growling and sneering sounds close by.

I followed the sounds and what I saw was a rare sight, a female puma fending off a whole pack of wolves who were after her cub.

the puma was giving all she could to keep the little cub alive but it was proving an impossible tasks as the wolves were just too much and very persistent...

The mother puma was a little bit hurt as one wolf bite her on her right leg and she started limping, it seems all over, mother and cub are surely going to die as she couldn't possibly fend them off with one bad leg.

But then I didn't know what came over me, where the bravery came from, picking up a dry stick lying about I charged at the wolves not minding if I would get killed I stood my ground against an entire pack of hungry wolves.

they came at me but I just kept swinging, I was determined to protect the mother and her cub. So doing I was biting not by one but three wolves but still I kept swinging soon after the wolves retreated leaving the mother and the cub... Then I collapsed to the ground as I had lost so much blood.

the last thing I remember was the mountain lion walking to meet me, probably to eat me for dinner....

“ Williams! Williams! Williams! ” I familiar voice echoed in my ear.

slowly I opened my eyes but immediately closed them back as the sun light shun directly into my eyes.

“ Williams! Williams! ” the familiar voice called out again and I recognized it as that of my uncle's. I opened up my eyes this time shading my face away from the direct sun light with my hands.

looking around I realized I was in the woods, what am I doing here? I wanted to panic but then I remembered what happened yesterday.

the stupid thing I did fighting off a pack of wolves_ But I should be dead now, I was seriously injured, how come I am alive? 

“ I am here? ” 

I called out to my uncle but as I wanted to stand I saw that the mother puma was lying next to me but she was dead.

the little cub was also there he was alive. How come the mother puma is dead she wasn't that badly hurt yesterday, I was the one badly hurt then how come she is dead and I am alive?

Even more shocking was the fact that I had no sign of wound or cut on me, even the scar on my right leg was no more there, however I had a new small scar on my chest, my left chest.

how did that get there? I don't have an answer to that... my uncle finally found me, he was sick but he still went out in search of me with his wife. I felt bad for that.

you can imagine his shock when he saw me next to a dead mountain lion, he quickly check if I was alright and questioned me on what happened.

but all I could say was “ Sorry, I don't know ”

The little cub was taken to a safe place and by the next day my uncle went me back home. I wasn't going to see a mountain lion for a long time and I will miss those creatures and I can't really blame my uncle for that.

well I guess it's back to my old life then or so I thought. However it didn't take too long when I started noticing strange changes in my body.

first of which being that I was able to see in the dark, like really clearly and I could also hear sounds from very far away. My nose was also picking out the faintest smells and scent.

I was freaking out really but at the same time I was excited, every passing day I was discovering newer things about myself, things I can now do.

I had become unusually fast, I mean extremely fast and my reflexes was as that of a cat, I can jump so high. I had gain weight, all built up and incredibly strong, able to lift things 10 strong men won't be able to.

I knew all this was happening because of that night with the mountain lion and pack of wolves but I didn't know how...

One day, a Sunday I was helping my mum chopping the carrots, I was chopping it so fast, super speed but then a lapse of concentration made me cut my finger slightly.

Not that I felt much pain, but I was bleeding, just then something amazing happened the cut healed up, like it was never there. Thankfully my mom didn't see what happened unless she would have freaked out, I quickly ran into my room and closed the door.

taking off my top I stood in front of the full length mirror looking at my reflection, staring at my chest I fixed my eyes on the little scar... and then in a moment I saw the face of the mother puma on my scar.

“ It can't be... ”

I have the puma heart inside of me....

Weeks passed the long summer holiday was over and school had finally resumed, by this time I had already come in terms to the fact that I have a mountain lion heart beating inside me, I didn't know how it happened, all I know is that he puma sacrificed her live to save minr now I'm like a super human.

It felt like I was dreaming really, feeling this strong, all this felt like a dream but just in case you are wondering it's not a dream. Now the question is this. What will I do with this my new found powers?...

Nothing had changed in school, everything was how it was before we went on the long holiday and the bullies where still on my case, I could end them with just one move now but I didn't instead I picked myself up and smile each time I get bullied now, it went on weeks however it all changed...

During basketball practice, I was up seated in the stands watching as the school team were practicing there shot Tobi as well as the kids that do bully me including Dick were all part of the school team... 

I smiled when I saw my crush Jesse stepped into the court, she walked to meet her boyfriend Tobi and they embraced... but not long after Tobi started shouting at Jesse.

I used my hearing ability to pick up what they were arguing about from up the stands I was, it turns out that Tobi has been cheating on Jesse with one of her best friend Tera.

Tobi tried denying but when he saw that Jesse had enough evidence to back her claims he sort to apologise but Jesse was so hurt and she wanted to leave... then Tobi grabbed hold of her and started yelling and making claims on how he owned her and she can't leave him even if she wants to unless he says so.

“ ...you are my bitch! got that! and you will do exactly what I say you will do ” 

he yelled to her face while gripping hold of her left arm tightly.

" let go of me, you are hurting me ” 

Jesse said struggling to break free but then Tobi kept harassing her.

I totally lose my cool how dare he treats her in that manner. jumping up from my seat, I got down to the court in no time.

“ Let go of her now! ” I barked walking to meet him.

“ Who are you to tell me what to do? fool ” he said and he and the rest of his crew burst into laughter.

“ I won't tell you again

l-e-t go of h-e-r ” I said trying to keep my cool.

“ Time to teach this fool a lesson ” Tobi said and made eye contact to his crew to deal with me.

one after the other all 10 of then came at me but I was too quick for them and without throwing a punch I defeated them by making them trip on themselves and each other.

Then I walked up to Tobi ” Get your hand off her ” I growled and he quickly did.

I held Jesse hand gently and took her away with me while she stared at me all amazed and shocked... but before we could leave the court Tobi took a ball lying around and throw hard it at us...

but I sensed the ball coming and it travelling to Jesse's face, I caught and throw it to the net without turning around.

“ that's an impossible shot ” Tobi said in disbelief and he became fearful.

Jesse just kept staring at me in amazement.

“ You have changed__ sorry I don't know your name, you just saved me but I don't even know your name, I feel so bad ” she said really bad.

“ Well you can make it up to me ” I said.

“ How? ” 

“ Have dinner with me tomorrow ” I said waiting for her reply, it took some seconds...

“ Yes ” she said and I smiled...

So with the help of my new powers I got the girl I guess I will save the world tomorrow.

The End.

July 02, 2020 23:00

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10:53 Jul 05, 2020

You are really a good writer, keep it up please.


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Tolu Odel
22:14 Jul 10, 2020

Hey! I'm here from the critique circle. I think this story was really cool, I like the idea. There were a few mistakes, like all sentences should begin with an uppercase letter. Also, "bulling" I believe should be "bullying" and I think you meant "Porsche" instead of "porch". Just some minor things like that, but the story was really engaging. Keep writing!


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10:53 Jul 05, 2020

Wow, really interesting


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Kingsley Monday
06:12 Jul 05, 2020

Awesome story, guy keep it up.


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22:17 Jul 04, 2020

a fascinating read, totally incredible and engaging


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