Horror of Halloween

Submitted into Contest #65 in response to: Write about someone’s first Halloween as a ghost.... view prompt


Thriller Horror Suspense

“Jamie is it important for us to hide here? Can’t we have fun too after all we are a ghost?” I whispered

“you are saying this because it’s your first Halloween here or else you would be shaking like a leaf,” he said sounding a bit rude.

I rolled my eyes and just did what Jamie was doing, hiding. It has been three months since I’m a ghost and I can tell you nothing is thrilling about being a ghost, it is nothing like what we see in movies or what people say about the ghost. When I became one myself, I tried every possible way to let a human feel my presence but nothing worked, they neither feel you nor are afraid of you. Instead, you just roam aimlessly, unknowingly when will you vanish. There is one more thing that is nothing like what we expect, we ghost can’t even see each other all of us have our voice and a unique shape and colored light at the center of our body like a heart which humans can’t see obviously. After roaming for a week or two I finally met another ghost like me, Jamie who says he committed suicide two years back and since then he’s a ghost with a triangle-shaped purple heart. Sometimes I still wonder why an outgoing and cheerful person (ghost) like him committed suicide? Well, I never dared to ask him that because I think it will make him sad and also we have been friends for only two months. Jamie says I have a polygon-shaped neon heart and it’s a good signal and I don’t understand why?

 Anyhow, getting back to the present for why we both are hiding. Today is Halloween but why a ghost is hiding on a Halloween you ask? Well, I asked the same thing from Jamie, and he answered

“You know we are not a strong ghost, when you died you didn’t have any strong ulterior motive so you’re weak and I committed suicide that means I didn’t have respect for my own self and dreams, I gave up and that’s what makes me weak but there are plenty of ghosts who died with deep root hatred, you will not find them daily but on Halloween, they all are on a hunt; they hunt down the weaker ones and engulf their light to grow strong enough to connect with the human world. They grow strong and take their revenge with humans or they do so to enjoy,’’ as Jamie completed his sentence fear crept through and I want to die all over again, you must be thinking that we are already dead so why do we care to die but you know just because you’re dead doesn’t mean you stop fearing death. Jamie also told me that

“ That being a ghost is more or less like an after-life where you wait for time to vanish just like your death, you feel most of the emotions and the best part is that each time you feel any strong emotion your heart glows up and strong ghost just eat you and it's painful”

Jamie knows a lot of things and I think I’m grateful that I got him or else I would be dead by now. We both are always together since we met and being with him had taught me so many new things, it's like I’m a toddler learning about the whole new world. We went to many places in the human as well as the ghost realm, I learned how to feel a little, how to teleport, and yes how to spot dark ones. Jamie is such a sweetheart and I enjoy being with him.

“Jamie can we leave now, it's already ten. How long we have to wait,” I asked him

“hey can you be quiet, I’m looking out for us can’t you see. If you want to be hunt down you can leave”

“that’s right but you are here for more than two years don’t you know any other way out?” I tried to remain calm.

“Yeah, I’m here for two years and during that time I have seen many of my friends dying right in front of my eyes so yes, I don’t know any other way other than hiding”

I can hear the pain in his voice “so, we have to stay here all night”


The place was a little eerie for humans but as a ghost, it seemed like a nice comfy and hideous place. The place was on the outskirts of a ghost town where usually no ghost come during Halloween, that’s what Jamie told me. We both were having light tea which we collected this morning, it's made of sunlight which we can collect through our stone-like heart. As we were having tea, we heard someone talking just above the house we were in and I can feel new fear running through me, Jamie said

“wait here let me see”

“no, you’re not going alone”

“Hey, don’t worry about me I’m a lot stronger than you”

“Are you sure? I will rather die than to live without you”

“yeah just wait’’

I saw the light of Jamie disappearing, It made me anxious, worried, and guilty all at the same time. Even though I was not a human I could feel all sorts of emotions as time flew my patience was giving up. As I decided to go outside to look for Jamie I heard a  scream and soon after that Jamie appeared. I rushed toward him  

“ Are you alright? I just heard a scream”

“ don’t worry I’m good, I just killed the troublemakers”

I don’t know but I moved away from him, at that moment all I could feel was grimace even though I should feel grateful to him for saving me from getting killed. I made myself sound as normal as possible

“ ooh thank god, we both are safe now, right?”

“yes and you don’t need to be afraid of me”

“ ooh no, no, no…. I’m not afraid of you” it made me sound more nervous.

“It’s alright, now we can spend the night at peace”

I sighed and went back to the living room. Jamie followed me and we sat on the couch though you can’t feel your body when you’re a ghost yet we enjoy sitting. After a little while, there was a knock on our door and Jamie hurriedly answered the door, I could hear at least three ghosts outside. Jamie did not invite any one of them in, answered them on the door, and made them left from doorsteps. I asked him the reason and he told me that they weren’t safe for me and could harm me.

Around midnight there was another knock on the door and a feeling of uneasiness crept inside me, as usual, Jamie answered the door, and two ghosts one with a square red heart and the other with a star-red heart literally pushed them in inside the house. Jamie told them to stop but I could feel how close they were to me and the next sentence they said killed me all over again-

“Jamie is this the new ghost you were talking about and yeah I could see the polygon-shaped neon heart its really rare and can make all of us strong enough”

I was surrounded by a hunter all along and I never realized. I could feel the energy the amount of energy flowing in my heart.

“Jamie wha…what are they talking about”

“ you’re so naive Andy, you never took a hint, do you? You believed me without even blinking twice. Why do you think I bought you here all alone in a vacant house, and do you understand how rare we get the color and shape of the heart-type you have”

All the world around me stopped and all I could feel was betrayal, all those moments which once felt so special now vanished.

“so….yo…you will kill me?” my speech shuttered.

“yeah what do you think,” as one of them completed his sentence one of the other ghosts' heart turned crimson and my world turned black.

I opened my eyes and hurriedly touched my body, I was sweating heavily. I was relieved knowing it was a dream but as I grabbed my phone to know what day it is, it was the exact day I died.

October 30, 2020 13:14

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