I flew up here. How do I fly down.

Submitted into Contest #48 in response to: Write about someone who has a superpower.... view prompt



The day was angry. The sun sizzled and made sure to burn anything in its sight to a crisp. The hot air burned as it filled your lungs. No animals played inside, and people hid away in their dark houses in the little town. The quietness of the neighborhood was short-lived when a voice pierced into the dry sky. 



“Mooooooooom” I screamed. Nothing. I screamed again and nothing again. After my fifth attempt, I saw her charging like a bull and pushing everything out of her way. She was ready to take down her target for disrupting her nap. Me. Now I have to rethink my strategy. I was hoping for her to come outside all happy but see smoke coming out of her nostrils, I knew that I was dead meat. 

 She scouted for me in the backyard but couldn’t find me. 

“Where are you? You little punk. You better be hiding because if I catch you, ima—“

“Im on top of the roof ma” I squealed. It seemed that I wasn’t going to make it to my 14th birthday.

She looked up to only be blinded by the sun and her angry expression didn’t seem to change. It only seemed to get worse. 

“How did you get up there. We don’t even have a ladder!” She screamed. 

Shoot. This isn’t good. She wasn’t going to belive what I was going to say next. 

“I flew up here ma.” Anything other than the truth would of have sounded even more stupid considering that a tree wasn’t near the house for me to climb, and we didn’t have a ladder.

As I looked down, her face was just turning many shades of red and wondering out loud whose side of the family my idiotic brain i inherited. “Just wait till you father gets home, his going to have a piece of your mind!” She shouted.

As she stood there wondering if she should run inside and tell my dad from work, i decided to help her out. 

“Move ma! I’l show you how I got up. I’m going to fly down!” I shouted. Before she could race to catch me, I had jumped from our 3 story house. I did not fly down. I fell down. My feet slammed into the soft dirt that felt like concrete. and I felt an electric shock flew through my hole body before my lower body gave up underneath me. Seconds later my whole body screamed from pain and I blacked outweigh my others arms wrapped around me.

Everything was dark for some time. The thick fog that was stretched across my mind faded when I heard soft voices. It sounded like mom and dad. Groaning, I tried to move my legs but felt nothing. Did they cut off my legs, I thought. Panic ran through me and I tried to get up, some honey fingers pushed me back on the bed. 

“Easy there, tiger. No need to leave so fast just yet.” Said the calm voice. I didn’t even have to open up my eyes before I knew that it was Dr. Jacky. This meant I was in the hospital. Crap.

Waking up was a mistake. The second I opened my eyes, my mom rushed over me, checked that I was fine and then went back into her pissed off mode.

“Well look whose decided to wake up. Mr. Superman.” She mocked before rolling me over on the hospital bed (it was painful) and hugging me the soul out of me. “I could of have lost my only baby. I don’t know if I should kill you myself right now for how stupid you truly are.” 

My dad came by and was lifting his eyebrows and frowning of whether to be mad or be pitiful for the predicament I was in.

“How you feelin bud?” He asked. “I replied with a plea for him to get mom off of me.

I got the news that my legs were pretty much broken and that I had to be in a wheelchair for 5 months. My mom held my hand when dr, Jacky told us the news and by the time she was done, her hand was rapidly squishing my hands together as if It were a stress ball. 

I got out of the hospital in no time and had to stay home until my legs healed. I didn’t mind that part since the news had gone across town of what I did and I did not want to deal with that they were saying. I already had to deal with what my mom was saying. Everyday was a reminder that I was a stupid idiot for flying down the stairs. My dad never commented on it. I think he knew that it was embarrassing enough for me. 

I knew I flew up the roof. I know I did, but trying to justify it now had no use really. 

One Saturday morning, I was watching a Superman show with dad and it was quiet. Mom had gone to the store and since I could not go fishing with dad, because of the incident, we watched the Saturday morning cartoons. 

He got up the go grab us a snack and I thought about all the things I could be doing right now other than be in a wheelchair. I could be jumping, skipping, running, and neck falling off the edgy cliffs near the river but now I had to wait months for my legs to heal. 

When dad came back into the living room he gasped and screamed out, “MIKE YOUR FLYING!” Looking down, I screamed. I was levitating around in the air. “SEE I TOLD YOU!” I screamed at dad. He just stood their looking perplexed before screaming out, “just wait till your mother sees this. Get down. It’s going to be a surprise.” 

The excitement fizzled and now I was confused. “I don’t know.” I said. “Don’t know what?” He questioned. “I don’t know how to get down.” 

When mom had finished bringing in the products, my dad had held me down with rope tied all around me and the wheelchair. When she first saw us, she stayed quiet and walked herself into the kitchen before coming back to us in the living roof and having a sit on the couch and finally directing her attention to our excited faces. “Do you mind explaining what’s going on?” She tiredly asked. Without even saying anything, dad unwrapped me and I glided up to the ceiling. 

It ended with my mom having to go to the hospital because she fainted and couldn’t wake up. 

I learned to get down and up. I was ready to be a superhero and save people I thought but mom and dad quickly extinguished those notions right out of my head. They said I wasn’t going to fight crime because the police was already there and never reveal that I had powers because I was living in their house so I had to follow their rules. So in the meantime as I was strengthening up to be a superhero, my parents used my powers for their own purposes such as fixing a lightbulb from the high ceiling is and cleaning up gutters at night. 

July 02, 2020 00:13

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