The Stone That Conjures Words

Submitted into Contest #67 in response to: Write about a pirate captain obsessed with finding a mythical treasure.... view prompt


Mystery Adventure

I know it’s out there somewhere. I will find it. I look over the side of the ship into the open ocean. Walls of water slam into the side of the ship in rhythmic bursts. I’ve found the sight to be almost soothing in a way. The light from the sun is dipping into the sea, engulfing the waters in a nightly bliss, bringing with rough waves of the moon. I let out a breath of defeat, knowing that the day has been wasted and yet another night separates me from my goal. I retire to the cabin and lay in my bed, ready to call it a night and to begin again in the new day. 

I wake to the hollers of men out on the deck. Leaving the cabin, I receive the news I’ve waited many long, hard days to hear. Land has been sighted. I direct them to sail to it at once, standing at the stern, watching over the water to the green mass of land. Eventually, the ship makes it to the shore of the land and hits the sand. Hollers of excitement are heard around the ship as my men get ready to deboard the vessel. 

I draw my sword and step to the edge of the ship, looking over at the ground. Long has it been since my legs have yearned to feel solid ground beneath them. Landing to my feet, my eyes scan the coast, looking for any sign of life. From what I can see, there is nothing, but I don’t let my guard down. I sheath my sword and stop a minute. From my pocket, I pull out a map and stretch it in front of my face, scanning it for something to help identify this as the land I’m looking for. 

A smirk spreads across my face as my eyes land on a shining object catching the sunlight, sitting just above the treeline. It’s a statue I’ve been looking at drawn depictions of since the crew and I have boarded the ship. A statue of a snake coiled around a dagger stabbed into the body of a man. 

This is it. This is where the treasure is. The crooked grin on my face is gone in an instant as I roll my map back up and push it hastily into my pocket. Turning to my crew, I direct them all to my attention. Once they surround me, I simply signal for them to pack up and point in the direction of my destination. They waste no time in packing lightly with the essentials and in less than half an hour, we’re making our way into thick greenery. 

Trees smack and swat at us from every direction, not to mention the various different insects trying to make a meal of our blood. Sweat clings heavy to my brow and my forehead, perhaps I shouldn’t have dressed so heavily. I pull my coat off, tossing it to one of the crewmates. I pull a leather strip from my pocket and pull my hair up, tying it in place with the strip. We continue forward, bearing with what the land has to throw at us. 

After a while of walking and trekking through the unknown to a goal only I know the extent of, we come upon a clearing. Upon a hill just ahead sits the statue, glistening in the sunlight. Unknowing to my crew, I know this particular piece to be composed entirely of pure gold. I glance over my shoulder to my men, catching their attention. I point to the statue and then signal back to the ship. They respond by going to the statue, preparing it to be lifted. 

“Do be careful lads. That statue is worth more than all of your lives.” I hear a familiar voice command to the crew. I know it to be my second in command. I walk past where the crew is, knowing there to be a secret passage ahead. 

“Oi, Captain. Where are you going?” He questions, knowing full well that I lack the ability to respond to him in words. I grunt in response and point ahead, holding a hand to the sore wound at my throat. He only nods and turns on his heel, going to assist the crew. 

I take a quick breath and look down. I really wish I wouldn’t have let my throat get slit. Too bad it didn’t kill me because I know I’ll never utter a word again. I shake the thought off my head and walk over to a wall I’ve only seen on my map. Letting out a breath, I step ahead to see a familiar emblem pushed into the stone. Pulling my pendant from my neck, the depiction of the same image as the statue pushes flush into the stone indention, causing a crack and sliding of stone against stone. A hidden doorway opens up and cold gusts erupt from inside, chilling my skin. Taking a glance over my shoulder, I see my men have already lifted the gold statue and are making their way back into the forest. I rub the strain from my eyes before taking a step inside. 

The sound of sliding stone catches my attention and I turn only to see the door closing behind me. Great... I let off a slight sound of uneasiness but turn anyway to what lies ahead. After a few seconds, my eyes adjust to the lack of light and I see a dimly lit passage. I walk ahead and round the corner, knowing there to be a single room ahead. Upon crossing the threshold of this room, there is a rumble and a click under my foot, causing me to stumble back. If I’d been a moment later, I might be a crisp, for flames began shooting from the walls in strong bursts. Hot gusts of air hit my face and I turn away until the intensity dies and the fires fade out. Turning back, I take in the sight of the room. The centerpiece is what immediately grabs my attention. A large, glowing blue crystal sits upon a pedestal. Its’ light is enough to light the small room. I take a step ahead and slowly make my way to the one thing I’ve spent so long looking for. I never thought it could be this easy to get. I’m just a mere few steps away. The only casualty was my ability to conjure words. 

Now, less than an arm’s length away, I reach out for the luminescent gem. It’s cold to the touch and chills my fingertips to the bone. A click is sounded upon it being lifted, and I drop to my knees just in time. Several arrows wiz by just above my head, crashing into the stone wall behind me. I let a shake run through my body for a second before forcing myself to stand and get out of this death trap. 

Once at the entrance, I push the pendant into an indentation in the wall and it opens once more, allowing me to step through. The door closes roughly behind me and I hear loud bangs and crashes. That room no doubt caved in. The chill from the stone in my hand runs up through my arms into my chest and torso. Down into my legs. Up through my throat and to my head. I take a breath, the pain in my throat being at a very apparent lack. I put my hand to my throat and feel only a healing scar, no pain from the slice. A hoarse chuckle leaves my dry lips and I can almost feel a small smile forcing itself to my lips. 

Seeing my second surrounded by the crew, I walk over, pushing the stone in my pocket. I smile at them. 

“Hey..” The barely audible word skims off my lips. They look at me with expressions of surprise and I only smirk. I direct them forward and we make our way back to the ship, going off with our spoils. 

November 12, 2020 23:01

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