Crime Drama Fantasy

  I am sitting on a chair reading a book.

I like just sitting here relaxing not caring about all the fighting of my siblings. It makes me feel peaceful knowing anytime I feel stressed I can just rest on the couch, Forget about the problems and just, you know, just make me feel calm. But this is not the day. Splash! I get up and wipe off the tomatoes on my Tee-shirt that was thrown by my sister, Roxie. I know you may not believe this but I am the youngest of the family like literally. My mother is 46. My dad is 43. My older brother is 17. my older sister is 14. My other sister is 10. and I am

6 years old. The little perfect. Hello my name is Mia. Now let’s get back to the story. I finally get changed into another pair of clothes and put the dirty ones in the wash. I stretch and go to the library. (With my mother) And I order a book. It is precisely 653 pages or in words it would be around 308,987 . or in letters around 1436,578,45,6745. Great.

I am filling up with excitement as I order my book. As soon as it is scanned I grab it politely and hop out the door with it. My mum has got a 457 page book but I do not tell her that I have more pages because that is rude. When we go in the car, I flip open my book and read it intently. It is full of adventure, Fantasy, Facts and of cause, war. When I get home I walk into my house with my face buried into the story. Finally it is night time. I wish I did not have to sleep with my sisters because it means I can not even read with my flashlight under my bed. I eventually get heavy eyes and go to sleep with images of dragons pixies and knights.

I wake up.

I hear chatting down stairs meaning a conversation is going on. I carefully tip toe to the bedroom door any carefully go down to the first floor. I can’t hear much but I hear things like “Just say it’s a trip” and “America will be a great place to visit” But then I made up another thing “DO NOT Let Mia bring her book because she only has one week to read it until we give it back to the library. We don’t know how long we will be in America.” I stop and go upstairs. What did THAT mean?

I get up In the morning greeted by my mum. “We are going on a trip” She clarified. “But Mia do not bring the book” “WHY” I ask. “Just don’t” She scolded. I shrug. And when Mum has left, I bring it anyway.

We are just about to leave in 3 hours or 180 minutes or 10800 seconds. Well now it is probably 10799 seconds oh no maybe 10798 seconds. What I am saying is time is flying by. FAST. Eventually we are parked up at the airport and are getting ready for the flight. Really It has only been around 7865 seconds since I have last spoken. I think it is closer to two hours than three. When we finally arrive at our destination, I realise why I should off listened to my mum. I need to return the book. In two days. By the time we get to our new house, It is night time. I put my plan to work. Escape.

I walk on the soggy grass down the road. It will be 10 miles to get to the airport and then 759 miles to get to Australia. Then I will have to go 47 miles to the library to return it. And come back which will double the course. I decide I can not walk to the airport so I make up my mind I will have to steal our neighbours motorbike. And in case you have forgotten I am only six.

I zoom through the night on the motorbike. the vehicle goes faster than I expected so I ride with my hand squeezed on the brake. Obviously as I expected the police car comes chasing after me. They have three reasons.

  1. I have no helmet.
  2. I look way too small for the age restriction of eighteen.
  3. I am crashing into cars because I cant find the balance.

I race down the street until I see the airport in the distance. I get there shortly. When I hear that the flight to Australia leaves into three minutes that really gets me going. I park up the motorbike and race for the plane. I am about to go on when the ticket person stops me in my tracks. “Where is your ticket?” Dam it. I have not thought about this. I am about to give up when I peer inside the book. Is this a plane ticket? Something weird has just happened. How would this exact plane ticket for this ride be in this book? Some magic is going on. I give the lady the ticket and she allows me in. She does not even ask where my parents are. Phew. The plane takes off and by the time we arrive at our destination it is ten minutes until the book is due. I dash down the pathway to the green grass. I can’t run 47 miles though. I finally get to the city centre when I give up. But then the Librarian passes me holding grocery bags. I run to catch up. “Here is your book” I pant. She look at me and says. “What? you still had one week to return it” My face drops. Then the Liberian laughs “Got you! actually you had 5 seconds left! HA HA HA!” I smile I made it just in time. Now I need to go back. “It’s alright” The librarian said “look in your book.” I did and realised she was right. There was another another plane ticket in the book. “Did you know this would happen?” I asked. “Well…” She said. “I may have a few images up my sleeves.” I smile and say “I need to go back thanks a lot!” I wait for a few hours until the next plane to America came. Then I walk home. When I arrive I see the faces of my mum and dad. They had been crying that’s for sure. Tear stains were on their face. When they saw me they started crying again. My mum scolded me quietly when we hugged but was still happy I was back. The police did not find me out from the motorbike theft and our neighbour still got it back.

And me? I am really happy. Exhausted I stare into the horizon promising a new day.

April 25, 2021 01:08

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Palak Shah
10:00 Apr 25, 2021

Great work Ed, I loved your story :))


Ed .
19:48 Apr 25, 2021

Thanks so much!


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Chase .
06:35 Apr 25, 2021

Go Ed! Keep up the good work!


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Ed .
05:42 Apr 25, 2021

I really enjoyed this weeks prompts! I liked writing this story because I had a lot of ideas in my head that just needed to be written down. I hope you liked it to!


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Ryan LmColli
12:37 May 07, 2021

Please Join This: https://www.guilded.gg/i/LExWwMwp


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TJ Squared
03:19 May 02, 2021

wow, XD. It was kinda fun the way it fit the prompts just so. again, the separating dialogue, but other than that, not much, so good job :) L.W.


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Arwen Dove
06:32 Apr 25, 2021

Wonderful story with great ideas! There are a few places that need punctuation, but other than that, this was an amazing story! Well Done!


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Ryan LmColli
14:24 May 11, 2021

Great story: Pls join this link... https://www.guilded.gg/i/6pR8goy2


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