Adventure Historical Fiction

TRIBE LIFE          

I wish I could live in a tribe. All people wandering around. Everyone friendly. Most of all I also want to be a tribe leader. Now a days, it’s just technology but nothing else.Even though people think that it would be good for us when the technology evolves. Well…I think differently. Even if it will make our lives easier, it will also take us and our bodies into danger. A tribe life is what is ideal for me. Lush green forests, Tents, Hunting and many others. You have to work hard to live, which has his own fun. Even fighting with swords has its own fun. Having to rule a tribe is a hard thing to do. But if you think of your tribe as a train you can control people as you are controlling cabins. Catching bandits and fighting the bad guys and keeping your tribe safe is your duty even if it means that your life is at risk. I love horses. Because there are no cars horses are used to travel. Wouldn’t it be fun, sitting on a horse to go for hunting. You also have to train your soldiers and even yourself in the training area. It would be great to train with spears, swords and even do archery. The tribe leader has to find a place for his tribe to live on. In a tribe there are shepherds, traders and also a black smith. Healer also have a really big job to do in a tribe. After a fight or attack, they have to attend to a thousand people. I am just obsessed with a tribe life. 

I am trying to build a time machine so I can go to the tribe where my family is from. I am almost finished. I took a lot of help from my dad so he will also come along, when I finish it.

After 2 months

I did it!!

This morning when I went on to the inventory room to work on the time machine and… “ TaDa! I finished it. We can go now” My dad shouted in excitement. We both squealed and excitedly sat in it. My dad set the chronometer and we were off! As excitement rose in me, I couldn’t find any thing to hold onto. After a minute we landed with a soft thud. I got out and squinted because of the sun. At last my dream’s coming true. We walked and walked until we came to an entrance and there was a lookout point where 2 strangely dressed men’s started banging drums. People gathered around, everyone was dressed rather oddly. I went in the opening and everyone  started staring at me. I looked around to see white tents and some shops made of wood logs. When I went a little forward a really brave loving person greeted me in front of a big tent. He said hi in a language I knew and we said hi back. I thought that he might be the tribe leader and the other people his...  but someone interrupted my thoughts. “I am the tribe leader and this is my family” the man said pointing toward the women and children. I told him about why and how we came here and he invited me inside. As I went in looking around there was a carpet in 5he tent and some cushions to sit on. We all sat down after the tribe leader. “The is my home and you might think it’s old fashioned but here it’s all good”. It was really good…just as I imagined. The tribe leader said “ the name of my tribe is eagle tribe and you are more than welcome to look around. Luckily I brought my camera. I asked for permission an snapped some photos. We ate food had drank water. Then after an hour or two, we went out side. There were many things to learn about so I made. A list. First we went to a shop of a blacksmith I think. “Are you a blacksmith”, I asked.“ yes I am a blacksmith” said the man, “ I forge swords… I have a really important job because then people go to war I provide them with the weapons”. “So you don’t have guns?” I asked. “ what is gun?, The man replied. But I didn’t want to confuse them and make then think they are unlucky!  I thought it was hard to forge swords but the man said if it is your job then it’s not hard. When I saw him work it looked really fun. He dipped a piece of iron in burning coal and the iron turned orange. Then he moved onto a Iron plank and started banging the hammer against the iron- bang! Bang!

 Then suddenly there was a swish of swords. Uh-ho I think we came at the wrong time! The blacksmith said “ The army has attacked! We were waiting for this attack!” He handed me and my dad a sword. Every person instead of the soldiers went inside. The soldiers formed a line of defence in front of the tribe leader’s tent. I wanted to panic yet I didn’t I was just too excited! My dad told me to hide but I didn’t. I wanted to see how they fight. Swish! Swish! Swish! Everyone was swishing their swords. Sadly there was a lot of blood. Some soldiers died. The tribe leader also fought bravely. Then suddenly a person from the opposite team came towards me, raising his sword. For a minute I was really scared. I ran towards him instead of running from him. I didn’t give him time to hit me and swish! I had killed him. I had killed a person from a sword. It was the best moment even though I panicked a little. I never wanted to try again. How do these soldiers fight an army of 100 people. They fight bravely. It doesn’t depend on what the sword is made of or how strong it is what depends the most is if your heart is brave and strong! 

September 29, 2020 01:47

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