The miracles on Rock Island

Submitted into Contest #54 in response to: Write a story about someone looking to make amends for a mistake.... view prompt



“Let’s move on, don’t get tired. We are about to arrive. Increase speed!” They were Nacha’s voices emphasizing her beloved Jescia. She crossed the water and she was received by Nacha. Nacha commended him for her good progress in diving. Jescia thanked and asked him “How long did you learn to dive until you got used to it?” Nacha replied “I did not take long I practiced every morning and before bed. My father trained me. He loved to see me dive into the deep water. Nothing else” She asked again “Who had the father studied. And where he is now?” Nacha replied “Even me, I didn’t know who he had learned from. My father is currently out of the world. He passed away at the age of nine. That death confused me because there was no evidence beyond me. The last words he told me to bury him by throwing him in the middle of the lake. I was very scared but I struggled and managed to finish. I did as he wished. I took him in the middle of the lake in a canoe. The only thing he insisted on me was to take care of the Tanzanite stone. He told me this was my life. Even I was not required to stay with it. My father instructed me the one that I could give it to her if I found her. I am looking for her, in my vision I have not found him. This is because there are criteria she must have. Many of them do not have a single criterion of secrecy and truth. Jescia I can’t keep telling you because it makes me sad to remember the past. For today it is enough that one day I will tell you continuation.” Tears were streaming down his face. Jescia felt sorry for Nacha. She took a piece of cloth and wiped away his tears. She embraced him as a symbol of unity and love. Jescia apologized for making Nacha think back and lose his happiness. She took him to the natural garden where it was covered with lots flowers of all kinds and interesting colors. Her goal was to restore Nacha’s happiness again. She began to sing delightful songs. She sang while dancing

“Beautiful flowers beautiful, beautiful flowers are beautiful,

If you look at them, you laugh at them, if you look at them, you laugh at them, no one hates them,

Zoo zoo zoo emama smell well eee, zoo zoo zoo emama smell well eee

From afar I am looking for a beautiful flower garden,

Zoo zoo zoo emama smell well eee, zoo zoo zoo emama smell well eee!”

Nacha found himself happy. He amazed at the girl’s brilliance. He said to himself “I think this is my luck. She is fascinating and knows where my happiness lies. I don’t know who taught her. Today my father got the answer I wish to I could show her but the time has not come. I look forward to that day of truth. I look forward to you with great love.”

They rested on the shore of the lake until dawn where Nacha was fishing as a morning stew. It was common every morning to get a stew prepared by his famous father Lyungu. Jescia woke up and was surprised to sleep all night with a man. She gasped and checked to see if she had been touched. Thankfully! She was not touched. She wondered in surprise and said “These are wonders this young man is of his kind.” Nacha called Jescia “You have woke up, come and see those yellow fish today I have found many. Come and get them.” She walked quickly and picked them up. Jescia lit a fire and began to fry them like a skewer. Nacha came to her and kept frying the fish while eating everyone who was ready.

Jescia spoke to Nacha “You are man of some kind because of you seem like you don’t know what a woman looks like. I terrified when I woke up. I never slept with a man all night and woke up alive. They always died in the morning even though they have not touched my body. Nacha! You have crossed that limit. This is my happy day. I will remember it every day after the passing of six men. Ooh my Lord! You have the answer to every word in the world. Today, this man has given me a nuisance. Thank you my Lord.” “What are you talking I don’t understand your words.” Nacha spoke while shaking her shoulder. The silence passed, Nacha stared at Jescia. She decided to run away from there as she realized that she had angered Nacha. She went to the back of the cave and sat on the rock crying. Nacha came walking slowly as she wondered what the girl meant. He spoke to him “Today is a wonderful day. This morning wonders, I do not know how the evening will turn out. Let me wait.” He found Jescia crying. He was very sad to see her cry. Nacha moved toward her and wiped away her tears. He laid her on his chest asking her not to keep crying “I was wrong, my statement is not good. It was just a rage. I didn’t know if I would offend you pet. Forgive me Jescia.” Jescia hugged him more by hearing those words. She said to him “You saved me from drowning. You have lived with me in trouble and even today you make me like others. I would be a rude person not to say thank you. Today I will tell you all my truth.”

They sat face to face and Jescia began to explain to him; “My name is Anoura. I’m originally from Safoul Island. I was the princes of that island. I remember one day on our island, we were attacked by strangers. My friends and I used to play onside of the lake. We were arrested and taken home. Father and mother had been killed. They just arrested many people and killed them all mercilessly in front of us to witness it. After that they beat us so hard that we fainted. We didn’t defend ourselves. Thereafter I found myself on the edge of the lake. I left and headed home. There were no living people. Even the bodies of my parents I did not find. I could not stand it. I left and threw myself into the water and began to leave the island. I dived until I was exhausted. Good luck! You saved me, thank you. Something I remember my father showed the mark of our clan that I have on the chest below the left breast. That is what remember, no more my friend.” Nacha apologized for what happened to Jescia. He asked “Do you remember your father’s name?” Jescia replied “I don’t remember, he never told me his name.” Nacha was amazed by the history of Jescia. Now I know Jescia well. You are one of my mother’s relatives. She had a mark like you have. Wait let me tell you my mother’s story.

“I was about 8 years old. My father and I had just gone to pick honey. On the way we heard the sound of someone crying as she was being chased. My father ran after the noise and I followed him. We met my mother crying and soaking wet. He wept bitterly and finally gave up the ghost. Before she died my mother gave father a Tanzanite stone. She asked her to take care of it and leave out of that village as there were people looking for the stone. She begged him to guard the stone. Lest it be used by the wicked. My father and I ran to those places. We have lived here for over fifteen years. You’re the first guest in those places. One day my father suddenly fell ill and died, as I told you. He left the stone to me on the condition of finding the owner of the stone. The stone itself is this. What you see may be the cause of this stone but I have no wonders. Please! Receive it will help you. You are probably the owner of this stone because you are of its kind.” Jescia picked up the stone with great fear. The stone glowed with bright purple light and darkness fell upon it and lightning flashed. Heavy rain accompanied by strong winds. They found themselves soaked with rainwater to the lake. They struggled to dive. They helped each other until they found a large rock in the water. They held hands and on the other hand they touched the rock. The rock rose and rose above the water level for several meters. They found themselves sitting on top of the rock. Heavy rain stopped. They remained stunned. The sun rose slowly east of the rock. Nacha looked towards the sun, the rays of light came in until the body got very hot and fainted. Jescia became angry with her friend unconscious. She began to cry. When she cried, she also looked at the sun, she fainted too. It was like a miracle they did not know. Time passed and another day passed.

Nacha regained consciousness and awoke. He was amazed to see the rock adorned with all kinds of plants and animals playing in various forms. He got up and looked here and there, he saw Jescia lying unconscious. Nacha felt perhaps frozen in bitter cold of the morning. When he took one step forward, Jescia sneezed twice in a row and opened her eyes. Nacha was very happy to see Jescia alive. Jescia wondered what happened when they were there, because the last time, it was an empty rock, now full of all kinds of creatures. They began to visit all the places around the Rock Island. They found a small house with three bedrooms and one living room. They were amazed and went in to inspect it without fear. They looked like strangers in the area. They heard a loud voice telling them “You are the people chosen by the king of lake, called Mwamba Lyungu Kasia. You will live on this island as husband and wife. Make the name of Rock Island known all over the world. I will be with you, don’t be afraid. Make sure you do what I tell you. I give you permission to welcome other people to your island but be careful, not to let the spoilers of the peace and love that you have. You are the pillars and the offspring of the Rock Island. I know you have suffered a lot, you have gone through a lot of terrible trials. This is because your society is full of selfishness as well as greed. They killed your parents. Your treasure is that Tanzanite stone below the lest breast on Jescia’s chest, so make sure it is not carried away by the spoilers. Look and go to the third room, you will find Island defense tools, transport equipment, armor and proper military tactics. All these were used by your parents. But they did not use the essential armor of natural rock. Tanzanite stone is a natural weapon to use when in need. Thank you.”

Jescia was surprised to find her father’s jacket he wore regularly, shoes and hats as well as a spear, sword and arrows and his bow. Nacha asked her “What are you wondering?” She replied “This is my father’s dresses. I wonder is these. I think he was also the guardian of the lake.” “ “There are no surprises. Basically let’s go outside and look at every corner if there is security and then we should have fun. You know how we are. We are the ones who already have to rest together.

They went around all the parts and made sure they were safe. When they returned in the evening, the flowers were glistening and butterflies filled everywhere with the fragrance of those places, and he was singing a song;

“I sacrificed my life, in torture, in gibberish,

On bare land, I walked on bare feet, no friends, so lonely,

It was my life, but I didn’t give up, I tried to my best,

Is my feeling right now! An arrow with a bow, let’s go and find our prey.

I can sense with you, I can eat only with you, I can work with you,

I shall live with you, I shall stand with you, I shall pass with you

We shall win together!”

It was a very inspirational song. The life period passed. Life changed and the island was already relocated as it had fertile land. Farmers got enough food and fishermen were blessed with all kinds of fish. Jescia and Nacha were fortunate to have a son named Kasia. He was already nine years old. He loved to dive all the time. One day he went to look for flowers to decorate his tenth birthday three days later. When he returned, he found his mother, Jescia and his dad, Nacha dead near their home. Kasia cried loudly. But he was brave enough to pull his parents’ bodies inside the house and dig a hole in the closest. He buried his parents and went out. He was surprised to find people agitated after seeing a heavy black cloud in the sky. Soon a heavy downpour of rain accompanied with winds followed. Kasia called, “Mother you left me mate, you said you will not leave me, now I do not see you, where you are?” He heard a loud roar and a soft voice saying “My son! It is our negligence. But you have another chance. Go a find out where you buried us. Take the Tanzanite stone under my left breast that is your armor. Your villains are not yet out. They will come looking for you and they will kill you. Do not accept failure, ask whatever through that stone we will help you. If you delay the Rock Island will sink into the water. That is the secret of the island. If you succeed you will have saved all the dead and captives from the criminals. Hurry up my son. You are our support. We will see you one day if you achieve this. Good luck! Thanks do it quickly.”

Kasia was overcome with madness, quickly dug up the grave and picked up the Tanzanite stone. In desperation, he first asked for all the borders of the island to be closed and all the canoes to be frozen. He inspected each one. Everyone who suspected that he/she was a criminal was excluded to a special group. When he had finished separating the criminals, he again asked through the stone to be carried to the middle of the lake, at great depths. He addressed the people before burning down the criminals. While addressing the citizens were surprised by the level of water rising rapidly and the island began to sink rapidly. He asked them to calm down and say “this is why I am here these criminals are the ones who want us to perish. And we will not perish. We have another chance to live as my mother told me. We will save all the captives and the dead without God’s purpose. We will meet our lost loved ones. Behold, these are the nations which we set before us.”

Kasia raised his hand and pointed to the direction of the stone where the criminals were. They were all consumed by fire. The water level was full to the brim. It caused a rapid disappearance. Finally all the creatures remained safe. Every surprised with the miracles done by Kasia.

“They sang a song of thanksgiving;

You are a hero, our hero Kasia,

Who cares about our dignity and peace.

Long live forever Kasia.”

  That day ended, at next early morning they were amazed to see what they had said to Kasia. Each rejoiced to be reunited with their lost companions. Even Kasia reunited with his parents.  

August 14, 2020 20:29

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