Adventure Fiction Horror

The first Halloween

by: kenzhin magpayo

Once a kid was living in a mansion his parents are Jewish so he cannot celebrate holidays, one day his parents are away for the week and his friends invited him to trick-or-treat.

John: "hey ken your parents aren't home right, let's go trick-or-treat"

Kennedy: "hmmm I don't know, my mom would kill me if he founds out"

Kim: "oh come on ken take this opportunity"

Kennedy: "alright"

Kennedy goes to his room and changes his PJ into a tux,

Kennedy: "how do I look?"

Kim: "you look great!'

John: "who are you supposed to be?'

Kennedy: "I'm James bond"

John: "oh nice"

The kids go out to trick-or-treat.

a couple of hours later the kids walked by at jimmy's house

Kim: "guys lets go to jimmy's house, I heard his mom give a full pack of candies"

all: "Let's go!"

the kids walked to the front door when suddenly they heard a howl.

Kim: "what was that"

John: "maybe it's just a wolf from the woods"

Kennedy: "wolves? there are no wolves in Virginia I mean in 1800 they live here but now I don't know "

John: "let's check it out"

Kim: " are you nuts? that's a wolve that we are talking about!"

John: "come on it'll be an adventure"

Kim: "alright"

the kids go around jimmy's house and go to the woods. It's been 30 minutes since they entered the woods and they haven't found anything.

Kim: "we've been walking forever"

John: "be patient I know we'll find something"

Kennedy: "look! It's a wolf its huge, are wolves that huge?"

Unknown voice: "No they're not"

John: "who's that? show your face!"

the wolf stood up and shout "run!"

Kim: "holy crap I told you this is not a good idea"

Kennedy: "I shouldn't have left the house"

werewolf: "run faster!" (howl)

the kids just came out from the woods and they're approaching jimmy's house.

jimmy: "yow guys get in here"

all: "jimmy!"

the kids came inside the house.

Jimmy: "you guys okay"

John: yeah thanks a lot" (breathe deeply)

Jimmy: "no I should thank you that bastard ate my dad last year I need to kill it before he ate anyone"

John: "I see, we"ll help you"

Kim: "we? there is no we here you almost got us killed and you wanted more? I'm going home"

John: "Kim wait--"

Kim shut the door

Jimmy: "well so much for the team"

John: "We can still do this okay just tell us what to do"

a while later

the werewolf was running towards jimmy's house.

Kennedy: "he's here!"

Jimmy: "onto your positions"

the wolf was punching the door when john shot the werewolf with a crossbow and it fell to the floor

John: "bullseye"

the werewolf got up and smashed the door and entered the house.

Jimmy: "Kennedy the net"

Kennedy: "on it"

the net fell into the werewolf got electrocuted and jimmy knocked him unconscious.

Kennedy: "what are you doing to do with him?"

Jimmy: "give me the shotgun"

John handed the shotgun. jimmy pointed the shotgun at the werewolf's head when suddenly it changed into a human.

jimmy: "dad?"

jimmy's dad: "hey Jim (cough) you did a great job keeping this city safe from me." (smiled)

jimmy: "dad? dad wake up!" jimmy cried.

John: "hey bud sorry about your dad"

Jimmy: "its okay ins for the best"

John: "it's not okay, I killed your dad"

jimmy: "and I told you to do it"

John: "then I guess it is our fault"

Kennedy: "guys I have something to tell you"

John: "not now ken"

Kennedy: "Jim it's about your dad"

Jimmy: "what is it?"

Kennedy: "you know when you said your dad was attacked by a werewolf and it turns out that your dad is a wolf.

jimmy: "yeah so?"

Kennedy: "what the werewolf that you are talking about is still out there?

jimmy: "You're saying that there is another werewolf? "

John: " that kinda makes sense "

Kennedy: " what do you say let's find him?

jimmy: "Let's do it but first let's hide him."

Kennedy and john took Jim's father into the back yard and buried him while jimmy is finding the other werewolf.

a few moments later john and Kennedy saw jimmy running away from a werewolf.

John: "where did you find that thing?"

Jimmy: "long story, I'll fill you up later go set up the net the net"

Kennedy: "its already set up, run over here"

Jim entered the house and as soon and the werewolf entered, Kennedy pressed the button and activated the net and caught the werewolf

werewolf: "who are you"

:jimmy: "I'm jimmy tedious Mcnaught jr."

werewolf: "your tedi--"

jimmy: "yes I'm his son now what did you do to him."

the werewolf turned into a human

jimmy's uncle: hi Jim it is nice to finally meet you, I'm your uncle

Jimmy: 'wait if you were my uncle that means--

jimmy's uncle: yes your a werewolf and you should go home to our tribe and explain what you did and young man be careful."

jimmy: "how will I know that this isn't a trap?"

jimmy's uncle: if it is you'll be dead right now

Jimmy: "I see, I'll go on one condition we will never come back to this village.

jimmy's uncle: "deal"

John: "so long buddy"

Kennedy: "goodbye"

jimmy: "so long guys goodbye"

jimmy and his uncle left the village and never returned

Kennedy: I'll never going to trick-or-treat ever again

John: "same goes for me"

Kennedy got home and surprisingly his mother and father were home.

Kennedy: "mom dad your home early"

kennedy's mom: of course we are home you didn't answer our call and it's late, what happened to you, and why are your tux so dirty where have you been?

Kennedy; trick-or-treating but I promise I will never do it again

Kennedy's mom: "good, come here"

kennedy's mother hugged him and they both watched a movie. and they all live happily ever after


October 28, 2020 07:52

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