I have gotten to go to many places during the summer. From Ekalaka, Montana the end of the world. To Colorado Springs, Colorado springs hidden in the mountains. To Caracato Bolivia to Sunnyvale California to Orlando Florida to Goleta California to Richmond Washington to Tuscon Arizona. I have traveled via truck from Plentywood Montana to Topeka Kansas. From some small place in Oklahoma through Texas egad their bugs are huge and days hot all the way to Billings Montana. Road trips? Which was the most memorable?
I think the road trip from Denver Colorado to Austin Texas when I died makes for a good story.
I had just given up on Orion capsule and decided to move within five days from Denver to Austin Texas. Some road trip no? I got one of those 35 huge travel loading vans. Packed everything up and worked Friday planning to make the trip Friday to Monday to Austin Texas.
It was hot. IT was eekie. The night I left Denver Colorado was 5 PM. I handed in my security clearance my paperwork and had my van with car attached in the parking lot.
No far well to me this time. Sad? Not really I was a b normal my last good far well was Orlando Florida sometime ago.
Anyway I had planned to make three hundred miles by 11PM. So there I was driving and all of a sudden a tire wheeled by me like in one of the movies. It speed up and hit a truck that was in front of me. Then bounced into the middle of the highway divide. It was something. A mobile home unit on a flatbed had lost two tires. Meaning? They were bouncing along the road and the truck was coming to a stop and I was forced into the passing lane and went by it.
Sort of a wild first two hour drive. Then something else happened and I ended up in some New Mexico town with a prison system. Now in the middle of the night alarms went off and I got a knock on my door to ensure I was me and so forth by to be honest I am no longer sure.
Next morning I am driving and making good time when all of a sudden I hear honking behind me. My car tow for my vehicle had blown. I had been driving with a threaded tire for sometime. I pulled into a Indian smoke shop called the company who said they would have someone out there to replace the tire.
A meal later and several hours passed by and I am talking to a guy from the east coast who was now the security guard for this area. It was isolated and for the world of me if I was from there I would have picked up and left. Meaning why stay in a desert. We talked. About this is this and that is that. Evidently he use to be some sort of manager for rock bands. Got into trouble dealing their coke and drugs. He had gotten tired of that gave it up to hide I suppose on the reservation.
Finally the guy comes realizes that my description of the situation was correct has to do something with the the alignment of the tow. Meaning I had to remove my car etc. So I lost nine hours of driving. At around 8 PM I finally got my car back on the tow and got out of there. Now you would think I would probably just want to call it a day. Screw that. I drove until 4 AM and ended up on some mountain top in Texas where they had decided to erect in the middle of God foresaken country a border patrol so there I was stuck at 4 AM at night in a seventeen mile line of cars trying to move up a mountain. The van water pump starts to gulp. By the time make it out of there the water pump makes the van go like 20 mph. And I am the middle of no where. I pull over into Radiator Springs New Mexico and van dies.
Now New Mexico at this time no gas stations for the pass 150 miles were open. Meaning? Everything had gone belly up and the roads looked like something out of the Texas Chain Saw Massacre. Meaning dead cars along the road, on the side roads it looked like a trailer park had decided to take all the 70s trailers from horror movies and twist them up and leave them there for the tourist such as myself to try to puzzle out. A how did they get there? B why would someone leave it there? C I sure hope there is no one living there.
Anyway I get there to Radator Springs and the only thing around is a clinic and it was closed. The van died so I had to un tow my car again and drive to find a phone because my phone had died too. And the company owning this rented adventure I think one of the ladies thought I might have died for my story at that time included heat, possible stroke because I had ran out of water and well life in general for this tale was not going so well. To top this off my kids pet gold fish decided the ice was not enough and cooked in my cooler.
Now you would think this is some adventure. This was after all Saturday June and hot. Well after getting my car off the tow driving to a place to call. I had to wait a few more hours until 8 PM for the tow truck to pick things up. They did Sunday they confirmed they could not fix the van until Wednesday because they could not get the part.
Now you have never been on a road trip with me. I had in the mean time gotten another rental truck remember 35 feet worth of stuff and tow car and wola I had three people move my stuff from A to B van by 2 PM Sunday. I was off again by 230 PM. Sure I am pretty sure I died in Radiator Springs but my gold fish did and I was off. At 5 AM Monday Morning I pulled into Austin place of work. Hooped into a shower shaved and was dressed for work my first day. That is a short version of my road trip from Denver Colorado to Austin Texas June summer 2012. Yes I am pretty sure I died somewhere along the way there. Exactly where I am not sure. But I did stop work and start work as if nothing happened and the trip from hottest desolated place in New Mexico? Well it got my gold fish.
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Great story! I felt like I was there for the road trip haha. Thanks for sharing!
Takes me sometime to remember that something else why I pulled over Friday. I was in the middle of nowhere and the freaking signs says Las Vegas coming up. Now for the world of me on my map there was no Las Vegas I thought I was on the wrong road.