Changing the Future Past

Submitted into Contest #138 in response to: End your story with someone saying: “What a day.”... view prompt


Adventure Thriller Science Fiction

"I remember the first day," he said without taking his eyes off the substance. "I asked you What is your plan. KillingHitler?” Paul smiled.

"Your reaction was more fun when we answered YES," Charlie replied with a smile.

"But to be honest," Paul looked at Mary ˝I think that would be better if we go back to learn something about history, instead of changing it”

"We can stay there for only 5 minutes," replied Charlie.˝We have a chance to change history in such a short time, why not make it man?!˝

"Because the consequences will be severe." Among the three friends, Paul always took the negative aspects of the issue first.

“Man, we are almost at the end of the plan˝ Charlie injected the dark blue substance into his vein and put the empty bottle on the table.

“How can you ignore the Philadelphia experiment˝ Paul said

˝Paul, come on, are we really start all over again?“ Mary murmured. 

˝Paul, We all decided to take the risk˝ Charlie supported Mary.

"That's not the point," Paul murmured. 

˝Paul is too late to change something˝ Mary approached the computer next to the device. She took a deep breath and pressed the enter key. 


In front of the mirror, Charlie adjusted the collars of his shirts by looking at the pictures of the waiters in the German restaurants of 1941-1945. "I think it ready˝

"İt's the same." She filtered Charlie from head to toe and raised her thumbs in the air. Then she opened her hands and said, "You’re ready to serve Hitler“

Charlie was looking at Mary's hands. As usual, he narrowed his small eyes and clenched his jaw. Slowly he approached her and touched her dark brown hair. "You're nervous," he said.

The light on her face suddenly disappeared. "I think we should not ignore what Paul said, but ..."

˝Mary˝ Charlie spoke patiently as usual. He wiped Mary's tears with his thumb and kissed her softly on the lips. ˝Everything will be fine. I promise˝

˝So˝ Paul emphasized ˝How does it feel to be a hero that no one will ever remember?˝

 He checked the gun for the last time and fastened it to the rear belt. “One of us must put our hand under the stone”

"The molecules will be active for 4 minutes and 37 seconds when you go there," Mary said, giving him a small round iron device with a button. “When you come back, inject this cord straight into your veins and push the button˝

˝Location specified. 1939. You are going to Munich. The name of the restaurant is Bürgerbräukeller“ Paul connected the computer to the device.

Charlie tried to hide his tension with a smile. He suddenly felt a great pain in his body. He felt an electric current in his veins. All around turned white light. And .... ˝


There was a mix of almost all colors around him while hitting on the walls in the darkness. A strong wind was blowing on his face. It was as if he had jumped from a height of thousands of meters without a parachute. Suddenly all the colors disappeared. A large circle opened. He sighed as he slammed to the ground. He tried to soothe his pain, saying, "My arm!!!” Then he opened his eyes. There was a sharp smell of chlorine in his nose. Then he looked to the right and then to the left. He could not blink. The floor and walls were paved with small white tiles, grayish-white, and small rectangular. It was old, but somehow very new. Charlie stood up. He was greeted by the reflection in the first mirror. Suddenly, a man came out of the gray door behind him, and Charlie lost his temper and turned around. The man in the soldier's uniform looked at him for a second and got out. Charlie looked in the mirror. His cheeks were flushed as if he had been drunk. 

“We made it", with a stupid smile on his face. 

Immediately after crossing the narrow corridor, Charlie stopped and looked around as if cold water had been splashed on his face. There were innumerable large brown tables in the hall. Small chandeliers on the ceiling hung in a row. Large red posters with Nazi symbols hung on the upper walls. In the middle of the restaurant, large Nazi flags hung in front of each other.

It was almost impossible to hear the sound of jazz music from the noise of people in military uniforms sitting at the table. 

Suddenly there was silence. Everyone stood up. All the waiters stood in the corner of the table, holding their small golden trays. Charlie quickly went to one of the tables and stood like them. Then he saw him in the distance. Hitler looked thinner and smaller than he looked in the pictures. 

He was still in shock, a small gold tray trembling in the middle of his palm.

After Hitler sat down, everyone sat down. The sound of jazz music slowly began to be heard again. When Charlie approached the ear of the man sitting next to Hitler and said something, he listened to him carefully and shook his head. Charlie looked at his watch. 1 minute 47 seconds left. He had to do what he had to do now. If he did not return in time, he would spend the rest of his life in Germany in 1939. Heinrich Himmler looked around. Then, when he came face to face with Charlie, he had difficulty holding the tray. He could feel his heart beating in his brain. Himmler called him. As Charlie approached him, Himmler said something in German. Charlie shook his head, but he did not understand anything. After Himmler had finished, Charlie stood up and looked at Hitler.

Now or Never

 Then he slowly walked around the table and peered at Hitler with the tip of his eye. 

He then pulled out a gun and drilled a hole in Hitler's head. Charlie did not know that he would be so fast. For a second, the surroundings became blurred, and everyone's movement became heavier. Hitler's head slammed into a white plate on the table. Screams and gunshots were heard around. Charlie threw himself on the sidewalk. Then he took out a small round device from his pocket. Hearing the sounds of running and screaming, he got up again and entered the middle cabin in the toilet. Then he took the device out of the hole and tried to find the vein by squeezing his hand before inserting the needle. The toilet door slammed. The needle slipped out of his hand. They were already inside. Then, when he took out the needle and tried again, he finally found his vein. Three bullets hit the right cabin. Then the door slammed. Charlie pressed the red button. The German military pointed the weapon at him and yelled something in german. Then suddenly the image began to disappear. Charlie looked at his hands. Again the same strange colors. German officer stepped back in fear. Suddenly, everything turned black and white.


This time Charlie hit the ground on his right side. "Mary! You could have thought of that” he muttered. He looked at the white walls around him. There was nothing in the room but large windows.

He hurried down the stairs and opened the door, he smelled cool, freshly cut grass. Charlie was in the city where he was born and raised, but something made him feel very different. It was possible to breathe deeper and more comfortably than ever. As he walked slowly along the sidewalk, there was a smile on the faces of the people who came face to face with him. Charlie saw different types of model cars on the road. He quickly approached and picked up one of the hanging newspapers. "Thank God," he murmured ˝I'm back on time," he said, looking at the headlines on the front page

March 12, 2022



Charlie got into one of the roadside taxis. 


"We have never had an employee named Mary Atkinson," the receptionist said in the laboratory. 

Charlie's grandmother opened the door. He hugged her and immediately "You look different," was her grandmother's first words. "The clothes..." she asked carefully. "seems cool”

After an artificial smile, Charlie asked his grandmother, "Where is the Mary?"

˝Did she comes back from Ukraine? ˝


“Yeah. I think you know that?”

"Why did she go here?" Charlie asked, ignoring his grandmother's suspicions.

"For Chernobyl," she continued to look at his grandson, with interest. "At the nuclear power plant."

Charlie came forward from the table ˝The accident did not happen?˝

˝What accident?˝ grandmother jumped up.

Then, looking at the teacup, he whispered, "Butterfly effect."

"Charlie, what is happening?" 

"I have to go to Ukraine urgently." Charlie stood up.


Charlie was very excited when he entered the nuclear power plant in Chernobyl. It was one of the most beautiful places Charlie had ever seen.

˝Charlie!!˝ Mary shook hands from a distance, quickly approached Charlie, and hugged him. 

Charlie hugged her tightly as he would never let her go "I was so scared."

Mary looked at Charlie and asked, "Why?"

"I was so scared you wouldn't remember me."

"Why wouldn't I?" she smiled firmly and tapped him on the shoulder. Then she rolled his eyes and said, "You've changed. We last saw you three years ago, didn't we? Before coming here˝

˝three years? ˝

"Isn't that so?" She thought for a while. “It's been three years. After our wedding with Paul. By the way, Paul is also looking forward to you. I finished my work ... ˝

"Wait a second" Charlie's voice sounded like he had just woken up. Tired and cloudy. “Paul? You? Wedding?. What are you talking about, Mary?“

The joy on the face of Mary suddenly disappeared. "Our wedding... Paul and me. Charlie, you were here with us. What happened to you?"

"What happened to me? Don't you remember anything?”

"What should I remember, I don't understand you."

˝Mary we found writings which belong to Einstein in Germany, in the Museum. Then we found a large piece of stone, the remnants which are found in the Philadelphia experiment. Then we learned that the stone was not a stone, but a petrified liquid. We did the same thing in the documents and found a way to go back in time. Since we could not study the composition of the liquid, we had a chance to do it only twice. We have already spent one, and ... ˝

˝Charlie, what are you talking about?”


˝Charlie ... We have never been to Germany˝

Charlie's eyelids trembled. "Oh my God. What have I done?" He said. Without taking his eyes off the Mary  he said “I can't do that”


When he opened his eyes, he saw two blurred faces above his head. Then, as the surroundings slowly cleared, he saw Paul and Saman looking at him anxiously and immediately stood up.

"Are you okay, Charlie?"

˝Where are we? ˝ He felt cold sweat on his body. He looked around. Nothing had changed. The lab, where it all started, returned to the room.

"How do you feel?"

"Nothing has changed?" Paul looked at Mary like a frightened child.

"No, Charlie” Paul replied. 

Mary looked at the phone nervously and said ˝the war did not erase from the history˝. He looked with hopeless eyes, "Charlie, you didn't succeed, did you?"

Charlie looked into Mary's eyes and said nothing for a few seconds. "No, I couldn't” he lied,  The security was stronger than we thought. 

˝You did what you can. do not be upset, honey˝ Mary took Charlie's hand helped him to stand up. 

“I wish I could do it“ 

˝We will” Mary said with enthusiasm “we have one more attempt”

His body trembled as he breathed. He did not know how to say that he used the second substance. "I'm sorry."

˝Oh. Honey do not be˝

"There is no second attempt"

˝What do you mean? We have one more liquid left ˝

˝Mary. I went back not once, but twice˝

˝I gave you a second substance for emergency situations. And you used it? Why?˝ 

"I went back for the first time and killed him. But when I came back, everything had changed”

˝And? ˝ Mary was still very worried about Charlie.

"Except for me," said Charlie. "Everything changed, Even ... ˝ He touched Mary's hair ˝You”

“What do you mean? ˝

˝You and Paul ... Got married. You chose him”

Paul swallowed the piece of donut in his mouth. He said, "I better get going."

"Then you used the rest of the substance so that the future would remain as it is. You had a chance to save the lives of millions of innocent people. But you turned it down. Just for me?

˝Mary˝ Charlie's voice was trembling, sweat was slowly trickling down his cheeks from his forehead. “Look, I couldn't bear the fact that the outside is beautiful, but my inner world is in disarray.”

"You are the most selfish, most disgusting man I know," said Mary, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Mary, please…”

Mary threw her white robe and left the room.


Mary stood up when she heard the knock on the door. She immediately put on his nightgown and ran to the door.

Charlie's hair clung to his forehead from sweat. He had a small tablet in his hand.

˝What are you doing here? ˝ Mary asked with a puzzled expression.

"I have been calling you for 2 days. Please give me two minutes." I can fix everything

Mary opened the door to the end. "It's only two minutes," she said.

˝You know how much I love you..˝

˝ You lost 10 seconds already˝

"Blood plasma," said Charlie. He continued to speak quickly so as not to lose a second. “All four doses of the substance are injected into my blood. And less than 24 hours have passed. If we take plasma from my blood and filter that substance in it, we can get at least as much of that substance as we can go back again˝

The wrinkles on Mary's face slowly began to open.

˝But this time I will do something different˝

"What is it?"

˝I was the only one who remembered that we loved each other. But if you come with me, then when we come back, we will both remember˝

˝We need to wake up Paul urgently, you call him and I will take the necessary equipment and go to the laboratory˝ Mary said immediately forgetting all anger. 


Unlike Charlie, Mary fell to the ground on his back. "Aaaahhh" Then she gathered all his strength.

Charlie immediately stood up and adjusted the same waiter's dress. Then he took Mary's hand, lifted her. "You'll be waiting here."

˝No, what are you talking about, Charlie? I'm coming with you too”

"It's dangerous”

"That's why we're going together."

Charlie sighed and said, "Okay, we must be here as soon as I finish. We will have a few seconds to return to the cabin”

Mary and Charlie entered the restaurant. Mary was looking at Charlie from the corner. When Himmler pointed to Charlie, Mary's heart was pounding. Charlie leaned over Himmler, listened to him, and shook his head.

Then, as he followed Himmler, he looked up at Mary and pointed to the right side of his head, the toilet. Then he pulled out his weapon.

Hitler looked into Mary's eyes before being shot in the head. When he saw Hitler bleeding from the middle of his forehead, screams were heard in the whole restaurant.

˝RUUN!˝ Charlie shouted. 

 Gathering all his strength, she ran to the toilet. When he heard the shots, She turned his head and stopped. Charlie grabbed Mary's hand and dragged him to the toilet, almost cutting his legs off the ground. Then, as he entered the last cabin, He clung to Mary's shoulders. "Listen to me now, we don't have time," he said

˝I know˝ Mary took out a small circular device ˝Open a shirt we need to find the vein quickly˝

˝Mary! ˝ 

Mary finally looked into Charlie's eyes. 

"I can't come."

"What are you talking about?"

˝I dropped my substance”

˝Charlie˝ The Mary feels the heat on his cheeks, ˝Charlie what did you do?”

Charlie grabbed Mary’s cheeks forced her to look at him. "Mary, you have to go”

"Why are you doing this?" Mary's eyes were so full of tears that he could see Charlie blurred.

"One of us has to make sacrifices to make a world a better place to live”

"Don't say that”

He opened the arm of the Mary and inserted the needle tip of the device into her vein.

The sound of gunfire was heard. They looked at each other. 

"They're here," he said. Charlie looked at the woman he loved for the last time. He smiled with tears in his eyes ˝One of us must make sacrifices to save the world, humanity, millions of innocent lives” he said.

"Charlie, I can't live without you."

˝If you can't live without me, then live for me, Mary. I love you˝ When Charlie pressed the button, Mary saw for a moment that the surroundings were suddenly white.

The Mary did not move after hitting the ground. Mary stared at the ceiling without blinking. Maybe the circle light will open again, and Charlie will return. But it didn't happen. She came out of the door with tears that did not dry, she looked around carefully. The city had changed. She stood and looked around at the world that Charlie had sacrificed. The Mary stopped for a few seconds. She remembered the last word of him "One of us has to sacrifice for the world to make it a better place”

She looked at the city and whispered “God! What a Day“

March 25, 2022 10:56

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Alice Richardson
23:40 Mar 28, 2022

Interesting storyline.


M. Mehdiyev
04:51 Apr 01, 2022

Thank you very much. Hope u liked the story


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Felice Noelle
20:19 Mar 28, 2022

PS Now you have a reader and a follower and your first comments. Congrats, Maureen


M. Mehdiyev
11:55 Mar 29, 2022

Thanks you very very much)


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Felice Noelle
20:16 Mar 28, 2022

Wow, what an ambitious undertaking. Reminds me a bit of Stephen King's "11/22/63" which I just loved. You have a lot going on; remember, it took Stephen an entire huge novel to do justice to his going back in time theme. You have a good interesting story, there. I got a trifle lost in the characters;it might help if you did some back story or explanatory background at the very beginning. I'm a newby on reedsy, too, so welcome. Read a lot and learn from others. Welcome feedback, positive and negative. When others critique your story y...


M. Mehdiyev
11:55 Mar 29, 2022

Thank you very very much for Very valuable comments. Thank you for reading my story)


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