Death and Howls Part Two: The Winds in the Willows.

Written in response to: Write a story titled 'The Wind in the Willows'.... view prompt


Adventure Fantasy Romance

Thankfully the meeting ended with better terms, we had twenty minutes to prepare for takeoff. The spies cut down several trees, the storm clouds rumbling overhead. Using them as a cover, the rain would trap them to their camp. Luna tugged on my worn leather jacket, her arms yanking me into a desperate embrace. Wondering what was keeping her behind, her ears pinned back. 

“Come back in one piece for me.” She pleaded adorably, stepping back while smoothing out the first jacket that Boran gave me. Kissing the top of her head, it was time to go. Crunching to the stables, the stable hands had Helios ready for takeoff. Hopping on, the other riders stared at my lack of a saddle. Helios detested them, our whole time riding had me on his scales. Scratching under his ear, roars thundered as we took off. My mind fell back to why Luna would stay behind, our recent activities flashing in my mind. A familiar voice called for me to snap out of it, Acer asking if I was doing okay. Mumbling a quick fine, images of Luna smiling under a willow tree after we caved to her desires had an intense heat burning in me. A gust of wind blew her hair around, a smack to the back of my head waking me back up. 

“I don’t know where you are but we need you to be one hundred percent today.” He pointed out with a worried tone, our dragons taking the lead. Focusing on the task at hand, heavy rain came down hard. Nearing the coordinates, we landed a mile from the first fallen log. Leaving half of the riders behind to guard the dragons, Acer sent the archers into the trees, about five of us continuing forward. Darting along the trees, Acer held his hand up in the air. Ugly blue ogres hid in their tents, Acer’s eyes flitting between them and me. Thunder boomed over us, lightning crackling across the dark clouds. Using each flash to move, Acer and I were looking for the captain’s tent. Hiding behind a tree, three ogres stood out in the rain. Ripping my scythe from my back, my eyes glowed brighter for a second. Moving with the flashes, a swift swing had the ogres hitting the mud, the drops of mud splattering against my jacket. Sneaking in, fury flared in my eyes at the alarms sounding. Someone shot too early, the captain sitting up to stare at me. Acer skidded in, mud painting his armor. Spinning my scythe over my head, Acer watched in shock the moment I pushed off the dirt. Flipping through the air, his machete clashed violently with my scythe. Bouncing off the pole, Acer watched me flip through the air several times. Slicing through his neck, his head rolled across the floor. Landing gracefully, my hand curled around the rough hair. Noting nothing of importance, I moved onto his body. Lifting up the blanket, Acer stumbled back at the sight of seven serpents twisting into a circle. Taking that as a sign of who the evil guy was, the head bounced off of my legs. Chaos reigned outside, my patience wearing thin. His lips parted to speak, my hand raising in the air. 

“Maybe they will sign a treaty when they see that their leader has been killed. Imagine the minerals you could get from their mines.” I suggested calmly, stepping out without his permission.  Whistling sharply, all eyes fell on me. Holding his head above mine, the surviving ogres growled in my direction. The rain let up, the other riders gasping in horror. 

“I don’t mean to be a jerk but I kind of killed your leader. I want you guys to clear out after I cook you dinner and tell your ruler that the kingdom of the elves wants to make a deal.” I shouted so the others could hear me in the back. “If they don’t want to make a deal, we will rain the breath of a dragon upon you.” Too stunned to speak, a bit of terror rose by my own actions. One by one, the ogres got on their knees. Pressing their foreheads into the mud, Acer smacked my back with too much excitement. 

“Their loyalty is yours!” He bragged loud enough for me to hear, a grimace twitching on my lips. Shit, I did too much again! Fussing with my wet strands, confusion mixed with panic. The image of Luna underneath that willow tree calmed me down, her words playing out in my head. 

“What do you think about starting a family?” She asked innocently, her loving gaze bathing me in warmth. A pair of clapping hands ripped me from the pleasant memory, the sight of elves helping ogres get to their feet was a welcome one. Smiling softly to myself, I trudged back into his tent. Opening drawers, something good had to come from his death. Gathering all the papers, the bed groaned as I collapsed onto it. Sounds of cooking echoed in the still air, the two sides getting along was a relief. Grateful for my ability to read any language, the papers were nothing but lists for food. Stopping at the last one, horror rounded my eyes. The king of the ogres ordered them to come back with Acer’s head or not come home at all. Gritting my teeth, he was a rotten bastard. Chewing on my bottom lip, they would have to come back with us. What about their families? The bed groaned as I rose to my feet, the paper crumpling in my hand. Slopping through the mud, Acer waved at me from a feeding line. His pale face had me grinning sarcastically in his direction, dread bubbling in my gut. Waving him over, he trudged over to me. Clearing my throat, I shoved the paper into his chest. Scanning it with renewed energy, his hand rested on my shoulder. 

“We will take them in. I can gather several of my spies to gather information on their families.” He informed me with his real smile, a fresh batch of concern dimming his eyes. “Speaking of families, what is going on with yours? You keep spacing off and that isn’t like you in the slightest.” Sliding his hand off with an irritated smirk, he had no right to step into my business. Clearing my throat, it was time for me to go home. 

“Do you mind if I head back?” I asked briskly, his flinching softening my hard expression. Fishing around his pants pocket, he pressed a map into my hands. Pointing to the outside of the castle, his smile brightened up to its usual one. 

“I suppose you earned a reward for your deeds today. This is the weeping willow field.” He urged with a big grin, his shoulders shrugging. “Take her out and maybe some romance can blossom. See you tomorrow, friend.” Flashing him my real smile, he went back to shouting orders. Rushing back to Helios, his roar shook the ground. Leaping on, the riders watched in wonder as he soared into the sky. Tapping his leg twice, his speed picked up. Something told me that Luna needed me, our connection screaming for help. Cutting the time in half, Helios blew me a kiss as I ran off. Sprinting towards the cabin, no scent of her was there. Changing my clothes real quick, my still damp hair clung to my face. Plucking the map off the bed, the spot Acer pointed to blinked twice. Wandering aimlessly, a frustrated growl rumbled in my throat. Melda noticed me, confusion widening her eyes. Rushing up to me, her lovely pink gown floated with each step. Bowing in her direction, her eyes darted between the map and me. 

“If you are looking for the willows, they are just down that trail and through that door.” She chirped while spinning me around, her actions speaking of an unspoken secret. “Say hello to that lovely mate of yours for me.” Narrowing my eyes in her direction, my boots barely hit the dirt as I followed her directions to a tee. Stepping through an ornate wooden door, my breath hitched at the sea of rainbow colored willows. A gentle breeze had my hair floating up. Closing my eyes, another wave of sadness and panic had me sprinting towards a tree a few rows back. Skidding to a rough stop, a sobbing Luna fussed with a new emerald gown. The embroidered velvet made her breathtaking, the long skirt floating from underneath her ample breasts. Plopping down next to her, she laid her head down on my lap. Glancing up at me with wet eyes, my loving smile did little to ease her fraying nerves. 

“Remember when I asked if you wanted a family?” She choked out through a wall of tears, shame dimming her eyes. “When we had fun a few weeks before we left I was in heat. As a result of that damn heat, I am with a pup.” Time froze, mixed emotions flashed in my shifting expressions. Pride mixed with dread, the lie she told me annoying me to my core. Why didn’t she ask me to mate with her properly? Popping her feet, my response had taken too long. 

“This is why I should have never told you, damn it!” She cried out while wiping away her tears, guilt eating at me. “Screw you!” Stomping off, silent tears stained my cheeks. Popping to my feet, blossoms floated around her with every step after her. The long vine-like branches sliced my cheeks. Catching up to her, my arms embraced her from behind. Sliding my hands to a small bump, pure bliss brightened my eyes. 

“Sorry for taking a second but I needed to process it. I can’t wait to be a father.” I wept blissfully, brushing my lips against the nape of her neck. “You will be the best mother in the world. Do our parents know?” Spinning around to face me, her hands cupped my cheeks. Watching tears splash against her boots, her head shook. Unable to come up with words, guilt had her boots digging into the fertile soil. Pressing my foreheads against hers, we swayed back and forth. 

“I couldn’t bring myself to tell anyone. Every time I thought of it, my thoughts would fall back on my parents. Will I die and leave them alone?” She panicked with a shuddering body, her fingers gripping my fresh shirt. Her eyes bulged out, her arms shoving me away. Running over to a row of bushes, hot vomit flew up her throat. Holding her hair back while rubbing her back, both of us were younger than Lottie when she was pregnant with my first brother. Burying her into a loving embrace, her emotions soaked my shoulder. While my father may have been the biggest asshole, her trauma had surpassed mine easily. Sinking to her knees, her body took me with her. Embracing her until the tears slowed, pale pink moonlight bathed her. Lifting her chin with her finger, my lips kissed every tear away. Rubbing her small bump, her real smile had my breath hitching. Lifting up her skirt, she shivered with pleasure the moment my palms massaged her small bump. The color drained from my cheeks at two energies bouncing around, Luna inquiring what was wrong with me. Assuring her nothing was wrong, it was best to bask in the warmth of the moment. 

“Imagine you so full with new life, my dear Luna.” I gushed with my million dollar smile, pride taking over in my eyes. Closing my eyes, the willows’ blossoms floated around her. Her soft smile stole my heart, her hands resting on a swollen womb. Calling me over, a stormy darkness dimmed the pink rays of the early morning. Panic twisted my features, something feeling off. Every breath grew shorter, the thunder rumbling away. Lightning danced across the blackened clouds, shadowy hands yanking her down. Shivering in my spot, an invisible force held me down. A wave of euphoria had me snapping back to reality, Luna wiping my tears away. What evil was coming our way?   

“You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” She commented while rubbing my chest, euphoria coursing through my veins. Melda’s voice rang out in the distance, my brow cocking in response. Luna shrugged her shoulders, the queen coming into view with a picnic basket. Resting on our haunches, a thick scarlet blanket hanging off of her arm. Setting it up a few feet from us, a sweet hum floated from her lips as her slender fingers arranged everything perfectly. 

“Come on over and celebrate the good news!” She chirped cheerfully, pouring a few glasses of an iced tea. “It isn’t everyday that I get to hear about a new little elf running around. Acer would do me well to give me a grandchild but he has to get m-” Acer rolled his eyes as he appeared behind her, his annoyed grin showing his shortening patience. 

“Marriage is for true love not the floozies you have been giving me. I keep telling you to give me a good girl that doesn’t have a damn pedigree.” He retorted sarcastically, his hand running through his hair. “Then you can have as many grandchildren as you desire.” Plopping down next to her, Luna took me with her as she struggled to her feet. Dragging me over to the blanket, her slender hands pushed me down. Hopping onto my lap, true joy glittered in her eyes. Something told me that she liked it here. 

“Thank you so much, your majesty.” She purred with a twinkle in her eyes, Melda passing her a tea. “Maybe we could do this once a week. That would make me so happy. Acer, let’s go into town together tomorrow. Maybe a lucky maiden awaits you.” Acer grinned ear to ear, his mother stressing out visibly. Nice to see a friendship form between them, the thought had the flames of hope raging inside of me. Melda snapped her head in his direction, her fingers drumming on the glass. 

“Fine. If you want to marry a good girl without a pedigree then you have to find her tomorrow.” She proposed with a devious grin, her lips brushing the rim of her glass. “After that you have to marry her in a month and get her swollen with child within the year. Deal?” Bewilderment contorted my features, the whole thing sounding absolutely insane to me. 

“Fine.” He answered with an even bigger grin, gulping down the rest of his tea. “I will find my wife tomorrow and you will have to like her." Changing the subject, the ogres are settled into our spare cabins. Starting tomorrow, they will be working the fields and mining what resources we have in our caves. Before you protest, the nice ogres chose to offer their skills. Something about a guy named Darwin had me thinking that you inspired them to be free.” Averting my gaze, this shit was starting to embarrass me. Holding her by her bump, my chin rested on her shoulder. Her wild hair tickled my cheek, her hand holding mine. Speaking of marriage, the desire to put a ring on her finger had me blushing harder. Why must I be so childish! Zoning out of their conversation, a dark voice hissed in my ear. Terror built in my body, shadowy hands ripping my head back. A shadow doubled in my blurring vision, horror rounding my eyes at the maggots plopping onto my face. Claws extending from those darn fingernails, inky blood dribbling down my chin. The color drained from my cheeks, the claws digging in deeper. 

“Get out while you can.” A weak voice hissed weakly, every wheeze sending another chill up my spine. “Death will claim you if you continue to help.” A maggot slithered into my mouth, a scream exploded from my lips. Hands cupping my face had the shadow sinking into the plush grass, Luna staring into my wet eyes. Staring around the space, the walls of our cabin greeted me. Wondering how I got there, my hands pushed her off of me. Patting the bed with a crazed expression, her arms buried my face into her shoulder. 

“What did you see? The future spoke to you again, didn’t it?” She queried sweetly, playing with my hair. “Your eyes rolled into the back of your head before you passed out.” Sobbing into her shoulder, the level of darkness could drown anyone. Clutching her sleeves desperately, fresh bandaging scratched against the soft material. Horror widened my eyes at the wounds coming to life, her lips brushing against the top of my head. A tender blush rose to my cheeks, her bump grazing my abs. Glancing up at her with silent tears, her hand cupped my cheek. Snuggling into her palm, my wolf had a way of always catching me when I fell. All my breath left me at her leaning down to kiss me, her lips hovering inches from mine. Arching my body towards her, passion flickered to life in our eyes.  

“Forgive me for asking but how the hell did I land the handsomest gentleman.” She teased playfully, her lips pressing against mine hungrily. A loud growl from her stomach had embarrassment coloring her cheeks, a crooked grin curled on my lips. Sliding my hands down to her bump, our pups were hungry. Lifting up her skirt to kiss the smooth surface, her giggles bounced off the walls. Pulling me up to her face, our foreheads pressed together. 

“While you relax, I am going to fix our little pup a meal.” I whispered with a wink, her tail beginning to wag. Sitting her back down, the cold floor had me jumping. Yelling about a craving for a simple grilled cheese and tomato soup, her wish was my command. Stepping into the kitchen, pride mixed with fear as I began to cook. 

May 01, 2024 16:18

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