My story is titled the Manager of the Electricity Corporation Mr. Ebenezer Jackson experienced a complete city and nationwide blackout in his home country.

Written in response to: Set your story during a complete city or nation-wide blackout.... view prompt


Adventure Creative Nonfiction Mystery

My story is titled the Manager of the Electricity Corporation Mr.Ebenezer Jackson experienced a complete city and nationwide blackout in his home country.

Once upon a time, there occured a nationwide blackout in the entire country albeit that the national power grid of the Electricity Corporation collapsed ,it was then that the Manager of the Electricity Corporation Mr. Ebenezer Jackson experienced a complete city and also nationwide blackout within his home country.

This was due to the fact that the national grid got actually collapsed and this caused a nationwide outage as the entire system did then crashed down due to the lost of 1,500 megawatts from a 5,700 megawatts peak generation earlier recorded.

Again it was noted that only four Generator Companies (Gencos) were trying to restart and also were to generate power or energy.

It was noted that the power and energy that was being generated by these Generator Companies was being used by some companies and houses whenever there was a blackout within the country.

Some hospitals such as the Surgical block of the hospital had generators that often helps in surgery during emergency cases or patients might easily lose their lives whenever there is a blackout during surgery activities.

These hospitals never lack electricity because they had about twenty generators that assist them in their workplace that is the hospital whenever there was a blackout.

On Friday ,the Manager of the Electricity Corporation Mr. Ebenezer Jackson learnt that the Minister of Energy ,Land and Natural Resources Mr. Smith had called an emergency meeting to help resolve all other outstanding issues with the stakeholders in the Electricity Corporation Supply Industry as a result of the worsening power or the electricity situation that has caused a total blackout in the entire country nationwide.

Also according to the grid operation trend in the company ,Electricity Corporation had about twenty five Gencos Generators on the grid. They were then producing power in the morning at 7:00am when the power grid had about 3,867Mw of power but it later dropped to 2,761Mw by the time 12:00pm after about nine Gencos Generators went down leaving just eleven of them crashing to zero at about 8:00pm.

In addition as of yesterday in the morning ,the Transmission company which does manage the power grid system including the Volta River Authority had yet to comment on the immediate cause of the collapse within the year.

Also they mentioned that the blackout that occured in the country had almost worsened through out the country around 12:00pm after the national grid then collapsed with the Electricity Distribution Company confirming the incident in a text message and a WhatsApp message to its customers.

The text message and WhatsApp message that was sent to a client read that :

Dear customers of Electricity Corporation a power grid system had collapsed on the national grid at about 7:00am in the morning leading to the outages across our electricity network.

The management of the Electricity Corporation were working on the situation and they were updated.

Finally we sincerely apologized for the inconvenience this might have caused the entire nation.

Again the Electricity Distribution Company also pleaded for the understanding of its customers noting that it was taking some appropriate steps to ameliorate the effect of the complete city and nationwide blackout in his home country.

The blackout occured due to the loss of the power supply currently being experienced across other electrical network.

Also consequently the outgoing feeders were out and the supply to our customers in other Regions was being affected by some sort of development.

Again in the meanwhile ,the Minister of Power ,Energy,Land and Natural Resources Mr. Smith held a meeting to address the the Nationwide blackout issue and the current low power generation within his home country.

He also warned and added that the stakeholders must work together to make electricity more stable, affordable and then also conserve electricity in their various houses, workplace and offices.

A meeting was held by the Management of the Electricity Corporation Company.

Again the meeting was being summoned to address the current electricity situation that includes the blackout in the country that the citizens were not happy about it at all.

Most of the citizens complained that because of the blackout most hospitals closed down. Also some companies closed down due to the lack of electricity in the country.

Also due to the nationwide blackout most vehicles that uses electricity were withheld from moving on our roads albeit that there was no electricity to charge vehicles.

Others argue that due to the lack of electricity they lost their jobs because most of the companies closed down.

A scenario as noted was the Printing and the Food and Beverage firm that often used electricity in it's workplace for printing and also cooking food for its customers.

Another example was the laundry firm that often cleans and washes the clothes of workers and other teachers got closed because they also lacked electricity to function as a company.

As noted earlier on because there was the lack of electricity , electricity couldn't be exported to other countries for the country to gain foreign exchange.

Some schools and other Universities got closed down for a while because they also lacked electricity and they had no enough generators to assist them during lecturing and teaching in both the Universities and schools due to the fact that they often use microphone and loud speakers at all times within the school and on campus.

The Minister also maintained that the Ghanaian government must relent on its efforts to then ensure that improvements in the power sector were sustained and built upon.

It was also noted that current challenges must be addressed at all times within the Electricity Corporation Company.

Finally the Minister of Power,Land and Natural Resources also blamed the water levels at the dams for the worsening power supply within the country.

It was then noted by the Manager of the Electricity Corporation Mr. Ebenezer Jackson that there was a worsening state of power supply within the country.

In conclusion the Board and the Management of the Electricity Corporation of Ghana involved the Volta River Authority proficiency and capacity to assist in leading the company towards its vision of becoming the leading and customer centric electricity distribution company in Ghana.

February 06, 2023 07:04

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