My story is entitled The eclipse of the sun and the eclipse of the moon.
An eclipse is defined as when the moon orbits the earth whereby the the moon moves between the sun and the earth. When this happens the moon blocks the light of the sun from reaching the earth. This causes an eclipse of the sun or a solar eclipse.
During solar eclipse the moon casts a shadow onto the earth.
Total solar eclipse occurs when the sun ,moon and the earth are perfectly aligned and the sun is blocked out.
Also Partial solar eclipse occurs when the moon blocks part of the sun but the three are not aligned.
Annular solar eclipse also occurs when the moon is so far away it seems smaller and does not block all of the sun.
It can be noted that Total solar eclipse happens every one to three years , somewhere around the globe.
In addition eclipse is defined as an astronomical object or spacecraft temporarily obscured by passing into the shadows of another body.
The alignment of three celestial objects is known as syzgy. Solar eclipse is seen as the sun abandoning the earth. The eclipse starts as the moon slowly obscured more and more of the sun.
As it progresses the surroundings.
There are two types of eclipses that includes both Lunar and Solar eclipse.
During a Lunar eclipse the Earth shadow obscures the moon.
Also during a solar eclipse the moon blocks the sun from view.
The Total eclipse lasts for a period of four minutes depending on your location.
In times of eclipse the sun atmosphere appears as illuminated halo and the last light still visible will look like the diamond of a giant ring.
Also during total lunar eclipse, the sequence of eclipse are penumbra , Partial and Total eclipse.
However unlike solar eclipse a total lunar eclipse lasts a few hours with totality itself averaging about thirty minutes to over an hour.
The three solar eclipse are Total solar eclipse, Annular solar eclipse, and Partial solar eclipse.
A hybrid eclipse appears as either a total or an Annular eclipse depending on observers location.
Eclipses can magnify things and then represent new beginnings.
In the Bible ,Solar eclipse means that the sun turned into and lunar eclipse the moon turned into blood.
It is generally understood as a Prophet statement about signs proceeding the day of our Lord a day of divine Apocalyptic judgement at the end of the world.
According to NASA, the only time it is safe to look at the eclipse without protection is during totality.
Also during the last moment before the sun disappears behind the moon sunlight filters through the lunar mountains and canyons forming bright points of lights known as Baily beads.
Eclipses occurs in patterns. The Saros series is a period of 223 lunar months that has been used to predict eclipses for thousands of years.
Also in a Saros series , exactly 5.5 days after lunar eclipse a solar eclipse will occur and vice versa.
Sometimes during during solar eclipse the sky will darken as if it were dawn or dusk.
The weather permits people in the path of a total eclipse to experience darkness.
In a total eclipse that is the solar eclipse happens only at the new moon phase when the moon is between the earth and the sun.
Also during a solar eclipse, the moon always casts a shadow on the Earth and then blocks or partially blocks our view of the sun.
Sometimes a total eclipse occurs when the moon comes in between the earth and the sun , thereby blocking its light from reaching out planet leading to a period of darkness lasting several minutes.
Again a total lunar eclipse occurs when the moon and the sun are an exact opposite sides of the earth.
An eclipse of the sun is called Solar eclipse.
Sometimes a solar eclipse can only happen during a new moon. The moon orbit is always titled 5 degrees to earth
orbit around the sun.
Whenever the new moon passes directly between the earth and the sun an alignment known as syzgy can cover the suns disk blocking it from view.
Eclipse occurs in other places when celestial objects like the moon or the planet passes between two other bodies, obscuring the view of the objects like the sun.
Also both the sun and moon are syzgy.
Again there are mainly four types of eclipses.
Among, them includes Total, Partial, Hybrid, and Annular eclipse.
However the type of eclipse that people get to see depends on how the moon aligns aligns with the earth and the sun and how far away the moon is from the earth.
Also there are three types of Lunar eclipse manly Partial, Total, and Penumbral.
A total eclipse is said to happen when the moon completely blocks the face of the sun known as the result of cosmic coincidence.
The sun is about 400 times bigger than the moon and it is about 400 times further away. This makes the sun and the moon appear almost exactly of the same size in the sky.
NASA then explains that only part of the sun is covered by the moon during this type of eclipse giving it a crescent shape.
The scientific definition of Eclipse defines eclipse as the partial or total blocking of light of celestial object by another.
An eclipse of the sun or moon occurs when the earth , moon and the sun are aligned.
During a solar eclipse the moon comes between the sun and earth.
Other places eclipse lasts for four minutes. It can be noted outside of totality that your eyes can be harmed during an eclipse. The two main types of eclipses are Lunar and Solar eclipse.
Sometimes a Lunar eclipse occurs when the shadow obscures the moon. Also in times of solar the moon blocks the sun from view.
Again in times of eclipse it is best to view the sun through eclipse glasses or a handheld solar viewer during the partial eclipse phases before and after totality.
The solar eclipse will impact all zodiac signs that will have a greater influence on these signs Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn.
During eclipse there is temporary darkness which only lasts a few minutes but its impact on temperatures winds and even cloud cover can last much longer.
Eclipse happens all over the earth evenly, the timings when they occur are not regular. Eclipse can occur within just a few years.
Sometimes during solar eclipse where the moon completely covers the sun ,the sky will become dark as if it were dawn or dusk.
Some discomfort occurs after staring at the eclipse for a long period of time especially outdoors.
However millions of Americans caught a glimpse of solar eclipse in their country. Eclipse can cause permanent eye damage. Annular eclipse is the Ring of fire. During Annular eclipse the moon is farther from the earth.
Eclipses often occurs on 8th April.
Finally it can be observed that during total eclipse either natural or man made ,the continuous staring of the eclipse without eclipse glasses or spectacles can cause some sort of severe eye damage.
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