
Submitted into Contest #248 in response to: Write a story titled 'Persuasion'.... view prompt


Fantasy Fiction Funny

I had an event coming up in two days. I was invited to the "Outrageous Ball". The Outrageous Ball was held every year at the American Legion. At this ball we would invent an outfit that had to be so outrageous that no one would dare wear. There was a thousand-dollar prize and an evening ride. The evening ride was on a boat through the town for an hour.

I wanted to look great, so I went out and bought a purple wig. I also purchase a yellow bonnet to match. The wig was full of curls with an orange bang in the front. I had a silver dress with pink fur balls that I bought a few years ago. I was hoping to be able to wear it for the event. I figure my purple wig along with my orange shoes and green scarf would be perfect.

I would enter the contest every year hoping that I would win. And every year the contest got harder and harder. My competition was the weirdest as it can get. The contestant would come, and they would wear the outrageous outfits that they could think of. Last year, my neighbor Annie Bell won. She wore an aluminum foil dress with a metal hat with iron heels.

Her outfit was consisting of a lot of welding, bolts and super glue. I thought her outfit was lucrative and it look harmful. She could barely sit down in a chair let alone stand still in those tarnish heels. Well, I had to admit, her outfit was outrageous, and I was a little jealous. After all there was a thousand dollars involve and I wanted it. I didn't win that round, and I felt a little cheated.

My outfit last year was a made with plastic bags and safety pins. My shoes were custom with paper cups with brown leaves. I felt like that outfit should have been first place. I had put so much effort in it. I had triple the plastic so that it wouldn't tear when I bend or sit. I made sure the safety pins would secure it around the waist.

I had persuaded myself that this was the weirdest outfit that anyone could ever try to wear. I just knew it was a winner, and so I thought. When Annie Bell came in with that unsafe outfit on, I was blown away. I don't know which was more lucrative her outfit or mine. Apparently, it was hers, because she ended up with the prize.

This year, I decided to go all out. I invent a backup outfit that will knock the judges off their feet. The back up outfit was a dress made of cotton balls and cardboard boxes for shoes. I used pinecones as buttons to decorate the front. I was ready, I was ready to be outrageous. I had hidden my back up outfit in my she-shed. I persuaded myself that I was going to win the prize this year.

The night of the ball is here, and everyone is there. We all were in costumes that were custom made. The judges were getting ready to go to their seats. I saw the other contestant and thought that they were not a hit at all. There were hundred contestants and only five could be pick for the win. Out of the hundred they picked five that had to compete for the win.

There were many different outfits that stood out. The one that stood out the most was the dress made of rubber. One contestant had a black rubber dress with rubber band heels and a glued toilet paper belt. Her hair was in peacock feather that winged out when she moved. I also saw a lamp shade skirt with peppermint stripes and a chain like halter top with pearls.

I walked around and mingled with the crowd. I complimented even the ones that weren't tasteful. I went to ladies' room to fix my hair before they call the winners. I open the door and there stood Annie Bell. She stood there in a canvas skirt with shoestrings holding up the sides. She had a floral shirt made of sunflowers and shoes that were custom made with stones.

She had seashells that was braided within her hair. She also had a sneaker that was a size to big. She wore that as hat to finish her outrageous outfit. I looked at her with astonishment all over my face. I thought well, here she goes again with a lucrative outfit and there I stood with hate all over my face. I said hello and wish her well on the contest.

I had to make sure that the judges didn't pick that awful outfit. I paced the floor in the bathroom. I thought about all the things that I could do with the win. I also thought about who I wanted to invite on my boat ride. I had to win, I wanted to win, and I needed to win. So, I went outside went up to Annie Bell and told her that the "Weekly Press" was at her out. I told her that they were waiting to interview her for last year's win.

She looked with excitement and ran out to her car and drove home. The judges were calling up the five contestants and lucky me I was one of them. We all stood in front of the audience, and we were judge again. I had persuaded myself that I had the best costume and that I was going to win. So, as the judges begin the drum roll started. I stood with my chest and began to walk forth.

All of a sudden, I look around and everyone started clapping. The judges called out the newest winner of the top five and it was a straw jumpsuit with a leather hat and shoes made of wood chips.

I was astounded, and red. My wig went back to the edge of my forehead. Another year and not a win!

May 03, 2024 03:15

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