
Three days passed without them speaking to each other. Kel was confused and feeling betrayed, even though he himself didn’t take any action to go after her. But, as he stared blankly at the book in front of him, rereading the same paragraph over and over without really paying any attention to the words, the reality that they would inevitably see each other the next day struck him. Yes, next day his evening class would be that subject. Ancient Forgotten Knowledge. Ministered by Professor Irannas, the woman who drunkenly kissed him and then vanished. Shit.

He was already imagining a gallery of failed attempts and awkward half-interactions. Some of it from personal past experience, some from the romantic literature and music, the plays performed by traveling circuses and bardic clans. It was horror. A one of a kind traumatic and humiliating rejection one might forget only years later, but still be haunted by the effects of it for the rest of his life, without even realizing it. Besides, he didn’t make any friends in the past month. He still was the ‘New Guy’, even though all others who arrived the same day as he, who walked through the doors of The Great Library for the first time the same as he, were already part of something. Little groups of friends, petty rivalries, unspoken passions. The cogs that turn the great wheel of communities. And yet, until now, he really only formed a connection with Irannas. Kel went to sleep and woke up thinking these things.

It was late, almost two in the afternoon. He lost the History of the Empire subject. Oh, whatever. As if someone born within the borders wasn’t lectured that to death, each and every year of his or her infancy. The true tragedy was missing launch. Dragging himself between the endless tables and columns of the Dining Hall, only to be met by leftovers. At least it would be a quiet meal, and he would have time to think about how he would greet Irannas, what would he say to her and how. And he would have time to think through his escape and running away from the life at the Great Library, after the talking inevitably failed. Luck was on his side as he went for the serving lines: there was a good amount of Frinesian Fries; a dish consisted of potatoes thinly sliced and submerged in hot oil until it, well, fried; then salted. It is said that Frinesian Fries aren’t very beneficial to health, but Kel was happy enough it tasted good. And it did. His mouth was stuffed with them when he felt someone touch his shoulder.

“May I seat here?” Said the female voice, in a tone of amusement.

He turned and saw Irannas. His eyes widened and he choked. At first she laughed, thinking he was joking, but, quickly realizing he wasn’t, she put her arm around his neck and pushed against his chest. Seeing it wasn’t working, she grabbed the first cup of something liquid at the table and tried to make him drink. Kel pushed her away. His cough diminished and after a few minutes he recomposed.

“Hi” He said.


“So-” Kel started.

“I- ” Irannas said at the same time.

“You first” they spoke in unison.

She laughed. “Fuck. Let me, then? Let’s not risk a second round of that.”

Kel nodded and resumed eating.

“First. Thank you for that night. And… I’m sorry for pressuring you. I wasn’t at, well, you know, my best.”

“It’s ok, really.”

They were both avoiding looking directly at the other’s eyes.

“You want some?” Kel continued, gesturing for the plate.

“Thanks” Irannas picked up a few fries. “Ahh they are terrible. How can you eat that?”

“It’s not so bad. Well, in that case, more for me.”

“I was thinking, Kel. About the doors. I think you are right. We should research them more, understand them.”

“Oh. Yeah, yeah, sure.”

“But I am-” She leaned closer “I am restricted by my condition.”

“What do you mean?”

“I am to known, in and outside the Great Library. There is too much envy, competition and the like among, well, the academic world.” She looked down “And there is also politics, traditions.”

“I thought the Great Library was independent.”

She smiled bitterly “I thought that too when I was in my first year here. But that is a fantasy, more absurd than magical doors abducting people. And, you know, to a purist I’m not ‘really imperial’.”

“That is ridiculous. You are a teacher at the Great Library!”

“Doesn’t matter. Let’s admit it: I’m a fringeling. They see my looks, they hear my accent.”

“But the Library…”

“Is not as cosmopolitan or open to everyone as you think. No matter, no point discussing that. Kel, we need to focus.”

“Okay, okay, I get it; You are too visible. And I’m not.”


He tapped his fingers at the table. She looked at him with a seriousness Kel never saw in her before.

“Let’s do It. Actually, I already had an idea.”

Irannas raised an eyebrow. “Is that so, New Guy?”

He was about to say something when she gestured him to stay silent. “No, Kel, not here.” She looked around. “Let’s walk.”

They wandered the more abandoned halls and corridors for half an hour. Irannas took of her necklace, murmured something to the black stone it held, and then held it close to her ear. Kel had no idea what was that all about. To him it seemed more like the sort of thing out of a fantasy tale than real, scientifically proven magic. He was beginning to tire and about to say something when she abruptly stopped.

“Here. Here we talk.”

“Wa- Wait.” He said.

“Yes, Kel?”

“First, I think we should talk about, you know.”

She smiled and looked down slightly. “I do. If you want to, we should.”

“Was that like something that happened once by accident and we will leave behind us or?”


“Or something else? You know. Something like ‘Hinryat’.”

She turned sideways, not facing him directly. “What would you like it to be?”

“I want it to be exactly what it is supposed to be. But what it is supposed to be?”

“That is up to us I guess.”

“Why did you do it, Irannas?”

“I… Don’t really know.”

“You know, a brilliant teacher once told me that we should always strive to uncover lost knowledges.”

She turned to face him “Oh, is that so? In that case, how will we-”

Kel leaned in and interrupted her with a kiss. She corresponded. They embraced each other passionately, and stood there for some time, hidden in the shadows of ancient corridors.

“I’m not sure, New Guy.” She chuckled “I think we will need more investigation sessions. Many more.”

“Of course, it’s our duty, in the name of knowledge.”

They both laughed, then slowly began to let go of each other.

“Okay, now, some serious, professional working? You said you had something in mind? About the Halls of the Forgotten, I mean.”

“Indeed, Professor. You said it doesn’t affect felines? Is it true or were you just fucking with me?”

“It is true.”

“Why don’t we send one carrying something? Like a letter, with some extra blank paper, a feather and a little ink bottle.”

“It is a good idea. The problem is, as soon as the cat pass through we will forget about all that. I think, at least. We may remember the cat itself, but nothing more.”

“Did they ever come back with something from the other side?”

“Hmm, no, not that I know.”

“And what if we had some kind of enchantment on the cat. Like the type of magic that lets us see through the animal’s eyes?”

“Again, that sounds good. But I’m not sure if it was tried already. And I don’t possess that kind of skill…”

“Well, in that case, there is one other thing.”

“Which is?”

“A simple rope. We get a big fucking rope and tie it to a cat’s collar. Even if we forget about the cat as soon as it enters, and I’m not sure that would happen, since you said they are immune, we will be holding a rope that is being pulled into the HoF.”

“And the part of the rope that is at our side will be continuously remembered… Kel, that might actually fucking work!”

Irannas threw her arms around him and kissed him before he could respond. The light coming from the nearby window was quickly diminishing; indicating that the winter Sun was beginning to set. Two of the three moons were already visible in the sky.

“We should go, Ira, It’s almost time for our class.”


May 21, 2021 19:07

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