Drama Science Fiction Adventure


Dear diary,

This is my first journal entry. I’m kind of nervous honestly. But anyways, this journal is about my coming up experience. My names Alyson, Alyson Rope. I work at a BioLab in Kentucky. We are currently working on a time machine. We’ve been working on it for going on seven years now. We plan on trying it out in a week. Me being the test subject. Its currently 2020, in a week I will be going to the year 2500, hopefully. I’m kind of nervous about it. I’m not sure if there’s going to be anything on earth anymore, or maybe we got overran by killer robots, or maybe it’s like heaven and we have flying cars and tons of glossy skyscrapers. Guess we’ll find out. Talk to you in a bit.


Dear Diary,

Guess what! It’s been a week. I’m about to head out to the future. There might be some side effects of me going inside the time machine but I don’t know. Neither do the scientists. Mainly because nobody’s been in one before lol. That we know of anyways. I get in the machine in about ten or so minutes. I’ll let you know how it goes when I reach the other side. Yikes. Wish me luck.


Dear Diary,

Well, I made it. I think. I don’t know what day it is and don’t see no signs of life anywhere. Unless I’m just in an abandoned city. The roads are all wet, there’s newspaper and trash everywhere, most of the windows in the buildings are broken. The sky is so gloomy. There’s not even any animals that I can see. I don't know though. I’m kind of scared actually. Plus it’s raining. Great right? I’m going to look around. Maybe see if I can walk to another city. See if I see anybody or anything. Talk to you in a bit.


Dear Diary,

Good news so far! I kept walking for what seemed like days until I made it to another city. I ran into a very nice person. He told me everything that happened. Turns out the city I live in, in the year 2020, is ran down now. Obviously, right? The city fell. Crooks took over. Killed everything and anybody in sight. Took all the jewelry and money. He even told me that they drained most of their blood and took it with them. They said the group of crooks was ran by a female named AR. They told me she was one of the deadliest females they’ve ever encountered. Nobody dared messes with her. Her hair was the most curliest, with a tarantula on top, a red tailed boa around her neck, spiked brass knuckles on both hands, with venom on the inside of the spikes so when she hit you and drew blood, the venom would go through your bloodstream, causing you to have a seizure and die almost instantly. Plus she has a whole group of crooks by her side. I know I wouldn’t want to mess with her and I know for a fact that I’m moving soon when I get back!!! Oh! I also found out it’s July 16, 2500. So the time machine worked!!!


Dear Diary,

So I’ve been exploring the city and I’ve noticed I keep getting weird looks from everybody. I’m sitting down next to a little banquet store. Being very careful about my surroundings. Too bad I don’t have anything to protect myself with at the moment except this pen. Hold on... there’s someone across the street just... staring at me. It looks like he’s holding a knife and a newspaper. He's wearing a... a uh... a hoodie and some light brown baggy pants. I can barely see his face but from what I can see, he looks very weary and down in the dirt. Oh no... he’s heading my way!!! What do I do!?

Not important anymore

Dear Diary,

This is going to be my last entry... the guy is letting me write this down before he kills me. The guy made me read the newspaper that he had in his hand. Turns out... it was all me. Everything... everything... was me. The BioLab I work at made a serum in 2035 and if you drank it, it let’s you live until you finally get killed. It also brings out your true self. I’m quiet and sort of shy Always wanted more in life. Looks like I eventually got it. Well, I drank it, obviously, and in about 2459 I started forming the group of crooks and made my deadly weapons. I did this to all of these people. Killed all of these people. It’s like the serum made me completely heartless! I cant live on knowing this. So, I’m letting him kill me. Maybe it’ll change the future of my city. Maybe not. It’s worth a shot. How can I destroy my city if I end up dying before taking the serum? So I’m sending this journal back home and letting this guy kill me. Thank you journal for letting me rant. And to all the people back home... the time machine works as you can tell. Just make sure that nothing bad happens in the years leading up to 2500. You guys could make the huge difference this world needs to see. I love you guys! See you in the after life.

Hahahah helloooo!!! This is MR! Your little princess here killed my family, destroyed and robbed my city, ruined my life!!!!!!! I’m not going to just kill her, I’m going to torture her for what she has done!!! I will make her pa.....

Sorry about him. This is Alyson. Not the one you know of course. I have her though, don’t worry. I wouldn’t hurt or kill myself. That would be nonsense, especially since I finally have everything I’ve ever wanted. Instead, I’m going to train her to be a little beast to make sure that she unfolds what’s supposed to happen. To make sure she gets everything she’s ever wanted! To be invincible! I’m sending you this journal first. Just to let you know what’s happening to her. She’s safe. For now. When I’m done with her, I’ll send her back. As long as you keep the time machine open. I’ll know where to go if you do and don’t worry, I don’t want to go back to that little peasant place of a BioLab. Its not my forte anymore. I prefer killing and robbing now. Not science. Sorry bout that, I guess. Alright bye now! Hahahaha don’t forget to make that serum...

August 28, 2020 22:52

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Meggy House
12:22 Sep 05, 2020

Wow! I love the creative diary format and the story was so engaging! If you wouldn't mind, could you read one of my stories? This is my first time in a competition and I would love feedback! :)


Alina Gober
20:01 Sep 05, 2020

Aw, thank you! I appreciate it so much and of course, I’d love to read your work!


Meggy House
22:26 Sep 05, 2020

Thank you!


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