Hero in Disguise

Submitted into Contest #65 in response to: Write about someone’s first Halloween as a ghost.... view prompt

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Friendship Inspirational Suspense

The wind blows cold where no one could barely say its- Halloween Night. Everyone seems to enjoy the exchange of trick or treats, playing spirit of the glass and sipping of candies on the other side. A random man approached me all of a sudden:

“Are you all right?” says the man in Dracula costume.

“Yeah. I just don’t feel comfortable hanging around with people” I replied.

It was passed at 9:00 pm. I did not notice the time running fast. Howling of wolves were apparently everywhere to be heard. I couldn’t find Mark in the crowded people, knowing tons of celebrants wore the same outfit as him, a skeleton style. An uncertain urge told me to just open my phone and there I found a breath-taking message from WhatsApp saying, “If you want your boyfriend Mark alive, come alone the backstage…” At first, I was confused whether to believe the trolling message, the fact that it’s Halloween, full of surprises.

However, none even a single shadow of him appears in the illuminated quadrangle as the emcee told he is to announce the best costume later on. I am scared to even try going backstage and figure out the truth. Goosebumps had run in my body. I am in doubt whether to altruistically save my boyfriend or stay and don’t get involved, or call the police.

Everything is absolutely new to me, the crowd, the dance, and most especially the blackmail. Undoubtedly, I check on the near backstage.

I will always remember, the day you kiss my lips…” phone ringing.

           “Hello!” Mayormita said.

           “Hello, Aunt Mayormita. How may I help you?” speaking with a monotonous voice.

           “How was your first Halloween night going with Mark? Did it turn out something special?” Mayormita added.

           “Perfectly special, I guess. Bye Aunt” I hung up immediately.

           The moon lights up the darkness and the deafening music from the party is still too loud in great distance. I slowly walk near the backstage and almost scream from what I saw. I fell to the ground after seeing my boyfriend tied up in a tree surrounded by people in a witch costume. I continually spied, helpless that may be calling the police might trigger their intent killing Mark.

           Suddenly, my world had completely crushed when my phone rings not too loud but enough to made the impostors wander. I quickly hide at the bunch of trashes beside me, turned my phone in silent mode, and for God’s sake, there is a rat squeaking under me. I am terrifyingly holding my scream while sweat is pouring in my face.

           At the moment, I made a plan of saving my boyfriend. I am already tired of being the one saved by others. But I guess my plan remains a plan when I heard those impostors murmuring.

           “Is she going or not?” person 1 said.

           “I don’t think that message screw her up” person 2 replied.

           “Well, maybe we have to finish this job before anything leaks from this accusation” person 1 said as he cocks the gun.

           I can estimate how many they are based on their shadows. There are five of them but the two walk away. Definitely, I am no match for them. Little by little, I put my phone screen in the lowest brightness but someone instantly grabbed me to the dark covering my mouth forcefully.

           “You!” I whispered in a deep breath.

           “Um, I haven’t introduced myself yet. I am John, a friend of your boyfriend” he replied.

           “Really? What brings you here?” I said.

           “Same as your intent. Actually, I’ve been looking for him on the dance floor to invite him to dance. What’s your plan?” he asked.

           “Saving him of course. And now that you’re here, you have to distract them!” I replied.

           As the plan was done. John immediately got close to the impostors and pretended to drunk. He was shocked by what he saw, the faces of impostors. Luckily, the plan seems to work as all the impostors carried him away from the crime scene. And I quickly took the opportunity. I came near to Mark and untied him slowly.

           “Marina, is that you? Marina, you have to get away from here. It is a trap.” Mark said. I never listen to him when suddenly a red lamp lightens the area.

           “Well, well, well. We had caught a chick baiting a worm.” a girl's voice uttered.

           “Oh! She is Mark’s new girlfriend. Poor Mark, trying to hook up someone new but she seems old and dusty” said another girl and laughed.

           They got closed to me and grabbed my hair forcefully that made me suffer. I couldn’t help but cry. I can’t even fight back because as always they too many. They are three in my estimation. But God never failed to guide, I just remember the pepper spray gave not to have protected myself but the suitability in my costume. I simply grabbed the pepper spray and sprayed it directly in their eyes. I made no hesitations taking the rope tied on Mark and tied on those impostors. Mark unarmed the girls as well. He was overwhelmed seeing each and other's faces in the light.

           Without further calm, Alice, Mark’s first girlfriend popped off the rope, grabbed the 45 caliber gun, and pointed to Mark’s head. I was freaked out and can’t even say a word.

           “Goodbye, Hon---“ Alice was about to pull the trigger but coincidentally John beat her with a wood which is part of his Halloween costume, the killer in the movie Wrong Turn. John was fast approaching together with the police he contacted. I hugged Mark tightly for no one knows that was the last hug I could ever give him.

           “Thanks, John, and especially Marina for making your Halloween a nightmare.” Mark sincerely apologized.

           “No problem, bro. Why haven’t you introduced me to your new and lifetime girlfriend?” John sarcastically asked.

           “Sorry man, I was waiting for perfect timing but look this might be it.” Mark laughed.

           “Exactly, just so you know, you’ve been saved by an angel who did conquer three witches in a meeting or should I say execution. You’re so lucky, man.” John said proudly. I felt delighted also because this is the craziest thing I’ve ever done in my entire life. Mark hugged me back tightly and thanked me purely.

           At last, we got back to the program and enjoy it like nothing cruel had happened. And what’s more even coincidental? It is already the announcement of the ‘The Best Halloween Costume 2020’. Never had I expected that my name was called on the stage and at first I was in doubt maybe someone in the crowd has the same name as me. Mark assisted me in putting the sash and took some pictures. Ironically, what made my costume realistic is the garbage leaves in the trash bin I had been in.

           “I like your costume Marina – The Cutest Elf. I love you.” Mark whispered. And we did exchange cuddles.

           The policemen handcuffed the impostors I too had never expected was Mark’s ex-girlfriend, and I realized, ‘What if Mark broke up with me, would I be this violent?’

October 30, 2020 13:43

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B. W.
02:17 Nov 07, 2020

ill give this a 10/10 :)


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