This world is mine.

Submitted into Contest #102 in response to: Start your story with a metaphor about human nature.... view prompt


Adventure Romance Friendship

“We are meant to bond and break sometimes, there is always a reason to keep them but there is no need to stay with them. Just because there is certain time where the lie and the truth feel the same. That is life and you won’t skip it anyway.” Aidan said as he stretched his hand to reach out the groundnuts. Neithan stayed mystified with his mind in deep thoughts about Aidan’s breaking topics. “So, what have you got to say?” Aidan said and sticked his face funny with a sneer. “It is not them Aidan, it is her and…” “Yeah I know it is her.” Aidan cut in. “Right now, her truth and lie feel the same to me and there is no need to stay with her anymore but I’ll keep her in memories. Don’t worry.” Aidan completed a tongue in a cheek. “Oh well! You have got a single heart I understand but what about the forest memories?” Neithan asked presumedly. This drew Aidan’s attention. “Hey! Don’t make me remember that again.” Aidan got serious. “Oh sorry! I thought it could feel like a lie.” Neithan spoke naively as he turned his head to the screen. Aidan and Neithan were buddies in the university. They were on their last semester and they were on their probable last project in the university. Aidan turned his face to the screen and wrecklessly pressed ENTER button with an intent of closing the pop up that was on his screen after then he raised to move out. “Aidan!” Neithan raised his face. Aidan was stumped and halted. “Check out the alert. Is like someone is crossing us.” Neithan said nervously. “What?” he quickly got back to his seat. What happened was so intense to them. 

The two dudes sat adjacently and so desperately. Their fingers ran randomly on the keypads trying to correct the mistake that was caused by Aidan. It was getting dark. The cricket started rising the pitch of their sound. “We cannot resolve this. The network is so weak and yet we are using the alternative. Can we try the original?” Neithan requested. “Hell no! We don’t want to blow our identity. Make sure we still sail under water.” Aidan quoted. Their cottage laid near the centre of a dumb place. It occurred once a disaster in the place that forced the natives to vacate from it leaving the place naked and dumbed. The two students; Neithan and Aidan were twenty kilometres far from the city. “Oh wait! Can we check the mast? Something must have happened there.” Aidan came up with an idea. “Are you sure?” Neithan asked with uncertainty. “Yeah! Come on.” Aidan said. He stood and picked his hoodie from the hunger. “But since we came her like a month ago nothing has happened there!” Neithan was stagnant on his chair. “Look we need to win this quest and also complete our aim; our project and we are gonna do everything about it. We have to go out now and check the mast. It has been more than three years since they vacated from her and no one has ever come here. And we can’t know anything if the signal is still weak. Leave alone being weak, it is still weakening with time and at the end we will be with no network at all and we will be doing nothing. Please Neithan.” Aidan implored. “Aidan! Don’t make yourself a fool. You really know the state of going out there. This place is so dangerous man and we are not armed in any way. Remember even when the troops come here, they prepare for a week and they carry heavy weapons.” Neithan pleaded. “I know!” Aidan replied lowly. “You know Aidan. And that is why I don’t want to out there Aidan please.” Neithan let out flippantly. “Neithan listen! Being here and being out there feels the same. Since the day we both chose to be here, is like we were gave out our lives. We knew it was a risky quest but we gave in to it. Being in here at this time doesn’t mean that we are safe. What we need right now is our backs stuck together. But if you choose to stay, well, I don’t want to force because you might have important reasons to do so. For me, am going.” Aidan said as he brokenly trotted towards the door. He hoped Neithan to follow him but he didn’t. He exited and banged the door angrily to close it. “Hell save my friend.” Neithan gave a deep sigh and turned back to the screen. 

Aidan pathed through the mud with an intense anguish. He trembled of the strong cold wind. Hew felt like the world was against him. His parents did everything to stop him from going to that quest but he managed to convince them with the help of his friends. Just before they could travel to the quest, his girlfriend disappointed him which made him to go to the quest so low though he tried to convince himself that it was among the world miracles. He went with his friend but Neithan didn’t seem ready to stay with him. He felt like a fool of himself and like so married with his aim in life. Maybe sometimes life doesn’t like those people who think and strive about it so much. He was floating fleetingly in the thoughts of regrets as he penetrated through the darkness with a faint green led light. “Better could have I stayed in the campus like other students.” He walked wrecklessly through the bushes. Thoughts drained him so much. He stamped himself on a stone and fell down. He rolled down through the rough scrubs until he hit his leg against a log that cause a fracture on his right limp. He groaned with a deep pain. The thud sound followed by the deep groan from a distant, abducted Neithan who this time decided to go out and check Aidan. 

Well! He found him but he lesly helped him because he lacked medical literacy. They were caught in an alien world and at the centre of monsters; the cause of vacation of the natives. It was a wild world for them. The dim roars started going up and close. The pieces of sticks they were stepping on started to make a clattering sound and the cricket sounds drove their pitch low until no more. This caused fear to both and that time Aidan ceased his groans. They lied on the inlet of a cave. When finally the logs broke, they all fell into the cave. It was an intriguing pain when Aidan fell on his limp again. A dark and dead era, that where they found themselves. Neithan rose and supported Aidan on moving along in the cave. The burrow was long. With the energy left with them, they couldn’t complete the distance. He pulled Aidan onto a bed-like rock and they just relaxed. The dripping of water could be heard from far. “Am sorry Neithan. We better could have said no to this quest. We are not even in the half of it and here I am with a fracture at my limp. I regret it!” Aidan said tearfully. “There is nothing to regret. We actually dissevered this; we are born to win. And when things get hard like these ones we are in, you just remember your favourites. The best moments you were in once upon time, all the fun you did and the people who stayed close to you. I really can’t forget that forest melody day. You made the most interest flirts and fun. You decided on how our bond will be in the future. Don’t forget also, you set your goal. It was the happiest moment for my sister since our mum passed away like six years ago. It was a great moment for me also seeing my mum died.” 

“Wait!” Aidan broke in. “She is your sister?” Aidan was surprised. Neithan shook his head guiltily. “And your animate mom died?” Aidan asked at a low base.

“Yeah!” Neithan naively said.

“Why didn’t you tell me that? We have been together for more than three years Neithan! And you have never told me that! Why?” Aidan asked in grief. “You are like a brother, and as long as you were happy, nothing else mattered. And I felt like telling or not telling you it feels the same. A sorry dude!”

“It is alright. Now we are stuck here, covered with darkness. No light no heat. It is like we are going to die soon.” Aidan said. They talked for a long while before everyone slowly flagged of to sleep.

On the sunrise in the university, Glad anxiously walked down into her friend’s room. She banged at her friend’s door and went in looking upset. “Chloe! Chloe!” she called uneasily. She puffed vehemently waiting for the response. When finally, Chloe came out, “Neithan hasn’t responded since yesterday evening and I didn’t feel so right yesternight. Something must be wrong Chloe. Chloe something is wrong! They are in danger!” 

“Chill out Glad!” Chloe tried to cool off Glad. “It might only be the network and not what you think. Let’s find Ethan he might help.” Chloe suggested. They both exited. 

In a short space of time, they were at Ethan’s door. They knocked four times in a prose with no answer. “Hey Ethan!” Chloe called out. “A second please!” Ethan replied. When he at last opened the door and examined Glad’s face, “Chloe! Neithan?” he had a clue. “Yeah! Since 3 p.m. yesterday!” Chloe replied worriedly. “Come in!” Ethan welcomed them in. They went direct to his system to define. After doing some magic with the computer, he said, “Not 3 actually, Aidan went offline at 6:10 p.m. then Neithan went offline after thirty minutes.”

“Did they leave any message?” Glad asked. “Not really! Can you check at the school bot?” Ethan told her. “Wait! They have access to the school bot?” Glad asked. “Oh sorry! You didn’t have to know that let me check.” Ethan exclaimed and turned to his laptop. “Oh Yeah! I got it.” He turned the screen to them and said, “Two frown emojis, two shocked emojis, one happy emoji and the many normal emoji. What does that mean?” 

Everyone was left on a puzzle. “Ethan listen, the clock is ticking and we might be wasting time finding answers on this while they are in danger out there we have to act. We have to go after them Ethan!” Glad pleaded her suggestion. “Okay!” Ethan said and closed his laptop. “Should we report?” Chloe asked. “No! we just go.” Ethan commanded. After preparing themselves, packed somethings in the cruiser, the engine coughed and, in a blink, it was off into the hills. They did not report that they were moving out after the NA quest (Neithan and Aidan quest.) 

That morning, Neithan and Aidan had woken and were already at the entry of the mast. Aidan felt extremely weak after losing much blood. Neithan never seemed bored with Aidan’s wreck less burden. He carried him along. When they were finally in the mast, it was time for operation. Neithan was required to go in and check out the problem. He left Aidan laid a distance from the entrance of the room. He slowly opened the door and finally got himself in. He walked around the room until a suspected lid came at his glance. He got a grip on it and nervously opened it. He collided with a pungent smell of odour gases. He didn’t care and so he dipped in to hollow.

When he finally came out, everything was alright and the network had been restored. But there is one grave mistake that he did; inhaling poisonous gasses. His body felt heavy and numb. Neithan succeeded to contact Glad though it was just one text before his sight started misbehaving. He sent a sad emoji. He came, sat and leaned beside Aidan. They were both hopeless. “I just want to let you know one thing,” Neithan started. “The reason for me to accept this quest was to do one thing that I guess it could make my sister happy in the rest of her life. I know you have a fixed thinking and a single heart, but she just sent me here because of you. She loves Aidan and she can do anything to be with you. When you couldn’t speak to her anymore, she got burned and Chloe could always beg me to plead this to you. Aidan do me just one favour; forgive her and call her back please!” Neithan said before he went unconscious. Also, Aidan didn’t take long before blacking out.

When finally, Aidan got conscious, he was on a hospital bed. Beside him, also lied Glad. Both were in blood pipes. Aidan had lost a lot of blood and their background couldn’t afford for it. Glad gave in to save her boyfriend’s life. Aidan was so excited to find himself alive. Glad was happy to see him back but her brother gave her worries. “Where is Neithan?” he firstly asked. That’s when Chloe came in and said, “We are afraid to inform you that he inhaled poisonous gasses that affected him and he has suffering from a kidney disease. He needs a transplant in months.” “What?” he was shocked. When the doctor came in, “Don’t worry, the machine will support him for months while you figure out some millions for the transplant.”

“But I can give him for free!”

“You are sick you cannot!” the doctor exclaimed. “What about in months?” 

“Okay then we to know if you can donate!” the doctor said as he exited.

When finally, Neithan became conscious, he was on a hospital bed. Chloe laid beside him. Both were on blood pipes. Glad and Aidan were sitting waiting. Glad and Aidan were still under care of the hospital. Their health was not yet perfect. Neithan was so grateful to be alive and more when he saw his sister and Aidan standing together. He looked at Aidan and exclaimed, “The project!” The door flanged open and in came Ethan. He hugged Neithan on the bed and when he was about to exit, he held the door lock looked at Aidan and threw him a flash disk and said, “You kept your mind fixed and stayed with a single heart. You focused much on your aims than those around you. Sometimes life doesn’t want like that. Anyway complete! Wish you luck. See you guys” then he closed the door. Aidan turned to Neithan and smiled.

“How long?” Neithan asked. “Like five months!” Aidan replied. “What a hell, five months?” Neithan exclaimed. They all shook their heads and chuckled. “Whose kidney?” Neithan asked. They were all surprised that Neithan knew about his disease and never told anyone. They looked at Aidan signalling the volunteer.

“Neithan!” Chloe drew their attention after a little lush. They all looked at her and she said, “I have loved you. I love you and want to love you.”

A month after, they were discharged. That night, “Glad!” he called. She turned and looked at him. “I love you. have buried everything and want to be with you!” Aidan said. After a quick silence, Glad broke, “Aidan, I want to thank you for everything. If not you I couldn’t have known that my brother is sick and if not you I couldn’t have saved him. You gave me everything I wanted and I just want to grow old with you. I love you!” Then they hugged happily. 

The only statement that stuck in Aidan’s head was, ‘With this kind of people around me, I guess I got the whole world!”

July 12, 2021 23:37

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