"Lola Plix, will you please come to the front office?"
I look up. Me? I didn't do anything. Why am I getting sent to the office?
I stand slowly, picking up my bag.
I glance at my best friend, Max, who shrugs his shoulders.
Ms. Dinna, the geography teacher is gesturing to the door. and I realize I haven't moved.
"See you later." I mutter to Max, who nods.
I walk through the door, towards the office.
Okay, my name is Lola Plix. I'm in seventh grade. I look boring, even though Max says I don't. I have long black hair, and light skin. My round glasses sit on the tip of my annoyingly long nose.
I have six siblings, including a twin sister that is much better than me at pretty much everything.
I get to the office, and say hi to Mrs. Fau, the secretary, who sends me inside the princiapal's personal office.
"Ah, Ms. Plix." He says, leaning forwards on the desk, his hands pressesd together.
I sit in one of the two chairs in front of his big brown desk. "Hey, Mr. Butch. Whats up?"
Mr. Butch is a tall man with black hair and glasses. He usually looks pretty chill, but right now, he looks mad. What did I do?
"Where were you on Saturday?"
Two days ago I was at the park with Lily, my twin. I tell him that.
He nods. "That's what I thought."
"Uh, okay?"
He turns his computer screen around and presses play.
I see a girl at the park with a bag of spray paint. She's doing a design on a wall. It fast forwards, speeding through. When she's finished, it says a lot of things that probaly shouldn't be up where anyone can see it.
When the screen goes dark, I look back at Mr. Butch.
"Ok..." I say slowly.
He sighs. "This video was emailed to me, saying this was you."
"What?!" I shout.
"Keep your voice down, Ms. Plix." He warns.
I clench my fist. "Fine. Why would that be me?"
"Long black hair. School uniform. Same size and height as you. Same shoes." He says, counting on his fingers.
I roll my eyes. Is he that stupid? "There are several uniform schools in this town. Lots of people have long black hair, and black Nikes. Also, I HAVE AN IDENTICAL TWIN SISTER."
He purses his lips. "I don't think Lily would do something like this. We will have to suspend you."
"Excuse me? First, I didn't even do this! Also, why would I get suspended for this? This doesn't make sense!" I'm standing, with my hands on his desk.
He sighs. "I'm sorry, Ms. Plix. You are dismissed. I will be calling your parents this afternoon. You will be going home after lunch."
I storm out of the room, slamming the door behind me. I'll probaly get in trouble for that, but right now, I couldn't care less.
The bell rings as I'm leaving. Great. Lunch. I just hope nobody else has seen the video.
"So, Mr. Butch is a-" Max slaps a hand over my mouth. For some reason, he hates cussing. He would rather me say "fudge" or "shoot."
I roll my eyes, and push his hand away. "Fine. Mr. Butch sucks."
"Better." He says, taking a bite of his sandwich.
Max is my best friend. We've known each other forever, and know everything about each other. I know about his deep crush on the eighth grade basketball star, Chad. I'm the one of the only people who knows he's gay. He knows how much I hate my family and school.
He has shaggy brown hair, and olive skin. He has beautiful green eyes, and big glasses he doesn't need. (He wears them because he knows I hate mine, but it actually makes him look better.) We're the same age and height, but he's way smarter.
I drop my head on the table. "It's not fair." I complian. He pulls my bag of chips towards him, and I snatch it back, and stuff some in my mouth.
"You look like an animal." He informs me.
I glare at him. "You are not helping."
"Just saying." He shrugs.
He's right. I can't take my anger out on him. I sigh, and slide the chips to him. He grins, and pops some in his mouth.
"My mom is going to be so mad." I mutter.
Max shrugs. "Maybe. Or she won't care."
Uhg. He's right. Again. My mom doesn't care about me at all. I'm the dumbest of all her childeren. I usaually get noticed after Lily, if at all.
Max is looking over my shoulder at somebody. I already know it's Chad, but to annoy Max, I turn, and stare at him too.
He smacks my arm, and I turn, laughing.
"Were you trying to not be noticed? If so, you might want to clean up that pile of drool." I tell him.
Instead of saying something back, his eyes widened.
"Oh my god, Lols, he's coming over here." He whispers.
I look over my shoulder, and see Chad walking over.
"Well, quit staring!" I hiss.
He pry's his eyes off Chad, and to the table.
"Hey," A deep voice behind us says.
Okay, I know he's in eigth grade, but why is his voice so deep? He sounds like a grown man.
He looks like one too. He has overly hairy legs, and built body. He has curly blond hair in a short ponytail. He's wearing his basketball jacket, and shorts. His basketball friends are behind him.
"Hey, you Lola Plix?" He asks stopping in front of the table.
Jesus, he STINKS. He smells like sweat, and depression. What does Max like about him?
"Yeah, I'm Lola. This is Max." I tell him.
He glances at Max, who is beet red, then looks back at me. He pulls out a phone and shows me a video. "This you?"
It's...the spray paint girl. I don't believe this.
"Apparently." I mutter.
He nods. "Nice job. Best art I've ever seen."
"Yeah, I - wait, what?" I say.
He puts his phone in his jacket. "Me and the guys saw it yesterday. Nice word choices. Have you seen the spary painting done by the school? That was us." He looks proud of himself.
I glance at Max, who looks deflated. He didn't think Chad cussed. He thought he was perfect. Well.
"Uh, thanks?" I say. Max looks like he wants to leave, so: "We were just about to go, so sorry to cut this short, but..,"
Mx already has all his stuff together and I think he's gonna cry. I stand.
"Wait, what?" Chad says. "I don't understand."
I raise an eyebrow. "Which word? Thanks, or leave?"
"I don't get why you would leave, when you could talk to me." He explains, looking confused.
I roll my eyes. Seriously, why did Max like this guy? "Because we have better things to do."
So I pass him, and Max is behind me.
"Idiot." I hear Chad mutter.
I clench my fist, but keep going. Then I hear, "Screw you."
Max? I turn, my jaw dropping. He marches past me. Chad looks offended. I shrug and follow Max.
"Dude!" I say when we're in the hallway. He looks mad, but also like he's gonna cry.
"Hey, it's okay. He's an idiot. Ignore him."
Max nods, but doesn't look convinced.
"C'mon." I say. We walk to my locker. I open it, and hand him one of the laffy taffy's I keep in there. Both of us love them
We sit aganist the lockers in silence.
"You okay?" I ask after a while.
He nods. "He's an idiot."
We're quiet again till the bell rings, about 30 seconds later.
We stand up.
"Can still come over later?" I ask him.
He nods. "Obviously. What did you think?"
Nice. He's okay.
"I've got to go. You'll be okay?" Doesn't hurt to check.
He rolls his eyes. "Yes, mom. Go. You'll get in more trouble."
"Okay. See you later." I say, walking towards the office.
Mom couldn't come pick me up, so I'm walking home.
It's fine. I'd rather walk for twenty minutes then be in an air conditioned car with my mom.
I'm looking through youtube for the spray paint video. Chad found it, so it's got to be somewhere.
I'm almost home. I'm walking through the neighborhood, when a
I keep walking, and when I get to my door, I get a message.
Max- Did you see the video yet?
I reply, saying I haven't.
You need to read the comments.
He sends a link to the video, and I press it as I open the door.
Nobody is home, so I go up to my room.
I sit at my desk chair and scroll through the comments.
That girl is awesome. Can you believe she got away with that?
I heard she's a middle schooler.
She's got mad skills.
How long did that take?
I think she goes to my school.
Isn't that Lola Plix?
No no no no no no no no no. Someone else thinks it's me. I keep reading. More and more people think it's me. This is bad. This is really bad. I could get arrested for this! I didn't even do this!
I look at how many views it's gotten.
How is that possible?
Suddenly I get a phone call. It's Max. I answer it.
"Are you okay?" He asks as soon as it connects.
I nod, then realize he can't see me. "Yeah. Just."
"Where are you right now?" He says.
"Ok, do you want me to come over?"
"What? No. You have one more class. Just come over after."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. Don't worry about me."
"It's fine."
"Alright, I'm gonna go. Meet you at my house?"
"See you later Lols."
He hangs up, and I bury my face in my pillows.
All week people are talking about the spray paint. I miss 3 days of school, so Max fills me in. Thursday, I get praise just walking through the hallway's. The cheerleaders were talking to me like they knew me. People kept inviting me to parties, and to sit by them. Of course, I didn't. None of them mention anything about Max, and if I go do stuff with other people, I'll lose my best friend. So, I decline everything. Honestly, being popular sucks. But maybe that's just me.
Max figured we should probaly figure out who it really is before the police get involved.
I still think it's my sister, but there's only one way to find out.
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I absolutely love this! The title matches the story so well. BTW, would you mind giving me some feedback on my story Their Choice?
Thank you! Sure, I'll check it out.
This was sooooooo awesome!, and was this supposed to have a sequel?, I canβt find one!, though that kinda adds to the awesomeness! XD
Thank you! I never got around to a sequel, I might, though.
If its the sister then I'm going to be mad
Hi! I got your story for the critique circle and I really liked it! The middle school drama is so relatable and I really like how the main character isn't into being popular, like me haha! My main issue with the plot is that a twin is pretty predictable and cliche, so in my opinion, I'd prefer something a little more original. There were also a few spelling and punctuation errors, so make sure to carefully read through it again to catch the mistakes! Besides that, well done!