Adventure Fiction Thriller

breeze blew lightly against her skin. It was a surprise as it’s been nothing but dry stale air for the last few days. Then suddenly it was like a hurricane was approaching. She only stood 5ft 3inches and all of 80 pounds. Just turned 14 years old and her first day of summer starts with winds so strong trees are collapsing around her. 

She just wants to make it to the creek it’s always been her safe space. But how can she make it there when this wind could easily knock her off her bike. She grasp her necklace it’s nothing fancy but it’s her favorite stone an Amythist shaped like a heart.  It was a gift from her grandmother. 

As she wraps her hands around the necklace her hand burns. She pulls her hand off the necklace and the bike crashes into the sidewalk. She falls and cracks her chin open. But she doesn’t even notice the pain or the blood dripping fast down her body. She’s searching for the stone that fell. 

The nurse from the nearby food processing plant walks out heading towards the burger joint across the street. As the nurse gets closer she realizes she knows this girl. Kat your bleeding we need to get you inside. Hurry come on we have to get the bleeding stopped. Kats not phased by the urgency of the nurse she just wants her stone for her necklace so the necklace can be fixed. 

I can’t leave yet I need to find the stone it’s gone. She cries my grandma gave it to me. I need to find it. The nurse realizes kats not coming with her until she’s found the stone. So the nurse starts helping her look. The blood continues to pour from kats chin. Suddenly she goes unconscious and falls to the ground hitting her head on the street. Blood now pouring from her head. The nurse yells for help. She can’t leave Kat or she will bleed out before she gets back from calling 911. 

Quickly thinking the nurse grabs kats backpack looking for anything she can use to stop the blood. A car approaches and the nurse waves them down. This girl needs help now please go call 911 and come back. The car hurriedly heads towards the payphone just about a block or two up the road and dials 911. The people in the red nova come back 911 is on the way they tell the nurse. 

While searching the back pack she found a few supplies and did makeshift bandages as best as she could. She made a pillow out of a jacket and put it under kats head. Shortly after she placed it under the girls head the ambulance pulled up. They loaded the girl onto the spinal board put a Cspine collar around her neck. And put oxygen on her. They loaded her up and headed to the nearest hospital about 2 miles away. 

The nurse ran into the processing plant and used her office phone to page kats dad. Immediately he reported to the office. The nurse informed him she had just sent his daughter to the hospital via 911. He clocked out and drove to the hospital. 

Upon arrival he was told his daughter lost a lot of blood and a transfusion was necessary. He gave the drs the okay to transfuse her. The wait seemed like it was eternal. Finally the drs appeared and informed him we were able to transfuse her. Her head has stitches and so does her chin. She had a few seizures on the operating table but she’s recovering now. We need to keep her here until she’s stable then we want to send her to Portland children’s hospital for further evaluation. We need to make sure there’s no permanent damage to her brain. 

Her dad agreed. They stayed for about 8 hours and then medics were called to transport to Portland Doerenbechers hospital. Once she’s loaded onto the ambulance her dad gets in his car and starts driving behind them. Lights flashing and sirens blaring they make the 45 mile drive in what seems like about an hour. Her dad watches them unload his babygirl and run her into the children’s hospital. He can’t run as fast as the medics but he stays as close to them as he can. They take her up to the picu. She’s admitted immediately. Her dad gets to her bedside as soon as he can. He sees her wrestling trying to break free. The restraint still in place to keep her head stable. He holds her hand and tells her she’s ok. You will be ok I’m here. Your not alone. Her body calms. He tells her if you can hear me please squeeze my finger. But nothing happens.

The monitors start beeping frantically. Her dad knows that sound all to well. He’s heard the tone of her flat lining before from seizing and recovering. God don’t take her now. Her life is just starting please don’t take her now. He pushes the alarm to page the staff. The code blue is called overhead and many people come rushing in. Her dad steps out of the room and falls to his knees praying his babygirl is not taken to soon. 

The doctors and nurses start cpr and do compressions for about 7 minutes when finally they call out she’s got a pulse. We got her she’s back. The doctor tells the nurse they can bring dad back in. The doctor tells dad we got her back this time. We will be nearby if you need help again don’t hesitate to push the call light. 

Her vitals return to a good range. Dad falls asleep holding his daughters hand. A few hours pass and her dad wakes up. But he’s in his bedroom back at their apartment. He sits up frantically and runs to his daughters room. She’s sleeping soundly in her bed. It was all just a nightmare. 

March 08, 2024 06:29

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Erin Lequay
02:10 Mar 14, 2024

Hi Katrina! I think this is a great story! It is captivating and you can feel the emotion and panic from when Kat lost her beloved stone. We see how important it is to Kat because she ignores her severe injuries in hopes of locating her prized possession. You see the Nurses compassion. I am by no means a professional, but some editing and sentence structure would really help the fluidity of your story. There are a lot of editing sites you can use that will help and also give you some ideas as well, but even then I also struggle with my o...


Katrina French
18:03 Mar 14, 2024

Thank you


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