The dragon princeπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆπŸ‰β€οΈ

Submitted into Contest #89 in response to: Start your story with a character taking a leap of faith.... view prompt


Gay Romance LGBTQ+

(This is a retelling of sleeping beauty, in my version)

"Adan wake up" came my mother's soft voice and my eyes flicker open to see her beautiful brunette hair tangled and greasy and I jump up and am instantly on edge. My mother, queen was always neat with her hair and never even left one hair out of place, she was the beauty of the kingdom and she took that on as a title of which she needed to fulfill. I grab her clammy hand and ask "mother, what is wrong? Is everything alright?" She looks me in the eye and says"It's max..he..he says if I don't agree to be his wife then he will..kill you" I nod, max is our enemy. He is in charge of the land of the civilized and common folk like us but we are unique, we have the magic to heal and grow plants, and we live along with the fairies, dragons, and trolls. My mother married a dragon king who used to be the ruler and my mom with her never-ending beauty and white feathered wings caught a king who could change back and forth. Max killed my father as soon as I was born and many nights my mother cried at my face who looked so much like his and my dragon wings, horns, and tail have the same black with a silver outline on my scales as my father's did.

"mother, we have to fight, it's a blind and reckless thing to do but it's what I have to do to save you" I reply but before she can answer I fly off through the window in this open castle corrupted with plants all around and glide towards the border. I stop dead in my tracks and my black hair covers my eyes for half of a second and when I wipe it away I see a brunette boy with almond eyes next to the max, he has his arms out to stop the guards and the bulky max. I hide behind the oak tree and tuck my wings in to listen, "get out of my way son, one day you will learn to love and this beautiful girl will be mine" Max's gruff voice threatened the boy and I stuffed a growl. The boy looks my age and the threat that is directed at him scars the boy but he holds his ground "brave" I say silently, and the boy breaks out into a growl "No, your not touching an innocent woman. Isn't killing her husband enough father?So you will have to go through me," Max went up to the boy and says "say nighty night mason."I fly over and push max down and pull the sword I made out of rock and wood, enchanted by the fairies to never break and to always hold. I point it at his neck but one of the guards knock me down and I kill two and cut a wound in max, the other guard runs and I turn toward the boy and he looks at me and for a second his eyes light up before Mary the  

guardian of fairies pours her sleeping powder on him and I run and catch him before his head crashes on a rock and growl out "Mary,he was trying to stop them!Save him!"Mary looks at me with dread and my wings cradle his cold body and in a squeaky voice, she says "I can't,he will sleep for all enternity.True loves kiss is the only thing that will break this spell, "I fly him up to the castle and lay him on my bed. His breathing is ragged but he keeps twitching and my mother runs in and asks "son,what is wrong?" I let out a cry and I reply "he was trying to stop max,mason tried to save you when Mary put a spell that can only be broken by true loves kiss."My mother saw my look of agony and she answered to the silent scream of my pain "you love him? You need to try," I leaned down and I pressed my lips against his cold ones and I could feel my wing start to open and then close again. For one second soft lips like velvet kissed me back and I made a low murmur and enjoyment filled my body. My head snapped back and mason with his almond eyes were on my emerald green ones and he asks "what happened? Where is max? He was coming toward here is the girl he was trying to kidnap the girl," I am surprised at how no fear lingers like the other humans and I reply to his worry "he is badly hurt and my mother, the woman he was trying to kidnap is safe. You were enchanted with a spell that can only be broken by a true love's kiss", he looks relived and  "you woke me?"A deep crimson colors his cheeks and I feel mine reddening and my stomach flips and I answer in a small voice "yes."He looks down and I turn to him and ask because my curiosity is burning "I did and you don't seem scared by my half-dragon appearance.Why do you not find me scary?"He looks and our eyes lock and he answers in a determined voice but shy "I don't find you scary, I find it the opposite actually and you are kind of um..."His voice breaks and he tries to hide his face but I don't want him to look away so I put my hand under his chin and tilt it up and I could see that his blush is deeper and At that moment his beauty screams and his almond eyes are perfect even when downcast. How did I miss his undying beauty up until he was in my arms and a weird sensation jerks me yelling to never let him out of my touch, he finally finds the courage and finishes "..Cute,I find you attractive really and not at all scary,I'm sorry I really should get home,thanks for saving me and thatnks for the kiss.It saved me so I will owe you and I have" I lean down and whisper gently "don't leave"ο»Ώ, he leans in and breaks the distance between us with an inch and an incline of his head and he kisses me once and says "I have to."He leaves and my silent tears run freely and My mom who just came back said "You have two choices and it's a leap of faith. Go or stay either way you will leave someone behind so just leap" and I do what she said, I let my heart lead me and I followed it to mason who was halfway from to the kingdom and I plop down next to him and he turns and I see a huge smile grow on his face and he pulls him close and lean down and let my wings wrap around him like my arms and kiss him and I know now that I have left my mother behind but I leaped when I took the chance of saving him, I leaped and trusted my heart to lead me and It leads me to mason.

The end.

April 14, 2021 17:19

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